Chapter XXIX: Grey

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Elijah leaned down towards me, acting like he was going to kiss me, but his face went pass my face to my hair. His hand tightening slightly around my throat. His breath warming my ear before he his tongue darted out, dragging along the shell of my ear.

"I have just the punishment for you, my little mate." Elijah growled into my ear lowly. Shivers running through my spine. His hand left my throat before grabbing my thighs and lifting me up, with a flash- we left the kitchen.

My back hit the softness of the bed in a flop as Elijah throws me onto it. Before I could sit up, my hands were pushed up. I looked up to see Elijah was tying my hands to the headboard. His eyes on the rope and not me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, he looked down at me and shook his head.

"Punishing you. Isn't that what you wanted?" He asked, finishing the knot before flashing to the other side and tying my other hand up.

"I-" I stopped my thought process. I did ask for this...didn't I? Elijah looked down at me, a smirk on his lips. My stomach rolled at the look he was giving me. Clenching my thighs together as his eyes moved from my face to my legs, a smirk on his lips as he inhaled.

"If you ever want me to stop.. Just say the word Grey." Elijah told me firmly. "Say the word Grey and everything stops right then. Got it?" He questioned, his eyes looking up to my face again as I nod. He shook his head, his hand reaching out to my throat, stroking it. "When I ask you a question, I expect you to use your words."

"I understand." I spoke clearly. My thighs squeezed so tightly together.

"Good." Elijah smiled, pulling his hand back from my throat and walking away. My brows furrowed in confusion as I tried to sit up to see where he had went. He came back over before I could get anywhere though, his hands held a small object. My brows unfurrowed only to raise.

"I thought this was a punishment?" I questioned as I watched him place the vibrator on the bed. Elijah met my eyes, a smile teasing his lips.

"Shh." He shushed me. His hands reached down, pulling my robe open. Elijah's eyes turned dark as he scanned over my body.

He brought his eyes back up to mine before lifting his hand to show a silk scarf. I closed my eyes as he placed it over my eyesight- tying it securely around me. His hands left my face as my eyes tried to open, only to be met with darkness. Elijah's hands touched my hips, causing me to jump slightly in surprise before his hands pulled my underwear off.

I sat in anticipation as I felt nothing, heard nothing, saw nothing.

"What is your safe word?" Elijah's voice spoke up. I couldn't place where his voice had come from.

"Grey." I responded.

"Good." Elijah said. His voice seeming closer now. His hands trailed along my legs softly. Light as a feather, his fingers grazed along my skin before grabbing my calves and pushing my legs apart. His lips started to trail along the inner part of my leg. His lips warm and leading their way to my center before disappearing. A whine left my lips involuntarily causing a chuckle from him. His lips landed on my other leg, moving up again. The softness of his lips caused shivers to run through me.

When he reached towards my core this time he hovers over it. His heated breath fanning me as I try to lift myself towards him. A bit of desperation in my movements and sounds. I jerked slightly as his tongue lightly dragged up my folds. His tongue flat before his lips pulled at my clit. A moan parted my lips at the sensation before I heard the soft rumble of the vibrator right before it replaced his lips.

My body jolted upward in a mixture of surprise and pleasure. A squeal left my lips with my body as Elijah's tongue slid along my folds. My legs shook slightly at the pleasure he was giving me. His finger slid into me as his tongue and lips kept pulling at my folds. The vibrator rolling my bundle of nerves. I could feel the pleasure building up in me quickly. My walls flexing and expanding around him and right before my body was about to release it all, it stopped. His finger and mouth left me and the vibrator was pulled away from me. A whimper left my lips as I moved my hips around.

"Your punishment will be no release. I will keep bringing you to the brink before stopping." Elijah told me in a raspy breath. "And when I decide you've had enough, I will fuck you." I bit my lip at hearing him use a curse word. I don't think I had ever heard him cuss before. A smack to my thigh brought out a pleasure filled whimper from my lips. "Do you understand?"


"Yes what?" Elijah pushed, his hand rubbing where he had smacked.

"Yes, sir." Is it possible to hear a smirk? I swear I can hear his smirk without him even speaking. The vibrator was replaced, on full power on my clit within seconds. My lips parting in bliss. A scream left my lips as his tongue dragged along my folds before diving into me. My hips bucking up as I felt myself tightening around his tongue before he pulled back again. I was panting from the build up.

This went one for a few minutes. Elijah building me up to release, only to pull back. His assault with his tongue moved from my folds to my clit and then back again. By the time he had pulled back finally, I had tears rolling down my face from the need in me. Panting like I had just ran a mile, which for me would not be easy.

"You are being so good." Elijah whispered as his face appeared near my face. His lips pressing to my cheek. I could hear the sound of his pants being removed and the sound of fabric hitting the floor. The rope was loosened from my wrists along with the blindfold being removed before I was pulled from the bed. My legs were so wobbly from the need to release. Elijah's hand wrapped around my throat before I was shoved against a wall. My leg was lifted before wrapping around his waist before he slammed himself into me.

A scream left my lips before his lips connected with mine. His hand tightening around my throat slightly as he thrusted into me hard. Moans muffled against his lips as he slid his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance as he slammed into me fast. The build up in me wanting to snap, but every time my walls flexed around him, his hand tightened around my throat more. His lips pulled from mine.

"You are not allowed to finish." He spoke in a low growl, grunting as he kept thrusting into me. A whimper left my lips in need. My hands holding onto his shoulders as he thrusted, trying to keep my balance. My walls squeezing at him. Tears flooding my eyes.

"'Lijah-" I whimpered. I couldn't hold it. The tightening inside of me was becoming painful, my nails digging into his shoulder until warm blood was leaving the small cuts. Elijah stared into my eyes. His were nearly black in lust, veins moving down underneath them and his fangs extended.

"Now." Elijah said before his lips went to my neck and his fangs sliced their way into my skin. I moaned loudly as my core pulsed and squeezed around him.

His hips jerking forward as he was milked into me. He didn't stop as he pushed his orgasm further into me, drinking from my neck. Moans leaving my lips as my vision became dark in pleasure. My body spazzing in his hold. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. When Elijah pulled his fangs from my neck, he let the blood drip down my neck. His cock twitching inside of me before he pulled it out.

"I want you to sleep with my cum inside of you tonight. That way you remember your punishment." He breathed. I moaned at his words, nodding.

"I don't think I could forget this."

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