Chapter XVI: Control

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After we had finished eating Elijah had decided it was time for us to head back to the hotel. The feeling in my stomach was so tight that it nearly hurt. The fact that he kept edging me towards a finish and then cutting it off right before- it drove me crazy. I wanted to jump his bones. Was that his plan? He did say he was preparing me. What the hell does that even mean?

Elijah was quiet the ride back to the hotel. Probably planning. He seemed to be deep in thought.

"Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson!" The doorman greeted as we got out of the car. Elijah helped me out. We left the bags in the car since they were mostly just gifts for the others. Elijah placed his hand on my lower back, guiding me to the elevator. He seemed to be in a bit of a hurry. Like he needed to be alone with me. Once the elevator door closed, he turned towards me. His eyes dark in color, veins popping out under his eyes.

"Your scent has been driving me insane." Elijah admitted as he flashed to me, pushing me against the elevator wall. We were heading towards the top floor which would take a few minutes since this was a tall hotel. Elijah pressed his nose against my neck, inhaling sharply. "So addictive." He pressed a kiss to my neck, his fangs poking at my vein dangerously. My eyes closing before a moan left my lips. His hands grabbed ahold of my hips as he pressed against me. "I need you, Octavia."

Elijah moved his hand from my hip, his fingers pulling at the hem of my pants. In a flash I was moved, my front facing the wall and my ass pressing against Elijah's front. I turn my face to the side some as Elijah pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Can I have you, Octavia?" He asked into my ear. I nodded quickly, but he just hummed. "Use your voice." He responded, his fingers pressing right above my core.

"Elijah.. please-"

"Please what?" I let out a shaky breath as his fingers moved further down. My lips parting with a small gasp.

"Touch me." I breathed out. Elijah smirked against my neck as his fingers moved further. I leaned into the elevator wall as his finger rubbed my clit. My breathing was already coming out in shaky gasps. All those times he had brought me close to a finish and now having him touching me- I almost cried with need. Elijah slowly moved his finger to my folds, a moan leaving my lips. I pushed back against him, feeling his hardness against me as his finger entered me slowly, curling.

Elijah growled lowly as grinded myself against him. His hand that was not in me, gripped my hip, pushing me to lean more against the wall than him. He added a finger, sliding into me and out at a steady pace before the elevator began to ding. His hand pulled out of my pants before he pulled away from me. Facing forward, I turned to look at him as his fingers went into his mouth. Like he was savoring the taste. The elevator dinged open as he glanced over at me.

"You coming, Octavia?" He questioned as he adjusted his cuffs. I closed my eyes for a second, letting out a sigh.

"Not really." I mumbled as I opened my eyes and walked out of the elevator with him. Not missing the small smirk and shake of his head. I waited at the penthouse door for him as he walked over to me and unlocked the door. The urge to complete the bond was overwhelming to say the least. I stepped into the room as Elijah held the door open for me. I heard the door close before a breeze hit me. Elijah standing in front of me before grabbing me and kissing me.

He pulled at my tank top, hearing a ripping sound of the fabric as it fell from my body. I didn't even care that I had really liked that top. My hands pushing his jacket off before I grabbed the front of his shirt, surprising even him when I pulled it open. Buttons flying across the room as Elijah pulled away for a moment to look at me.

"Was that revenge for ripping your top?" He questioned in a breathy low tone. His eyebrow raised. I smirked up at him, shrugging.

"You can always get another one." I hummed before pulling him back down to my lips. Elijah chuckled against my lips as his hands went from my shoulders to my sides, squeezing playfully. My hands went to his chest, feeling the ridges of muscle he had. Were all of the Mikaelson's carved from clay to perfection? It seemed so at least.

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