Chapter LXXIV: Out of the Shadows

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I stared at Kol, my eyebrows furrowed. Did they not notice what I had noticed?

"They all had the same eyes." I muttered, looking back towards the office building.

"Well, brown eyes are extremely common.." Kol mentioned, confused on why I was so interested in the eyes. I stared at him confused before moving my eyes to Elijah, then Finn and finally Nik. All of which were looking at me like they didn't understand what I was talking about.

"What? No! They weren't brown- You didn't-" I stopped and ran my hand over my face, the feeling of being overwhelmed filling my body. "Am I going crazy?"

"What color were their eyes, love?" Nik questioned from next to Kol.

"Blue. It was like electricity was running through their eyes." I explained, the image of the blue eyes staring at me in my mind.

"Their? Who all had these eyes?" Elijah asked.

"Umm- Knealy, the technician.. phlebotomist and Greyson." I let out a scoff in agitation. "Basically everyone involved in my pregnancy."

"This can't be a coincidence." Finn chipped in. His eyes looking at me from the drive seat.

"Do you think it has something to do with her father?" Nik questioned. I tore my eyes from Finn as my mates discussed the possibility of my father being tied to the blue eyed people.

The feeling of being watched from afar pulled my attention, looking to the office building once more only to see a man standing there in a black suit. His skin darker than mine slightly as he stood in the shadows created by the awning. He stepped out slightly into the light a smirk on his lips before flashing his pearly white teeth in my direction. His eyes pulling my focus. Blue. Just like the others. He raised his hand and wiggled his fingers at me in a wave.

"Um-" I started, tearing my eyes from the man to look at the others. "Do you guys see-" I froze as I looked back to the man only to see he was gone.

"See what?" Kol asked, his eyes already looking where I was looking.

"I- nothing." I sighed, pulling my seatbelt on. "Can we get tacos on the way home?" I asked with a slight pout as I looked to Finn. Finn frowned for a second, looking at the office building before looking back to me. His frown tugging up into a small smile.

"Of course."


"This book says nothing about blue eyes." Kol muttered from his spot on the couch, closing the Demonology book that Elijah had. I was currently laid on the main couch, my feet on Nik's lap as he painted my toe nails a fierce red color. A bag of tacos on my lap as I devoured them on my own. Finn was in the kitchen making himself something since he didn't really want tacos.

"That's because it's not the only Demon book there is." Elijah announced as he entered the room from his study. Two books in hand. "There is more types out there." He walked over to Kol and handed him a book before moving to the chair to sit.

"Wait- this is just a book on Asmodeus." Kol mumbled, opening the book up.

"I have a theory that your father is either Asmodeus or Lucifer. Both have their own stories of being the king of hell." Elijah explained looking at me.

"You think my father is the king of hell?? What the hell gave you that idea?" I questioned, putting my dorito taco down in shock.

"Asmodeus is known for transformation and control. Using lust as his main weapon. He also has electrifying blue eyes that can never change." Elijah explained, showing me a picture of a creature with three heads and each of them having eyes that looked to hold lightening in them. Finn joined us as we talked, lifting me up some so I could be sat on his lap as he ate a burger.

"Thats it." I pointed to the eyes. My blood felt like it was running cold in my veins as I stared at them. Familiarity filling me. "Those are the eyes I've been seeing."

"The eyes are a dead give away. Its so he cannot hide from other demons." Kol read outloud from his book. "So that concludes that then, right? You're the daughter of Asmodeus. Demon of Lust."

"I prefer King of Hell. But I suppose lust is quite fitting." I sat up in my spot as the black man from earlier stood in the doorway. His blue eyes studying me as a wicked smile stretched along his face. "Hello Octavia. It's been a very long time." He greeted.

My mates shot up fast, Finn pulled me tightly to him as he stood up and held me protectively. Nik and Kol stood in front of us as Elijah stood more to the side, ready to attack if necessary.

"Oh, call off your guard dogs. I'm not here to hurt you." Asmodeus waved his hand in a bored way. Not even seeming threatened by my mates attack positions.

"How did you get in here?" Kol asked in a low growl. Obviously not enjoying the fact that it had seemed so easy for the man to enter their home.

"Really? You wonder that? You haven't any wards or runes to protect your home. How hard do you think it would be?" A puff of black smoke swirled around him before he disappeared. "Boo!" I pulled myself from Finn's arms, turning to see he was now behind us.

"What do you want?" I voiced my thoughts. Finn reached out for me, grabbing my hand to insure I was in safe distance.

"You, of course. My flesh and blood. Why else would I hang around a gynecologist?" He moved closer to us but paused as he grabbed the bag of tacos. "You don't mind, do you? Doctors eat nothing but healthy trash." He rolled his eyes before pulling a taco from the bag.

"I'm not coming with you." I told him. My voice full of confidence as my hand shook slightly in Finn's hand. Asmodeus chuckled before taking a bite of the taco, humming in delight at the delicious taco.

"Hmm that is truly delicious." He muttered before taking another bite. "And of course you're not coming with me. I wasn't planning on taking you."

"Then why are you here?" Elijah asked, stepping forward a bit. "Why now?" Asmodeus looked at my noble mate before finishing off the taco and licking his fingers.

"I'm here to introduce myself formally as her father. I was unable to track her down once my mate left-"

"My mother didn't leave you. She escaped you." I growled. "And you are Not my father. Just the unfortunate sperm donor." Finn pulled me back slightly, protectively. Asmodeus rolled his eyes with a frown on his face.

"I never held your mother prisoner. She left me. She took you from me. I never once threatened her life nor yours." He stated in a deep tone that was like putting it into stone. "She found out who I was truly and ran before I could explain."

"She didn't know what you were?" I voiced. Uncertainty clear in my voice.

"Of course not. She thought I was a simple Incubus. A random pest that claims to be a descendant to me." His eyes narrowed, showing his aggravation of the species. "We're completely different. They feed off of the sexual energy. I more so... use it to my advantage. I create the sexual energy. I am a King."

"Why would she think you were an Incubus?" I asked, stepping towards him slightly only to have Kol step in front of me. I don't know what it was, but I didn't feel threatened by this man.

"She just assumed it when I used my powers of persuasion to get her a present." He huffed. "And of course I didn't correct her. I didn't want to scare my soulmate off."

"Lot of help that did." Nik muttered under his breath, earning a glare from my father.

"So she found out who I truly was from my brother showing up and she left. Took my only child and abandoned me for some...mortal." Asmodeus showed his disgust of my adopted father clear on his face. "But since she died the little protective ward she had had placed on you was lifted."

"I wasn't chased down for having them as my mates... I was chased down by you!" I put the pieces together. The puzzle of my long trauma filled life falling into place.

"You placed a bounty on your daughter??" Kol scolded in disgust. "How pathetic."

"Might do you some good to not insult a King." Asmodeus hissed. "Now why don't we sit down and have a nice little chat? Father daughter bonding?"

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