Chapter 74 || Pizza

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Nilav's face turned red in anger as he glared at his Kaka

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Nilav's face turned red in anger as he glared at his Kaka. "My wife, I will hug, I will kiss. What's your problem", Rudra chuckled. "No wife! My wife! She promise marry me when I older", Nilav spoke in his language, clinging to Ruthira.

"No laugh", he screamed to stop everyone from laughing. But his demand only made them increase their laughter. "Kaki, say no laugh. Nilav cry"!

"Oh cry then", Esha poked her tongue out. "Cry baby, Nilav", Mohit teased. "WAAH! WAAH"! "Ohhh, don't cry", Ruthira chuckled, carrying him in her arms.

"Cry cry cry", Esha chanted together with Mohit. "Stop it both of you", Pooja smacked their heads. "Hush hush. Kaki will marry you, okay", Ruthira rocked Nilav.

"Promise", he held his pinky out. "Promise", she linked her pinky with his. "Oh Bhai, your wife's no longer only your wife. You got to share her", Yeshna smirked.

Nilav snuggled into Ruthira's chest and sucked his thumb. "No", she pulled his finger out. "Aluuu"! "Here comes the other one", Rudra mumbled softly but the rest heard it either way.

"Poor dude, everyone's after your wife", Rahul chuckled. "Butter, don't jump buddy", Rudra held him by his collar. "Aluuu, howgy", he ran around her.

"Rudra, he's hungry. Can you give him the fruit snack, he just ate an hour ago". Rudra nodded and carried Butter to the kitchen. "He's asleep, I'll put him in bed", Kiaan took Nilav from Ruthira's arm.

Shortly, everyone had their meal and were satisfied with it. Everyone blessed Nidra one more time before leaving the house.


Ruthira and Rudra could feel many eyes on them as they walked with Nidra. "Neel, who's this", Rashi asked. "Nidra, our daughter". Rashi gasped looking at the two month old baby.

She looked at Ruthira and lingered her gaze on Ruthira's tummy. "How? You were pregnant and didn't tell us. But you had no bump"?

"She's premature", Ruthira lied and tried walking away with Rudra. "Huh? Premature? But she looks quite big for a new born". "Yeah she's two months now, she was in the hospital", Rudra caught up with Ruthira's lie.

"Ohh, but bump", Rashi raised an eyebrow. "Some people don't show throughout their pregnancy, aunty. Now please excuse us, we are tired", Rudra faked a smile and walked holding his wife's hand.

"I didn't want her to know that Nidra's adopted. She'll make sure everyone treat my daughter like an outcast", Ruthira mumbled. "I didn't ask for an explanation bachaa. I understand", he kissed her head.

When Ruthira opened the door, she took Nidra and went in. Rudra took Butter's shoes off and let him in. "Shall we order Pizza", Ruthira asked undraping her saree.

"There's so much more we can do instead of ordering pizza", Rudra huskily said removing his kurta. "Like", she whispered removing her jimikkis.

"Like doing a pizza from scratch, there's the readymade dough", he mumbled pulling the pleats out from her inner skirt. "Oh", she moaned softly when Rudra ran his fingers across her bare waist.

"Come", he whispered in her ears sensuously while picking up the baby monitor from the dressing table. Holding her hand, he pulled her along.

Once they reached the kitchen, he pulled out the dough from the fridge and placed it on the counter. "Knead it", he mumbled, spreading the cling wrap on the counter.

Ruthira opened the can and dropped the dough on the counter which was covered with cling wrap. "It's readymade, there's no need to knead it", she added.

"Just do as I say". She nodded and washed her hands in the sink before handling the dough. As she rolled the dough, he pulled the string off and unhooked her blouse.

"What are y-", he cut her off by placing his finger on her lips. "You are kneading it wrongly", he slipped his hands under her unhooked bra.

"Rudra", she gasped throwing her head back. "This is how you knead", Rudra smirked squishing her boobs together. "Do it", he ordered. Though it was hard for her, she managed to roll out the dough.

"Pop the air bubbles like this", he tugged on her nipples. "Ouch", Ruthira moaned in pain. "Hurry". She popped each visible air bubble. "Good job".

Rudra moved to the fridge and took the tomato sauce out. "Spread it", he passed the bottle to her. She took it with a shaky breath. Taking a ladle, Ruthira spreaded the sauce. "Like this", he rubbed his cold hands on her waist.

"Ugh", she whimpered increasing her grip on the ladle. "Yes, good girl", he sucked on her earlobe. "Add the cheese", Rudra pulled the inner skirt up to her waist.

"Fuck", Ruthira whispered when he slipped his hand inside her panty. "Add more", he mumbled, thrusting his finger. "Rudra please, faster"!

"I want more bacon strips on the pizza". "Rudra please", she held his hand and leaned against his shoulders. "Do my pizza first", his tone was cold.

Ruthira quickly dumped the chicken bacon on the pizza dough. Gently but hurriedly, she transferred the dough to the pan and placed it in the oven.

After adjusting the temperature and time, she turned towards Rudra and smacked her lips on his. Clutching his hair, she pulled him closer as she slipped her tongue into his mouth.

"Ugh", Rudra moaned squeezing her ass. He pulled out from the kiss and made Ruthira bend against the counter. Pulling her panty down together with his remaining clothes, he showered her back with multiple bites.

"AHHH", she screamed when he entered her from the back. "Relax", he pulled her head back by her hair. "Faster", Ruthira whined holding the edge of the counter tightly.

"Gladly", Rudra increased his pace making her reach her climax. "Fuck Ruthira", he groaned releasing himself inside her. After calming their breaths, he pulled out.

"You okay"? Ruthira nodded bending down to take the clothes from the floor when he beat her to it. "So cute", he chuckled, picking her hot pink undies.

"Don't judge, it's comfortable". "Didn't say anything", he mumbled.


This is so good. We should do it again", Ruthira declared, taking a huge bite of the freshly baked pizza. Both of them had showered an hour ago. Ruthira had fed Nidra who was now back to sleeping.

"We can do it again", Rudra smirked. "I meant just the pizza"! He shrugged, drinking the wine. "Slowly", he pulled out some fries from her mouth when she stuffed a whole chunk of it.

"Rudra don't! That's how you eat fries"! Rudra rolled his eyes eating the fries in his hands. "Ruthira, do you think we will be the best parents Nidra could ever get"? She cupped his face and pecked his forehead,

"We will".

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Author's Note

10K!!!! Thank you all for 10K reads. ❤️🤧😚


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