Chapter LIII: Therapy

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Therapy. That is exactly what I saw when I woke up this morning and made my way to the old beat up car that Elijah had gotten me. The night before played out simply. Elijah used a wet rag to get the blood off of me before placing me in a nice hot bath. Nothing sexual happened, which was a relief since I was barely able to keep my eyes open.

He washed my hair and body, allowing his fingers to massage into my skin in such a relaxing way- I didn't recall the moment he took me out of the tub and dressed me before placing me in bed. I was basically passed out.

When I woke up, my bed was empty and there was no sounds in the house. I can only assume they all went out somewhere. But I have no idea where.

Which is why I am now on a scooter on my back, messing around with the underneath of the car. It hurt how little care whoever owned this before took. The whole underneath needed to be replaced and mended from how rusty it got. I was so thankful for my father in this moment. Being able to fix a car was something not a lot of people could do on their own.


I was underneath the car maybe an hour- before I felt someone grab my ankles and pull me out. A small squeal left my lips before I saw Elijah standing over me with a stern stare.

"You didn't wait for me?" He questioned as I sat up and he helped me stand up. My eyebrows furrowed as he handed me a silk towel.

"You wanted me to? I didn't think you were the type to know how to fix up a car." I shrugged and used the small silk fabric to wipe my hands. Elijah frowned at me.

"The type? And what- pray tell is my type?" I stared at him for a moment, rolling my shoulders a bit from the stiffness of being on my back for an hour.

"I don't know." I mumbled. An idea perching itself in my mind as a small smile tugged on my lips. "The reading type, I suppose. Tea Parties and books. A real Alice in Wonderland type." I told him. The way his eyebrow rose at the words I said made me feel all tingly inside. I was already going to be punished for yesterday, might as well make it memorable.

"Tea parties?" Elijah questioned, as if giving me the opportunity to take it back. I wasn't going to.

"Oh don't tell me with your age you never had tea with the Queen or something. Maybe a Princess of a far off land?" I teased with my smile turning more into a smirk.

"That was more Niklaus' type." Elijah informed causing a small snort to leave me. "And what is so amusing about that?" He asked as he stepped towards me, in almost a threatening way.

"I took Nik as the type to know how to fix up a car." I told him simply. "I suppose I got the brothers mixed up." Elijah reached up, his fingers lightly gliding along my cheek before his thumb took the place and swiped along the smudge of oil on me.

"You're teasing is going to only end in you being punished, Elskan." Elijah whispered down to me. His fingers moving to grab my chin and forcing me to look at him. My eyebrows scrunched together at the word.

"Elksan... What does that mean?" I asked him as I kept my eyes on his. Elijah's lips tugged upwards slightly. A hint of amusement on his face.

"Elskan. It's a Viking endearment.. My love...or my darling." My stomach warmed at the idea of the endearment.

"Viking, huh?" I asked as I smiled at him. "And how do you say.. I love you in Viking?" I questioned slowly. An innocent look on my face as I looked up at him. Elijah narrowed his eyes slightly as a small glimmer of something flickered in his eyes. An emotion I knew I returned.

"Ég elska þig." I stared up at him as the foreign sounding words left his lips. It was hot hearing his voice speak a language I didn't know. Elijah stared down at me. His eyes scanning over my face as he tried to read me.

"Do you?" I questioned. My eyes looking hopeful. Elijah leaned down, his lips meeting mine in a slow and gentle kiss. My eyes close as I embraced the warm tingling feeling he was sending through me. "Do you love me, Elijah?" I repeated once our lips parted.

"I do." Elijah assured, his thumb brushing over my bottom lip as his eyes kept looking to my lips and back to my eyes. "And you? Do you love me?" He asked as his eyes settled on my eyes once more. My stomach seemed to flip as my heart beat harder and faster.

"I do." I breathed with a smile. "I love you, Elijah." His lips flexed into a faint worthy smile before he leaned back down and melted our lips together. Moving together as his hand released my chin and went to my back, pulling me close to him. I let out a small giggle before pulling my lips from his. My hands on his chest. "Careful, 'Lijah. Might dirty your suit." Elijah narrowed his eyes down at me before letting out a small deep growl. His face leaning down to my neck before his lips brushed along my earlobe.

"Careful, Octavia." He growled lowly into my ear. Sending shivers down my spine as his hands gripped at my hips and pulled me into him once more. A gasp leaving my lips when I felt his bulge pressing against me. I could feel the excitement spreading through me as his next words entered my ear. Excitement that spreading down my spine and in my core. Feeling a build of heat flooding my core. My lips parted and eyes meeting his heated ones. Desire and love in them.

"I think it's time you've learned your lesson."

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