Chapter XXVIII: Intruder

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I hung out with Bekah and Caroline for a while before Rebekah brought me home. But when we were getting out of the car, we heard crashing inside. I looked over at Rebekah who looked unamused before we both went inside. Nik had a man by the throat up against the wall with a stake in his hand.

"NIK!" Rebekah shouted before flashing over to him and throwing him away from the man. Nik jumped back up but I stepped up to him, my hand on his chest.

"What is going on??" I asked as Nik growled at the man.

"This guy just shows up acting all cocky and making himself at home." Nik growled. I looked back at the guy. He did look to be cocky, but seeing how Rebekah helped him up and was dusting him off, I knew who he was.

"Down puppy." I told Nik in a low tone. Nik looked to me and snapped back to look at the guy again. "Nik." I warned. He huffed in annoyance and nodded. I turned to the man and Bekah. "Kieran, right?" I asked, hearing a growl from behind me. The man nodded, smiling.

"Kieran Healy

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"Kieran Healy. I had thought Beks would have told her brothers I was coming, but I suppose not." He explained. His voice thick in an Irish accent. I smiled at him in a friendly way.

"Well, my name is Octavia Yorker." I introduced, holding my hand out to him. Nik was in a growling mess. Kieran looked behind me as he shook my hand.

"Ah, you must be the mate of this feral creature." He muttered. I laughed, nodding.

"Him and the other three of the creatures." Nik huffed behind me, causing us to laugh.

"Wait- This is your mate, Rebekah?" Nik questioned, looking at his sister. Bekah nodded slowly.

"He is my mate. So you will respect this." Bekah told her brother. A glare pointed towards him before Kieran went back to her side and wrapped his arm around her. I turned to see Nik flashing his yellow eyes at him.

"Nik, enough." I told him. Nik sighed before stepping to my side.

"Bekah has a soulmate? Shocking." Kol said as he came down the steps with Elijah and Finn. I was curious if they had just listened from up stairs this whole time instead of coming down to help. Kol stepped near us, his eyes looking at the Irish man.

"Kieran Healy." Kieran introduced himself before holding his hand up to Kol, Finn and Elijah. Kol snorted.

"Dear god, you got yourself a Leprechaun." Kol let out a slight giggle that reminded me of that bad guy on Twilight- Aro I think. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at his imitation. Especially since this was not a laughing moment.

"Kol." I sighed, shaking my head. Bekah glared at him as Kieran let out a short laugh.

"Beks told me about you. Kol Mikaelson, right?" Kieran questioned. He had a smirk on his face as he glanced to Bekah. "You are the chaotic one who kills for fun, right?" Kol smirked.

"Awwh you talking about your favorite brother, Bekah?" Kol gushed. I rolled my eyes at his teasing, not noticing how Elijah was watching me.

"Finn Mikaelson." Finn introduced before walking over to my side. "And I am not just a creature." He growled at me. I laughed trying to play off the blush on my cheeks.

"I don't know. You seem like a creature to me." I winked playfully. He chuckled, shaking his head at my playfulness.

"So that must make you Elijah?" Kieran questioned, his eyes looking at Elijah. He snapped his eyes from me to Kieran, nodding.

"It's a pleasure. I'm sure you will treat our sister with the respect she deserves?" Elijah questioned him, not shaking his hand.

"Of course." Kieran assured before leaning back to mutter to Bekah. "You weren't kidding, he is noble sounding." He turned his eyes to me. "You have your hands full I see." He grinned. I laughed, nodding.


Kieran and Bekah ended up leaving to stay in a nice hotel just outside of town. Kieran was planning to take her to a nice restaurant not far from their hotel. It was now nearing midnight and I had been in bed up til now. I was hungry. Starving even. So I tiptoed out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen. No one was awake that I could tell.

So here I was, creeping into the kitchen in a silk robe and my underwear. I was probably getting too comfortable in this house. The cold floor felt nice on my feet as I made my way to the fridge, opening it and searching for a snack of some sort.

"Octavia?" I jumped, nearly falling to the floor when I hear the voice. Pulling my head from the fridge and looking up at Eliajh. He stood in suit slacks and an unbuttoned dark blue dress shirt. My eyes fell at where his chest peeked from the opening of the

"Elijah? What are you doing up? Did I wake you up?" I threw the questions at him before he stepped towards me.

"I was in the study, reading." He clarified. "Although, the fact that you could sneak into the kitchen in the middle of the night in a house of Vampires is a bit comical." He said, causing a small blush to rush across my cheeks.

"I didn't think about that." I admitted. Elijah chuckled, stepping to stand in front of me. "What were you reading? Were you secretly reading the Webster Dictionary?" I teased him. Elijah reached around, shutting the fridge door behind me before placing his hands on my hips.

"Actually, I was reading Fifty Shades of Grey." He admitted. My eyes widen a bit. "You mentioned the film and I saw the book set when I went to the book store up the street. Thought I'd see what you were talking about."

"And?" I questioned, looking up into his brown eyes. They were slightly dark, a bit of want floating in his eyes.

"Are you sure you'd want me to be your Christian Grey?" He asked, his head tilted slightly in curiosity. "Do you wish for me to punish you for your child-like ways?"

"I am not childish." I huffed. Elijah laughed, shaking his head.

"Of course not. You weren't childish when you rolled your eyes multiple times earlier today." He leaned closer to me with a slight smirk. "I should punish you for that." I swallowed visibly at his words as I felt my heart flutter at the thought. Elijah moved his hand from my hip and slid it up to the base of my throat. Backing me up a bit until my back hit the fridge. Elijah tilted his head down slightly. His heated gaze staring down at me.

"How are you going to punish me?" I asked, my voice coming out breathy and shaky with excitement. A smirk spread across Elijah's lips.

"You'll see."



Colin O'Donoghue as Kieran Healy

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