Chapter XXIV: Chaotic

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My dreams were calm that night. I could bet on anything to say it was from a mixture of over stimulating and the extreme workout I had just been put through. My body was wrapped around Kol still in bed. My head on his bare chest as his arm was wrapped around me, his fingers tracing small shapes into my arm.

"You're awake." He spoke up, probably hearing my heart beat pick up slightly. I hummed softly in response, but kept my head on his chest. His heart beating, pumping blood through his system. My brows furrowed as I listened to his body working.

"You're technically dead, right?" I asked him. Interrupting the silence. Kol snorted as his hand movement paused.

"Is this leading up to some amazing compliment? About how I look so sexy for being dead?" Kol asked with a small fit of laughter. I rolled my eyes before rolling off of him and laying on my side to stare at him.

"I'm serious." I told him. Kol stopped laughing and sighed, nodding.

"I am, technically." He agreed, confused where I was taking this.

"Then how come your heart beats?" I asked, placing my hand on his chest. The soft thudding hitting my hand. Kol smiled, leaning closer to me.

"Because of you." He breathed in a low voice. My eyes met his, spotting his small smile. "The moment I met you- it began to beat for you."

"You are so cheesy!" I laughed, shoving him back before sitting up. Kol laughed with me before sitting up as I got out of bed.

"I was serious!" Kol whined as he tilted his head to the side some as his eyes trailed over my naked body. "What are you doing, Darlin'?"

"Hmm I was thinking of taking a bath. A relaxing- hot bath." I told him as I looked over my shoulder before walking to his bathroom. A breeze hit me before his arms picked me up and carried me into the bathroom completely. "Kol!"

"A bath sounds very relaxing. Allow me to run it for you." He told me. Leaving no room for arguing. He placed me on the counter of the sink before moving to turn the faucet on in the tub. I tilted my own head to the side as I let my eyes look at his butt. God, how did I luck out? "I can feel you staring." He muttered before looking back at me with a smirk. I looked away quickly as he stood up straight and walked over to me. "No, no. Please- stare away. This-" He walked over to me, grabbing my hand and placing it on his chest. "Is all yours."

I smiled at him before leaning over to press my lips to his. Kol stepped closer, moving to stand in between my legs as he kissed me back. His lips moving against mine and pulling at mine slowly. My hands left his chest, sliding around his neck as I pulled him closer to me. Kol placed his hands on my waist. He growled a bit into the kiss, his hands massaging my sides before moving his hands down.

I pulled back slightly causing Kol to whine at me. I smiled at him, leaning my forehead to his.

"The tub." I whispered. He looked at me confused. My eyes looking to behind him only for his eyes to widen and pull away from me. I let out a laugh as he ran over to turn the water off.

"Don't laugh at me, you're the one who distracted me." Kol huffed as he added some bubbles to the water. I shook my head at him before getting off the counter and turning to the mirror. Fixing my hair back and tying the silk scarf around my hair carefully before feeling Kol come up behind me. "You are so beautiful." He whispered before leaning into my neck and kissing me softly.

"Mmm You're just saying that because I'm naked." I told him, turning in his arms and smiling at him. Kol shook his head, kissing my lips softly.

"It's a perk- but you are always beautiful." Kol argued pecking my lips again before grabbing my hand and leading me to the tub. It was a large tub, big enough for the both of us. Not to mention it was a claw foot tub. It almost was like the tub from Big Fish. I couldn't help but admire it before holding Kol's hand to step into the tub. The water was so relaxing, warming my muscles as I slid into it. A small moan leaving my lips as I sat down. "God, that sound." Kol groaned before coming into the tub behind me.

"Kol?" I questioned as he sat behind me. His body pressing against mine. Kol let out a hum as he wrapped his arms around me. "Is it your blood pumping through you right now? Or is it the blood that changed you?" I questioned as I stroked his arm. "Or maybe it's the blood you feed off of." Kol froze in thought.

"Is that the kind of things you think about?" He asked with a laughter in his voice.

"What? It's a decent question." I pouted. Kol shook his head behind me, his lips pressing against my neck. Trailing open mouth kisses up my neck.

"That's probably a question for Elijah." Kol whispered as he kissed up my neck. His hand ran down my stomach. "But I'd rather you not think of my brother when I touch you." He breathed out before his fingers danced around my clit. My body relaxed against his as I closed my eyes. Kol nuzzled at my neck with his nose as he rubbed along my folds.

"Kol.." I moaned softly, my head sliding to rest on his shoulder. His lips turning into a slight smirk as he kissed along my neck.

"That's better." He whispered, his fingers sliding into me slowly. "Do it again." I smiled, turning my head to see him.

"Kol.." I moaned again before his lips came up to mine. I moaned into his mouth as he slid his fingers in and out of me slowly. His thumb moved upward, rubbing my clit slowly. It was like he was trying to build me up at the slowest pace possible. I whined at the speed he was going.

"I love the sounds you make." Kol groaned into my ear, sending a shiver of goosebumps through me. His fingers went deep into me before staying there, curling and flexing before pulling out. I grabbed his hand, losing the patience I had. "Darlin'?" I turned around in his arms, straddling him. Kol laughed as I slid him into me. Not giving him a moment to stop me. "So impatient." He groaned, his hands moving to my hips before circling around me.

Kol leaned forward capturing my lips with his as I grind against him. A groan leaving his lips as the water moved around us. His hands rubbed along my back. The passion in his kiss making me hum in happiness. That was something Kol always had. Every time he spoke to me, touched me, looked at me- I could see it. Feel it. I don't know if it was the bond or what- but I knew right then and there. I loved this man. But it was still too soon to say it...right?

My thoughts were interrupted as Kol groaned into my mouth, his tongue running along my lip before he moved his lips down along my jaw to my neck. I moaned as he sucked and kissed along my skin.

"Not in the tub." I panted out, he pulled back to look at me, confused. "You're messy when you feed." I teased him, causing a pout to pull at his lips.

"Mmm, what can I say?" Kol said as he grabbed my hips, pulling me up and lifting his hips into me. A long moan being dragged out of me at the feeling. Water in the tub moved, some going out of the tub. "I'm a bit chaotic." Kol groaned, leaning into my neck again and biting into my skin.

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