Chapter XLI: Monster

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I didn't sleep at all last night. Ending up leaving before Caroline even woke up. I needed my mates. As much as I was mad at them for keeping this from me- I wasn't ready to just not be around them. The sun wasn't even up yet as I drove back to the house.

You shouldn't go back.

I shook my head at the voice. Ever since I had completed the bond with Nik, the voice was louder in my head. I still hadn't mentioned it to them. I was afraid to. So many things going wrong. The Ancestors and then Mikael. Now what? Who else is after me?

Maybe your mates will put you out of misery?

I grimaced. No. Don't listen to the voice. Don't listen to the voice. Don't listen to the voice. I swallowed hard as I drove, turning the opposite way of the house. My mind telling me to go get a drink or something. It was a needed thing. I wanted to numb it. All of it.

You can't numb me. It won't work.

"I'm not trying to. But you are too loud." I complained out loud. My head was pounding.

But I have your attention now.

I shook my head at the voice as I drove. I didn't realize when I drove past the Mystic Grill that wasn't even open. My mind was focused on the voice.

You need to admit that those Vampires have done nothing for you but make your life awful. They are the reason your parents are dead. The reason your siblings never got to become adults. You lost your boyfriend and friends because of them.

"No. That isn't their fault- they couldn't help that. It's- They didn't do it." I mumbled, my head moving side to side as I tried to get the voice out of my head. "They have not done anything."

STOP LYING TO YOURSELF! Their enemies are the ones who killed your family. Your mom would be alive right now to help you learn of your linage instead of relying on the internet or her past friends.

"My mother would have died either way. I have my own enemies. If theirs didn't do it- then mine would have." I corrected the voice. I felt my foot become heavy against the gas pedal. I didn't acknowledge it though. I almost felt not in control. Was I sleeping? Did I go to sleep at Caroline's?

You are wrong. You keep making excuses for these- these MONSTERS! How could you side with them?? How can you forgive them for everything they have done?? Do you know that Niklaus and Elijah had known your mother? That they knew she would most likely die? That they have known what you were before YOU even knew about THEM?!

"Shut up." I whispered, shaking my head. My eyes closing to shut the voice out.

You are ignorant if you think they didn't do this to you. You are just as much a monster as they are. You deserve whatever comes at you. You deserve to die.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed, slamming my hand on the steering wheel.

Monster. Siren's are known to rip their victims apart. Limb by limb. Devour each organ as if it were candy. You are a monster. You deserve to die. You deserve to be removed from this world.

"No- no stop it. Please." I felt the tears sliding down my cheeks. Hot streams of salty water flowing off of my face and staining my shirt that I had stolen from Nik. "I- I didn't do anything wrong. I'm human."

You are a MONSTER.

"Pl-please-" I stopped my begging as I peeled my eyes open just as my car flew off a cliff. A scream rippling through my lips. My stomach trying to fight the gravity. Flipping and rolling. The car flipped in the air before colliding with the rocky side of the cliff. The windshield exploded when a branch broke through it. My eyes squeezing shut in fear as the roof dented in next.

I had no idea what was happening. I was dreaming, I had to be. This is all a dream.

I kept repeating my thoughts as the car hit a group of trees at the bottom of the cliff. My head throbbing as I felt warm liquid streaming down my forehead. I could feel my skin paling. The air was refusing to enter my lungs causing me to look around. I saw a piece of a tree penetrating through the car- right into my lung. Yup, that explains that. The pain wasn't their though. Makes me wonder if something was hitting my spine somewhere.

I might not be a doctor or nurse, but I did know a bit from the movies and show I'd watch with my mom. And Right now I knew I had to alert someone to where I was. This was obviously not a dream. My vision was blackening. Which meant I would pass out from blood loss- maybe shock? I don't know.

I reach down, cringing as I felt a pinch in my torso. Closing my eyes I tried to take a steady calming breath, but that was hard enough. I reached down and grabbed my phone from the middle console. Hitting the call button without seeing who it was calling. Took me a minute to get the phone to my shoulder to hold it to my ear. That was a lot more difficult than it should have been.

"Octavia?" The voice rang out, confused. Elijah. I let out a shaky broken breath which he could apparently hear. "What's wrong? Where are you? It's not even two in the morning." His voice moved quick to get words out. I could hear the movement of him getting out of bed. I suppose he and Kol were back home already.

"'Li-Lijah." I stammered. Hot tears flooding down my cheeks quickly.

"What happened?? Where are you?" He demanded. He seemed to be feeling my fear through the phone. The distance from us was making it so he didn't feel exactly what I felt- but enough.

"I- I don't know." I gasped as some of the pain filled my body. A burning feeling running through my torso causing a sob to rip through my throat. "I-I'm scared. I-I thought- it's not a dr-dream." I had no idea where I was. I was somewhere off a cliff in some trees. The car creaked a bit as it moved down the trees some. A scream leaving my lips.


"Elijah I'm so-sorry. I- I shouldn't ha-have left. I-" I stammered as the car teetered on a tree. My stomach had fear spreading throughout it. Ice and fire mixing together. Thats what fear felt like. A war between the elements.

"Shhh. Tell me where you are. You have done nothing wrong- just tell me where you are." Elijah almost seemed to be begging. Like he would do anything to know where to come get me. To save me. But we both knew that would not happen.

"Tr-trees- I- I don't know. The voice- I'm- I'm not a monster." I cried. I could feel my brain becoming fuzzy. I had no idea what was happening. I knew I was in trouble.

"No you're not. You're not a monster. You are a Princess- a Queen. Now tell me where you are, Kærasta." Elijah tried. I screamed as the car flipped further into the tree, now hanging upside down.

My phone left my ear and hit the roof of the dented up car. I wish I drove an SUV instead of this futurist small car. Maybe I would have been safer.

"Octavia!?!?" I could him shout into the phone before my world around me went dark and the car fell further into the trees. (Icelandic for Loved one/girlfriend. Said to the female as an endearment.)

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