Chapter 33 || Fiancée

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In the evening, Rudra together with Ruthira went over to Maitra and Shaswat's house to celebrate Rudra's birthday

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In the evening, Rudra together with Ruthira went over to Maitra and Shaswat's house to celebrate Rudra's birthday. Usually it will just be Maitra, Shaswat, Yeshna and Abhijeet. This time Ruthira and her parents were able to join. It was a small celebration and after a gift exchange, everyone left.

Ruthira eventually reported Vinod to the HR after the phone conversation they had, a day after Rudra's birthday.

Vinod: Aaruthira you didn't come over! I had cooked so much food for you!

Ruthira: I had already told you I'm not interested, didn't you get the hint.

Vinod: No! Come over now at this instant!

Ruthira: Go fuck yourself!

She ended the call and immediately sent an email to her HR despite the time being midnight. Action was taken the following day and Vinod was fired.


Maitra, Shaswat, Yeshna and Rudra were at Ruthira's house to fix an auspicious date for the engagement. Rudra was restlessly waiting for Ruthira to come out but she was still inside the kitchen.

"When will she come out", he whispered to Maitra. "Be patient", Maitra mumbled softly. On hearing the bells of Ruthira's anklets, Rudra snapped his head up to catch a glimpse of her.

Beautiful, he thought in his mind without moving his eyes from her. Ruthira could feel his heated gaze and avoided looking at him. When she forwarded everyone their coffee, her heart started beating so nervously.

Rudra forwarded his hand to take the cup when he was stopped. "Not that. It's the tumbler", Ruthira mumbled, allowing herself to drown in his eyes. "Is there any difference"? "I made this with extra love", she whispered.

"Beta", Maitra looked at him with an 'hurry' expression before turning it into a fake laughter. Ruthira picked up the tumbler and passed it to him. Taking full use of the opportunity, Rudra grabbed her whole hand in pretence of taking the cup.

Ruthira glared at him before moving away to stand beside her mother. While the priest was helping them find a good date, both of them continued their romance through their eyes.

"So, do you know how to cook", Shaswat asked, faking arrogance. Everyone chuckled while Ruthira answered, "ji". "Hmmm, what can you cook"? "Anything you want. If I don't know, I'll learn".

"Can you sing"? "Ji", she mumbled softly like a shy bride. "Sing a song. I need to see if my Bouma has a melodious voice". Ruthira laughed, "what song".
(Daughter in Law)

When Shaswat replied anything, she sang a few lines of Gayathri mantra. "I reject this girl. Who sings god songs. Nah nah! This won't work. The articulation is very wrong".

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