Chapter XLVI: Challenging Filler

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I must have nodded off in Finn's arms after he took me a few more rounds. Something about wanting to push for a miracle child. When I tell you I snorted, I did. It's a known fact that Vampires can't have kids. And yet two of my mates want a child with me. I was beginning to worry that they were serious.

"Mmm, Princess?" I opened my eyes to a dark room that was incredibly warm.

"Hmm?" I hummed, snuggling further into his arms. His chest rumbled as he let out a chuckle into my hair.

"Your wings." Was all he said before I snapped my eyes back open and moved away from him. Golden wings pulling away from him as well. Finn reached out to pull me back to him. "Nooo, I didn't mean for you to pull away." He whined making me giggle as his face pushed into my neck. My wings moving back around him and blocking the light back out that was left on.

"Finn!!" I laughed as his lips started to kiss along my neck. He was moving so softly that it was tickling me slightly. The door slamming open caused us to both to jump slightly as my wings wrapped more around Finn.

"You two have been in here-" Kol's voice stopped as he let out a scream. I pulled away from Finn to look at Kol, only to see him looking away. I let out a loud snort when I realize Finn's naked ass was on display. "Oh, my god! Cover yourself!" Kol whined. I laughed as I grabbed the blanket and covered Finn and myself up.

"What do you want, Kol?" Finn asked as he tried to pull me back to him. Kol turned around looking at us with a huff.

"You can't hog her!" Kol whined as he stood in the doorway. I laughed as Finn hugged me closer. "Besides, she needs to eat something." His eyes looked to the plate of food that was untouched. "Since she hasn't ate all day."

"I don't know. I feel like I ate a bit." I joked causing Finn to nip at my neck in retaliation.

"That's gross. That's my brother." Kol grimaced at the thought before walking over to the side of the bed I was on. "If you don't get up, I'll have to get an ice bucket." Kol warned. I looked up at him and glared.

"You know I have more teeth than you now..." I told him as I felt my eyes flash at him along with a toothy smile. Kol paled for a second before smirking.

"I'd let you bite me any day, sweetheart. Now come on." Kol reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the bed. "Let's get some food into you." He told me as Finn whined at the now empty spot. My wings retracting back into my back. Kol pulled me out of the room and close the door.

"Kol- Kol!!" I laughed as he tried to pull me down the stairs. He stopped and looked at me. Confused. I looked at him.

"What?" Kol was honestly confused why I stopped him. My hands showing my body to him which was indeed naked. Kol looked down and then back at me. "I don't understand."

"I'm naked, Kol."

"And?" I let out a laugh at Kol not understanding why that was such a bad thing. "The only ones in the house is us. And we've all seen you naked." Kol stepped closer to me with a smirk. "Why not just embrace it?" His hands went to my bare hips before pulling me to him. My chest against him. "Or are you too scared? A- what is it that they say now? Chicken?" I looked at him with my mouth open in surprise before a laugh left my lips.

"Are you seriously calling me a chicken?" I asked him. His eyebrow lifting in a challenging way.  "And what do I get out of it?" I asked him as I placed my hand on his chest. Kol looked down, meeting my challenging gaze.

"What would you want? You know you could have anything." I bit my lip as I thought about something he could help me with. Leaning on my tip toes and whispering into his ear. Kol snorted before turning his face to mine, pressing a kiss to my lips. "I suppose I could do that. I've done a lot crazier of things." I smiled.

"Perfect. Let's go then." I told him as I made my way down the stairs. Making sure to shake my hips. Kol let out a growl before following me.

The moment I walked into the kitchen, the chatter quieted down. I could feel the eyes of my mates on me. Well Nik and Elijah since Finn was still in bed and Kol just walked in behind me.

"Why are you two always in the kitchen?" I questioned as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Apparently it brings entertainment." Nik muttered as he stared at my naked ass. I turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"So I'm an entertainer now?" I asked. My face and voice coming off as offended. Nik's eyes widened at me as he shook his head.

"Of course not. Well- Maybe for us." Kol let out an 'Oooooo' like they did in school when someone got called to the principals office. I walked over to him, kneeling in front of him as he sat in a chair. My hands on his thighs, rubbing them up and down. Nik's eyes flashed.

"Just remember, Niklaus... I will make you suffer." I told him before standing back up. Elijah came up behind me, dropping his suit jacket over my shoulders. "Thank you, Lijah." I smiled at him.

"Too distracting for Kol to cook for you. Don't need him cutting off a finger." Elijah joked. I snorted loudly, looking over at Kol to see he was glaring at his older brother. Finn came into the kitchen with a small frown on his face.

"You left me for these idiots?" He asked. I laughed before moving over to him. His arms moving around me tightly. "I don't know if I can sleep without the warmth of your wings around me anymore."

"You can't keep hogging her, brother." Kol huffed as he looked to be making some spaghetti. Thankfully, that didn't need any knives. "She is all of ours."

"I'm your property now?" I challenged him. Kol looked at me and smirked.

"Yes. Ours." My heart warmed as I smiled. This would probably be the only time I was okay with belonging to someone. I was theirs. Just as they were mine.

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