Chapter LXXI: Run

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The moonlight came into the hospital room window lighting the room up in it's pure light. I had been reading through my mothers journal all day with Finn next to me. Nik and Kol were sat on the makeshift bed for a visitor, while Elijah was in a chair. Rebekah, Kieran and Caroline had left a while ago when visiting hours ended.

So far in the journal there hadn't been any mention of my actual father- only mentions of her pregnancy with me which weren't that informative. The only thing that seemed to be unnatural was the hunger that she spoke of. Apparent my mother had gone on murder sprees a few times when she was pregnant. And there was a small note of how my father had encouraged it and gone with her.

"So your father had to know of you." Nik had decided. I nodded as I looked over the pages in a slow skim.

"Which means he probably left me on purpose." I sighed. Finn scooted closer to me, his arm around me pulling me closer. Elijah stood up and took the book from me as I cuddled closer to Finn. My eyes were burning. It was stupid. A man who wanted nothing to do with me is making me tear up. A soft knock on the door caused me to glance up as Dr. Knealy entered the room, pausing as he saw us all awake still.

"Oh, I- you're all awake. Night owls are we?" He grinned before moving to the side of my bed where I was.

"Just a long night." I smiled slightly at him. He grabbed my wrist, checking the IV sight. His hands were like fire. How could someone have skin that hot? "I thought Doctors all had cold hands?" I mumbled, pursing my lips.

"I am always rubbing my hands together to prevent that." Knealy laughed as he seemed to look at the marks on my wrist. The four triangles that started all of this. I cleared my throat, pulling away. "Neat tattoo. What's it mean?" He questioned as he moved to check the IV bag that was nearly empty.


"It's a Harry Potter Reference." Finn spoke up. I looked over to Finn for a split second before nodding.

"Yeah- the houses and such. Big nerd." I laughed. Knealy laughed before nodding.

"I get it. The books are really good." He agreed before turning to look at me. "Seems like everything is good in here. I'll let you all get comfy for sleep. Should I get an extra cot or something? I don't know how many we can fit in here but- I am sure we can figure something out. There is a spare room next door as well, if that helps-"

"We're fine. Thank you." Kol interrupted. His glare was deep on the doctor. Knealy looked at Kol before nodding, seeming completely unfazed by the glare of the psycho vampire.

"Very well. Let me know if you change your mind." With that he left the room and I turned my gaze to Kol.

"Seriously what the hell, Kol? He's been nothing but nice to us." I huffed at my mate. Kol rolled his eyes at me displaying his annoyance.

"You seriously have someone after you, Vee and you are the most trusting person there is." I raised my brows at him as he let out a huff before glaring at the door.

"Yeah, real trusting." I mumbled. I went to explain how trusting I was when I didn't want to even meet them, but Elijah stopped me with his furrowed brows and his pause in his pacing. The notebook in his hands under the moonlight as he was reading.

"Octavia.. Did you make it to the last page yet?" He asked, glancing up slightly.

"Um- no, not yet. Why?" I sat up some causing a noise of disagreement from Finn.

"Theres a letter to you from your mother." Elijah walked over to me, handing me the notebook where it was opened to a whole other letter in it. My eyes looked over the letter- it looked to have been written before I was even a year old. The ink was smudge and the page had small stains of possibly tears.

Dear Octavia,

My daughter. Oh jeez, I cannot believe I have a daughter. You're the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. You're sleeping in your car set right now as we rest at a gas station.

Gods, you deserve so much, my love. And I fear I cannot offer you it all.

You see, you've been blessed to such a tragic life of running. Your father- an unbearable creature...he will never let us go. I know this. But I had to get you out. I had to protect you from him.

He was so different in the beginning. Protective and loving. My soulmate. The cursive rose on my wrist surrounded by a lovely yellow glow.. All a sign of death. Destruction.

Octavia.. I don't know if you're reading this because of me being gone or if you only find this by mistake... but please. Run. Don't let this man take you from me. He will ruin you. Hold you captive.

He comes off as protective and caring- but it's all a lie. If you ever meet him, I hope- I pray you won't fall for his act.

Don't stop running, my sweet child.

I love you so very much..

I stared down at the letter, the letter that my mother wrote me when I was still in a car seat.

"She was warning me.." I whispered a bit confused and a bit scared. I hadn't felt afraid since I had first gotten to this town. Nik crinkled his eyebrows.

"She didn't even tell you what he is or who he is? No name?" I shook my head to his questioning. Elijah took the book from my loose grip on it.

"I'll look back through it. Maybe she hints something." He assured. I nodded slightly as Finn sits up and wraps his arms around me. His hands pressing against my swollen stomach.

"This is why I think we should just go home." Kol announced. He was standing in front of the window. His eyes showing he was uncomfortable. "Anyone could be here to take you."

"You're acting more paranoid than Nik, Kol." I joked before smiling. "That'd be a good name for the baby, wouldn't it? Nikol? Hmm." Nik smiled over at me from his spot on the makeshift bed.

"Or a dog, perhaps?" Finn joked in amusement. "Niko?" I laughed, turning my head slightly before his lips caught mine slyly. Kol let out a sound of annoyance.

"You have a man after you that you have no idea who is or what is and here you are laughing and kissing." Kol snapped. "Not to mention the voice in your head!" I stared at Kol before nodding.

"Fine. Let's go then?" I stood up from the bed and began to remove the IV needle. Kol stared at me shocked.

"Really?" He questioned, like he couldn't believe I was siding with him.

"Yeah. If you don't want to be here- if you don't trust this, then let's go." He smiled before running up to me and hugging me.

"Thank you." He whispered.

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