Seventy Six

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Eris and I circle around each other, taunting each other's bravery. We were eager to see who would make the first move.

"Shame you don't have a weapon to make it an even match." She sneered, brandishing the sword of Elysium high with pride.

"Hmm. You're right" I pretend to think. "Now that you say it, I know of a weapon I can use to my advantage" I smile.

I aim for Eris's throat with my bright light of powers but she quickly ducks.


Another beam of light flashes but this time, it was from the violent palms of Eris. I duck just in time as her violet ray of light hits just above my head.

Good! She was falling right into my plan. I needed her to follow me to the gates where Tartarus lies. It was there I would have the upper advantage. No deity every escaped the harsh constraints of the chasm of Peligton. It was a place Aides had told me about upon asking him the most dangerous place of the underworld.

"Is that all?" I taunt her making her send another bolt of lighting to my face. The bolt nearly missed me.
Ouch! I felt the heat radiate against my ear as
That one was a little closer.
Come on Kore!

I gather my dress and run down the aisle. My feet connects with the door as I kick them open and start my trek to Tartarus.

"YOU CANT RUN AWAY FOREVER FLOWER GIRL!" Her voice booms across the hallways as her matching zaps coat the walls.

I hide behind a thick pillar, tracing the map to Tartarus in my head. There were only a few more hallways I had to venture through before I would meet its gates.

"Where are you!???" ZAP!

A vicious chunk of bricks crash near my feet as Eris hits the pillar I was hiding behind. She was getting closer and closer.

I take a deep breath in before finding the courage to run into the center of danger.

"There you are!" She chuckles before running after me and zapping.

"Is that it!" I taunt her as she misses again. I could see the gates of Tartarus just beyond the path.

Just as I run to open the gates, she hits me again but this time I taste blood.

She stands over my still body, chuckling as I look up at her. "That was a quick fight." She smiles, taking out her sword from her thigh.

"Don't scream. Aides hates screamers"She warns rather confidently. She lifted the sword above her head, eager to slice my throat but just as she moved her hands to drop the weapon into my neck, I rolled over, making her strike the gates of Tartarus instead.

A bright light of red shines from the gates before we are both transported into the pit of darkness.

The chasm of Peligton greets us both as we fall into the perimeter surrounding it. Below us was a complete abyss of darkness.
Whoever fell off the elevated cliff would be victim to the underworld's greatest danger.
Usually, fire could not harm a deity, but the fire in Peligton was unique.
This would be weapon. My advantage to end the goddess of mischief.

"You were so close! The kingdom
The power
The glory!
Until The little flower goddess had to mess it up" I taunt her.

She zaps her light of powers but I avoided it again. Living in the underworld had made me accustomed to the darkness. I felt an advantage having spent years here.

"Stop moving! So I can kill you!"

(Lol I feel like I'm writing a comic!)

Our blows we're deathly and then scene was in disarray.
Our blows were harsh. Some of them connecting to the other.
Our blood splattered on the ground as we fought to the death. There were no rules for a fight to the death.
Nothing was off limits.

Another around of fighting ensues but soon, my weakness shined through. I was getting tired. My feet slowed and my hits were becoming sloppy.

As I jump to avoid another one of her blows, I slip and roll into the stone pavement. Pain. It was all I felt as it soared against my spine.

Eris starts her cackles before she grabs my neck. Her fingers dig into my throat and she lifts me until I'm dangling on the tips of my toes. She hovers my body over the crackling fire beneath me.

"Awww. Isn't this a pathetic sight?" She frowns.
She slams her hand into my ribs and I wince. The pain ripples across my chest.

Come on, Kore. I thought to myself. I couldn't loose. Not like this.


I lock my eyes on the curve of her face and jab my palm beneath her chin.

"Ouch!!!" She reels back, releasing her grip. Just as I was about to fall, I grab the edge of the platform, pulling myself up.

I could see her weakness through the darknesss. Although she hid it well, her hits were becoming strained.

She charges her palm and shoots her violet light to hit me.

"Sloppy" I taunt her. She zapped again but this time she missed.

"Missed again!" I chuckle pridefully. I run again, making her chase me through each place but she misses every time.
Good. I would tire her out before trying to get the sword.

She sends one final zap but this time, I was a step ahead. As she runs and lunges to zap me, I pull the sword of Elesium from her thigh, tripping her and letting her fall to the ground.

Looks like I had finally gained the upper hand.

"Do it." She forces a smile against her plump lips. Her black pupils pierced into mine, taunting me; tempting me to do it.

"I know you won't do it Kore" she whispers through a taunting smirk. I watch her features carefully, contemplating if she was right.
I had never killed a soul let alone a deity.

She sat up, watching me before pressing the end of the sword against her heart.
"Do it." She smiles, staring into my eyes.

She had made it so easy. All I had to do was push it against her heart. It was a easy feat.

So why couldn't I bring myself to do it?

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