Chapter LV: Again Pt 2

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Punishments. Being taught a lesson by doing something you either do not like or being tortured, those are my words. Tortured. Thats how I was feeling right now. My body spazzing out as I whined my way into my fifth orgasm. My lower stomach felt tight and ready to snap. I felt like I was about to go insane.

My eyes looked to Elijah as I let out a whimper towards him. His lips in a thin line as he watched me. The only words he had spoken were 'Again. Again. Again.' Not once has he gotten up from that chair. Nor has he made any attempt to touch me. He honestly didn't even seem bothered by this. Which only made me upset. But in a needy way. Does that even make sense?

"'Lijah- pleaaase." I pleaded with him as the dildo vibrated in my hand. I had pulled it away slightly as my whole core pulsed. Elijah raised his eyebrow at me.

"Again." He told me sternly. I shook my head.

"I-I can't-" I whined. Elijah stood up and stood next to the bed.

"Again." He repeated. I let out a shaky breath as the vibrator touched back to my clit. My back arching as my hips thrusted out. I don't know how I was even still able to reach a high at this point. But as my orgasm hit me, I could feel it was not just flooding out of me, but exploding out of me. A loud moan leaving my lips as I felt my toes curling and eyes rolling back. My heart was beating so hard I thought I would have a heart attack.


I gasped as I sat up, eyes wide open in confusion as I woke up. It was all a dream? I questioned my sanity at this moment. But when I looked around, I noticed Elijah laying in the bed next to me with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"You- Did you just-"

"Vampires have this neat trick of manipulating dreams and being in your mind." Elijah explained with that smirk on his face. I stared at him for a moment as I moved a bit, feeling how uncomfortably wet I was.

"You made me have a wet dream?" I questioned, blushing in utter embarrassment.

"Is it a wet dream if you actually orgasmed five times? Then yes. I suppose I did." Elijah accepted. "Consider it a viable punishment for snapping at me." He hummed.

"And what about the tea parties?" I questioned as I leaned over towards him. Elijah laid back on his back as I pushed my way on top of him. I wasn't allowing him to leave me after causing me to orgasm in my sleep countless times. "What happens in the dream land stays in the dream land?" I teased. Elijah smiled at me.

"So everything stays in dream land?" He repeated. His eyebrow raised as if making sure thats what I really meant. "Everything."

"I-" I blinked before sitting up on him. My legs straddled his waist. My brain reliving the dream before I froze up. "Well maybe- maybe not everything." I stammered as I thought about our little confessions.

"ég elska þig, Octavia." My stomach flipped at the words he spoke to me. Elijah sat up, his hands wrapping around me before he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. My lips twitched up into a small smile as he moved his lips against mine. Pulling me closer to him and causing me to grind against him as I scooted closer. A groan escaping the both of us. Elijah's hands moved to grip my hips to move me along him again. Creating the friction we both needed.

"Elijah-" I breathed out as his lips left mine to trail along my neck. He was being gentle. He was never gentle. It made me wonder why he was being this way. But I didn't question it. The way he was trailing his hand along my hip right now was loving. Sending goosebumps in its wake. A shiver ran down my spine as he trailed his fingers down my back. Light and feather like. His lips making love to my neck. "Tell me again." I pleaded in a soft breathy tone. My head rolling to the side as he dragged his smiled up my neck before pausing by my ear.

"ég elska þig." He breathed. His warm breath tickling my ear before his tongue darted out and dragged along the outer shell. A drawn out moan left my lips as the shivers followed him. His lips came back to mine, kissing me softly before looking at me. "ég elska þig." He repeated again a bit slower. His eyes stared into mine. Warm, like there was a fire within his dark brown eyes.

"I love you." I stated back before tilting my head back and kissing him. His lips moved with mine as his hands returned to my hips, moving them against him slowly. No matter how many times I orgasmed in my dream, I would never say no to one of my mates. My weakness- or my strength.

Elijah slid his hand between my legs, running his fingers along my folds before his finger slid into me. Causing me to gasp in pleasure against his lips. He slid his tongue into my mouth, exploring it like it was new territory. My hips jerked forward against his fingers. My hands holding onto his upper arms as I rode his fingers. Something he was enjoying since he was groaning against my lips with my moans.

"Elijah-" I whimpered as his free hand grabbed my hip and stopped my movements. His fingers pulled out of me, leaving me empty for only a second before I felt something replacing them. A gaspy moan leaving my lips at the new intrusion. Elijah groaned at the way I was squeezing him tightly. His hands both held my hips, holding me in place before thrusting his hips up into me.

A moan left my lips at the feeling. The warmth that had already been building inside of me spread as he thrusted into me one...two...his fingers digging into my hip carefully. Like he was trying to be gentle on purpose. My hands moved from his arms before making their way to the back of his neck. Guiding him back to my lips. Our lips moved in sync. Like it was the only tether we had to the real world. Like a life line.

Groans left Elijah as I felt his thrusts get harder, deeper. It felt like there was a knot in my throat from the moans getting stuck in my throat. His thrusts got faster- putting a bit of his vampire speed into it and taking my breath completely away. I felt like we were teenagers embracing the passion while we could.

My walls began to squeeze him tighter, pulling him into me. I was literally trying to milk him for everything he could give me at that moment. Elijah pulled his lips back, a bit shocked. His thrusts only momentarily pausing before continuing as his eyes darkened. My siren fangs had apparently popped out and sliced his lip involuntarily. The small drop of blood moved to drip down his lip before I leaned forward and caught it with my tongue swiftly. Groaning, Elijah tilted his head to the side. Giving me complete access to his neck.

I didn't even hesitate before leaning into the crook of his neck and slicing into his skin with my teeth. His hips jutted up into me as I felt my own orgasm ripping through me. My jaw tightening around his neck as his blood flowed into my mouth and my orgasm flowed around his cock.

The thought of him not biting me did run through my mind, but it didn't last as his blood overran my senses along with my high. Moaning against his throat. It didn't matter that it was muffled, it was still extremely loud. Elijah rolled up into me once more before he hit his mark. Heat filling me as our highs mixed together. His hands tightening on my hips carefully as he seemed to be restraining himself.

Elijah held us like that as we calmed back down. My fangs retracting themselves. A sigh leaving my lips as he hugged me close to him.

"What's wrong?" He questioned, probably because of my sigh. I pulled back from him slightly. Not even bothered by the fact that he was still inside of me before I spoke.

"What was that? You've never restrained yourself- and you did." Elijah stared into my eyes before the words left his lips, causing my heart to pound and head to feel light. How-

"You're pregnant."

Who do you think is the Baby Daddy?





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