Chapter 57 || Cimmerian

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Brinda gasped and cowered back while the rest stood numb

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Brinda gasped and cowered back while the rest stood numb. "Miscarriage matlab". "Miscarriage, Ma. We lost our baby", Rudra chuckled.

"What wrong did we ever do", Brinda cried. Soon she was joined by Maitra. "Aaru, how's she", Mohanraj asked Andrea.

"Yogini aunty must be so happy", Rudra snickered. "Don't talk like that", Shaswat hugged him. "There's nothing wrong in crying, cry! Don't keep it within yourself".

Rudra ignored him and continued staring at the wall. "Neel", Abhijeet came and hugged him. "Why are you here, don't tell me you brought Yeshna", Rudra muttered. "No, I didn't. She's at work now", Rudra nodded.


"I bought coffee for everyone", Madavh said while passing around the coffee. It had been about 20 minutes since the surgery started. Maitra took the cup from Madavh and walked towards Rudra.

"Drink this please. You have been sitting there the whole time staring at the wall". Rudra continued staring at the wall. "For Aaru". He turned and looked at his mother with tears at the bay of his eyes.

Nodding, he took the cup with shaky hands and gulped in a go. "It's hot, Neel. Why would you do that, it must have been painful". "Then how much of pain will my Ruthira being going through now".

"Mr Roy Chowdhury". Rudra immediately stood up and rushed to the doctor. "The procedure has been completed. Mrs Roy Chowdhury is fine. She'll be up in an hour".

"M- my baby"? "Since the fetus was only 18 weeks, we can't register the death. However if you want the fetus for your own cremation we will handle it over, if not we will dispose it as a clinal waste. Stay strong".

Soon after the doctor left, the nurse came out holding a towel. "Sir, do you want the fetus or can we dispose it". Rudra cried and stretched his hands out.

"It's a girl sir", the nurse said sympathetically, placing the baby on his hand. "Your wife is being shifted to the normal ward". Rudra sat on the bench and opened the towel. Brinda hugged Mohanraj and wailed.

"She's a girl, our daughter. She for sure would have looked like her beautiful mother. I love you, Bunny. You know your mother was saying how you'll call her Amma first and how she will be the first one to carry you.

But look, I'm carrying you. We are sorry, that you had to leave us this soon. We are sorry. Please come back to Appa and Amma soon. We will always love you".

Rudra kissed the 19 week old fetus which was half the size of his palm. "Doesn't my daughter look so beautiful", Rudra bit his lips to prevent himself from breaking down.

Maitra and Shaswat took a peek at the towel and immediately took the towel from him. "Our first grand child will always have a special place", Maitra weeped.

Everyone looked at the baby and mourned. "Ruthira, she must have woken up", Rudra mumbled and ran to the room. As he opened the door, he saw an tired Ruthira staring back at him.

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