Chapter 32 || Dora ARRC

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'Ring Ring'

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'Ring Ring'. 'Ring Ring'.

The ringing of a phone, woke Ruthira up from her beautiful dream. She stretched her hand to the table with her eyes closed.

She answered the call and placed it on her ears. "Happy birthday beta"! "Thank you, good night", Ruthira mumbled, continuing her sleep. "Aaru"?

Her eyes snapped opened. She took the phone from her ear and saw the contact 'ma'. It was Rudra's phone. Fuck, she thought ending the call.

"Rudra... Rudra wake up", she tried pushing away Rudra, who slept on her chest. "Wake up", she screamed in his ears. He snored in return.

"UGH", Ruthira groaned, trying to push his head away from her. "Rudra you're heavy, move", she whined. *snores* "Deivamey", she fake cried.
(Oh God)

"Vera vali illa", she picked up the jug of water and poured it on him, wetting herself in the process. "WHAT THE FUCK", Rudra screamed, alarmed.
(There's no other way)

He saw her laughing, "was it your job"? "Isn't it obvious that when a mountain is sleeping on you in oblivion to its surrounding, you have to use any way you can to move it", she answered, crossing her arms over her head.

"You called me a mountain", Rudra jumped on her. "Stop! HAHAHA", Ruthira laughed when he tickled her tummy. "Stop, Ma- Ma called and- I answered", she said inbetween her heavy breaths. "What do you mean"?

"I'm sorry okay but I was sleepy and this was ringing. She wished you happy birthday and I replied thank you, good night", she did not look into his eyes. "I think there's more to it", Rudra lifted her chin.

"She found out it was me! She was like Aaru with an invisible question mark, so I just hung up", fiddling with her fingers, she pouted.

"Ruthira", Rudra face palmed. "Next time check who it is before picking up". "Maybe next time pick up your phone yourself", she pushed him and when to the bathroom.

"I didn't even ask her to answer", he told himself, scratching the back of his head. Picking up his phone, he dialed his mother.

Maitra: Hello.

Rudra: Ma, you called.

Maitra: Haan beta, happy birthday.

Rudra: Thank you, Ma.

Maitra: Is Aaru there? She picked up the call just now?

Rudra: Oh ya, she- she came in the morning.

Maitra: In the morning? What time?

Rudra: Around 9.

Maitra: But she sounded like she was sleeping.

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