Chapter LXX: Demon

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"Coming for you? What the hell does that even mean??" Kol growled out as he paced the hospital room. I was unfortunately admitted for twenty-four hours. Something about my blood pressure being way too high and being a sign of pre-eclampsia. Finn was crowding me in the hospital bed, his arms wrapped around me as if afraid I would just disappear into the darkness. Which at this point, felt like an option.

"Why were you alone in the first place?" Nik turned his glare to Elijah who had placed himself in the corner of the room. He seemed to be beating himself up over it already.

"Nik, not right now." I spoke up. My gaze pinning Nik in his place. But Nik only shot me a short glance before continuing to glare at Elijah.

"No. This wouldn't have happened if you didn't leave her alone. That was why you went. What the hell was so important-"

"Niklaus! Leave the room." I growled at him. Nik snapped his yellow angry eyes to me, a bit shocked at my outburst. "Now." He let out a low growl before walking out, his glare on Elijah as he did. Finn moved closer to me, if that was even possible.

"He is right, unfortunately. I shouldn't have left you." Elijah agreed with Nik. I looked at him, frowning.

"Stop that. I'm fine and nothing happened." I told him confidently.

"Nothing happened? The voice literally told you it was coming for you, meaning it's a person in your head." Kol mumbled. He was pacing still. "What if it's Mikael?" Kol questioned, pausing and turning to Finn and I. "Was the voice male? Did it seem familiar?"

"I-I don't know. I was kind of not in my right mind." Kol let out a sigh, walking over to me.

"Could be Esther." Finn mumbled, uncomfortable with speaking the name. I glanced up at him, furrowing my brows.

"It could be." Elijah agreed from his corner of solitude. "You said the voice wanted to get rid of the- the baby?" I nodded.

"Yeah. Kept calling Cletus a demon." I mumbled, my hand laying on my stomach before rubbing the bump gently. Kol and Elijah both looked at me as Finn pulled back to glance at me.

"Which it's not." Kol added, his eyes showing the urge to get me to say it. To agree with him instantly. But the slight hesitation I showed made him frown more. "Our child is not a demon, Octavia." Ouch. Full first name from Kol was like me saying Niklaus instead of Nik.

"I-I know- but-"

"Not buts. Our child is not a demon. No matter what it ends up coming out as." He pushed. Elijah stepped from his corner and took long strides to sit on the edge of the bed next to me.

"What's happening here, Octavia? Why are you seeming so unsure?" He questioned gently, reaching out and taking my hand.

"Cletus is not a demon. I know this- but what if.. I could be a demon..? Right? I mean, I don't even know what I am. What if I am actually a demon and that would make the baby one and-" I closed my eyes to take a deep breath, my hand squeezing Elijah's.

"Do you think your father was a demon?" Finn asked cautiously. He was sat up in the bed now, looking at me. Both Elijah and Finn sat on the foot of the bed as Kol stood to the side. His eyes holding sympathy for the mindset I was clearly in.

"Who's to say he wasn't? Or is. I don't even know if he's alive. Or knows about me." I let out a sigh as someone knocks on the door before entering. A man in a white lab coat and light blue scrubs coming into the room with a chart.

"Ms. Yorker is it?" Kol grumbled to himself at the question. He was upset I didn't put Mikaelson. But technically I wasn't a Mikaelson...right? None of them were married to me. If that was even a possibility with groups.

"Um, yes." I answered simply, causing the doctor to look up at me. He was an indian looking man. Lighter skin than mine and yet his eyes were a unique blue-grey a black circle surrounding them.

"I'm Doctor Knealy, taking over for Doctor Hayes

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"I'm Doctor Knealy, taking over for Doctor Hayes." He introduced. His blue eyes scanning over me before snapping to see my mates on high alert at the new man in the room. "It looks like we're going to need to keep you here for twenty-four hours, just to monitor you over night." He explained once his eyes had made it back to me. He really didn't seem all too phased by my mates glaring at him like he was their prey in a lions cage.

"Lovely." I huffed with a roll of my eyes. Dr. Knealy smiled at my fake enthusiasm, nodding his head.

"Yeah, it's not ideal I'm sure. But I would like to get an IV bag on you with some, what I like to call- chill pills. Completely safe for the baby and just helps bring your blood pressure back down." He explained further, the smile on his face growing as he glanced to my belly for just short of a minute. "You are all free to use the hospital cafeteria and order over the phone.But between you and me, I recommend just sending one of your guards out for food. The food here is...deadly." The corners of his lips jolted, like they wanted to turn into a smirk, but he had settled with the charming smile.

"Umm, yeah. I think my friend is already getting us all food. He mom had been here a few months ago and she hated the food." I joked. It was true, Caroline had run out to get us- more me than anyone else, a bag of greasy fast food to help relax me.

"Great! I'll be checking in later tonight. Don't worry if you fall asleep, I'll be silent as a mouse and just make sure your monitors are still running good." With that he left the room, not without glancing over Kol, Elijah and Finn once more. Once the door shut, Kol let out a growl.

"I did not like how he was looking at you." He growled out harshly.

"He's a doctor, Kol. Not Satan. Take a breath." I joked amusingly. Seeing Kol huff out a breath of annoyance.

"I wonder why Dr. Hayes isn't on your case anymore. He is the one who works with Dr. Greyson in the clinic, right?" Finn asked in thought. Elijah looked to be just in thought.

"You guys are acting like the doctor is going to kidnap and kill me or something." I mutter. Kol raised his eyebrows at me like a I was missing something.

"Are you forgetting about the voice? The voice that said, I'm coming for you??? Come on, sweetheart. This is serious." He urged. I sighed, shaking my head.

"I think it could be Mikael. Or maybe your mother? Hell, at this point it could be the Ancestors trying to tear me down, right?" Elijah let out a low breath, nodding.

"You're right. It could be. But it could also be a total stranger."

"Or your father?" Finn added in, meeting my gaze.

"My father? The one I didn't even know existed until a few weeks ago? The one I hadn't heard from either? Who probably doesn't even know about me? Yeah. Maybe." I mutter sarcastically. Elijah's gaze burned into the side of my head at my tone, but said nothing. "Besides, I don't even know who he is, let alone what. Or if he is even alive still." I jolted slightly as the door reopened to show Nik, Caroline- who had bags of greasy food in her arms- Rebekah and Kieran.

"Well, maybe it's about time you find out." Nik announced, holding up the old tattered leather book I had been avoiding.

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