Chapter LXVIII: Turtle Club

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The more pregnant I get, the less sleep I'm getting. The baby is acting like an acrobat or something, flipping around and kicking the crap out of me. I somehow had found a way to sneak out of my bedroom tonight where I had left Nik alone. Finn was so mad that Nik took his spot in my bed. It was cute.

But here I was in the spare room of the house. On my back. On the floor. It started off as me imagining the nursery in this room. It was not the biggest room of the house, but it was definitely a good size for a baby's room. I could imagine the light grey walls with vines lining the room with flowers placed sporadically to add color. Stuffed animals piled up in a corner with a nice crib that the boys fought over to put together. A rocking chair with a foot rest. It would be simple. But elegant. Boy or girl.

I could definitely see it. But now I was stuck in the middle of this spare room. I heard the door open with a slight creak before Elijah stood over me. His head tilted to the side as he looked over my swollen belly and ankles and then to my face.

"What are you doing?" He questioned curiously.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm pretending to be a turtle." I joked. The smallest smile tugged at his lips as he knelt down to grab my hands, pulling me to my feet.

"Why were you on your back to begin with? Other than trying to be a turtle." Elijah actually seemed to be joking back at the end of his sentence which was a first. He never usually did that. Which made me wonder if he hadn't gone to bed yet.

"I was imagining the nursery and my feet are swollen, so I laid down." I shrugged.

"On the floor?"

"Well I don't see a bed or chair anywhere." I huffed as Elijah chuckled, pulling me to his chest and wrapping his arms around my waist. His lips pressing to my forehead.

"So you chose to lay on the floor like a turtle." Elijah clarified, nodding his head when his lips pulled from my head. I looked up at him with a small pout on my lips causing him to chuckle. "A beautiful turtle." I smiled, leaning up and kissing him on the lips quickly.

"A huge turtle. But thanks." I muttered before laying my head on his chest.

"You're not huge, you're pregnant." Elijah corrected, hugging me comfortably in his arms. "This is where you want the nursery?" He asked, changing the subject. I pulled away from him and glanced around.

"It's a nice place for it, don't you think?" Elijah looked around with me, nodding his head.

"It's close to our rooms and not close to the stairs. I like it." He agreed. I looked over at him, rolling my eyes slightly.

"And it's a nice room." Elijah let out a playful growl at my eye roll before poking my side gently and causing me to jerk slightly.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." I gave him a challenging stare, my brow raised and hand going to my hip.

"Not like you'll act on it. You're too afraid to punishment me." Elijah growled at me again before stepping incredibly close to me. His head tilting down to meet my gaze as his hand moved to my neck. Nearly like he was going to wrap his fingers around it to hold me in a dominate hold- but he changed his mind and ran the back of his fingers along the column of my neck instead.

"Don't test me, Octavia." He growled out before pulling back. I rolled my eyes behind his back before looking away. "I believe you are starting your nesting phase now." I looked back at him, a look of insult on my face.

"Just because I'm a siren, doesn't mean I'm a damn bird." I huffed in annoyance. Elijah shook his head.

"Despite the irony of it, it is a legitimate thing. Pregnant women nest near the middle to end of pregnancy in preparation of the baby." He explained. I nodded but sighed as I glanced around.

"I don't even have anything to 'nest' with." A smile pulled at Elijah's lips as he turned back to me again.

"Go get dressed. We're going out."


Today I decided to dress in stretchy jeans and a baggy sweater. My body was changing so often I had no idea what to wear most days. But right now, I was cold. And knowing I would be boiling halfway through the day, I had a bralette that I could wear in place of the sweater. As I was leaving my bedroom, I heard chatter downstairs. Girls. My eyes widen as I walked down the stairs and saw Caroline and Rebekah standing there talking to Elijah. Kieran was standing talking to Finn and Kol as Nik glared at him. He apparently still wasn't comfortable with his sister having a mate.

"Bitch!" Caroline exclaimed when she had seen me. "You could have told me you were PREGNANT!" She ran up to me and pulled me into her strong but skinny arms, hugging me. I was laughing as I hugged her back and traded off into Rebekah's arms next. Both blondes smiling and glancing at my swollen stomach occasionally. "God, I hope I stay beautiful and thin like you if I ever have children." Caroline spoke wishfully as she looked over my figure.

"Thin? Beautiful? Ugh, whatever. You probably won't even be able to tell you're pregnant when you're like seven months in." I scoffed. Rebekah laughed, rolling her eyes at us. "So why are you two here? Not that I'm not glad to see ya."

"Elijah called us. Apparently we are going shopping." I grinned, glancing over to Elijah who was smiling back at me.

"Yeah- we get to go to all the baby stores. Get some clothes and toys and-"

"Furniture, Caroline. Like a crib, changing table, the necessities." Nik chimed in, earning a harsh glare from the perky blonde.

"And clothes, Klaus. Can't have the baby running around naked all the time." She huffed.

"But we don't even know if it's a boy or girl yet." I muttered, furrowing my brows. Caroline looked over at me.

"Doesn't matter. Besides, you were the one to say no to the gender reveal apparently. Not that I would know since I was last to know of the pregnancy altogether." Caroline huffed, crossing her arms. "But we can get neutral clothing. Onesies and such. And honestly, we could get boy and girl stuff. Not like the guys can't afford to throw money at whatever you want."

"I think it'll be a girl." Bekah spoke up. A smile on her face. "You carry like it's a girl." I looked down at my belly, my hands running over the curve of it.

"I'm not too sure on that." I admitted. "I think Cletus will be a boy." I smiled at my belly, feeling the baby kick under my hands.

"Cletus? Oh, god. Please don't tell me that's the name you've chosen if it is a boy." Caroline and Rebekah both whined. Finn was smirking, shaking his head as Kol was laughing.

"No, it's what she calls the baby. Cletus the Fetus." Kol laughed. Caroline giggled as Rebekah smiled out a laugh. Kieran was losing it with Kol though.

"How clever. Shall we go then?"


A/N: Okay! So I need help!! Comment below names for the baby.

Boy Names:

Girl Names:

I'll pick my favorite in the end :)

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