Forty Five

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We took the boat to the darkest edge of the underworld. Carefully, she stepped onto the dock, grabbing my palm to balance. "Aides...where are you taking me" she muttered, looping her arm into mine.

"You will see soon" I informed her through a heavy breath. Before we continued past the gates, I pulled a vial of the pomegranate juice I had concocted and held it up to her face.

She smirked coyly as I took a swig of the mead. Once I finished, I pushed it against her lips, forcing her to drink the rest.  "I am not thirsty" she snapped, turning her head away to look to the floor.

"Drink it."

"No" she fumed. I gripped her neck, gently caressing the nape of the neck. "You don't trust me wife?" I coaxed her for a confession.

"You still have not told me where you are taking me" she spat, challenging my secrecy. I sighed and pulled her into my arms. I needed to be more patient with Kore. She was one to react to everything.

"You are going to need it for what's soon to come" I warned her, pulling her lips into mine, " I am taking you to earth" I finally admitted.

"Earth!" she grinned. She looked excited about visiting the place she once called home.

"Remember the fruit you ate when you first came here? It bound you to this realm forever, but this potion lifts the curse, but only for a little while." ( REMEMBER THIS)

She nodded, taking the clear vial into her hands and tilted her head back to consume until no drop was left. Her godlike sheen instantly disappeared and she looked up to me to nod.

I took her hand into mine and we both climbed the dimly lit pathway until we reached the last step. A frightened gasp quickly  escaped her lips as I opened the barrier that separated earth and the underworld.

Dead bodies filled the pastures that once held life while decayed bones and famined fields of crops attacked her sight.

"What is.....where are we?"

"It is the place you once called home Kore" I hinted.

"No... no..." she shook her head in denial.

"Your mother has turned it into a wasteland of death. It has been like this for 2 years." I informed her. A frosty cloak of snow blanketed the distant fields.

"No Aides...she cannot do that. She would never do this! She is the godess of life and fertility! She brings life not destroys it!" she shouts in disbelief.

"Your mother did this Kore..."

"She is not my mother....she is a monster! A monster did this" she began to cry, resting her head into my arms. I placed soft kisses against her scalp as she sobbed at the scene. "What about Zues! Surely he could stop this!"

"Zues is not in charge of the earth realm. Even the most powerful god cannot deal with matters pertaining to earth...." I admitted. She shook her head in protest and broke from my arms.

"Take me back!" she whispered in denial, " I want to go back home" she fumed, turning to retreat back to the underworld.

"Kore..." I held her wrist, halting her departure.

"Would you stop that with all this Kore! I am not Kore anymore. I am Persephone! Queen of the Underworld! I have no business here." she protested.

"Kore...the only way your mother will restore earth is if you go back to live with her. You must leave our realm and stay here"

"What!" she fumed, waiting for my clarification.

"I spoke with her that night she came to visit. 6 months you would spend on earth and the other 6 months you would spend with me in the underworld"

"So all this time you've been scheming against me?" she frowned, taking in my features. Her eyes were filled with betrayal.

" are hurting, no matter how much you hate to admit it."

"I am not!" she turns her head away.

"YOU ARE! Don't you see? Your eyes..they hold no life and your night terrors? You cannot sleep for five minutes before you scream awake. Your conscience is heavy because of her"

"Aides...please...that is not the reason" she tried to defend herself. I walked past her and continue down to our realm. I was done arguing with her.

"Aides! Aides!" she called after me as I continued to ignore her. She grabbed my wrist and forced me to face her. "You have been commanding me to stay in your world. You took me away from my home and my family...from earth! But now, when I fall in love with you...when I refuse to leave from your side, that is when you send me away!" she seethed, forcing her tears to stay in their place.

Anger filled my soul as I heard her words. "Do you think I like be reminded?" I cursed.

"Why must you remind me Kore? You know I only grow angrier when I hear your truth." I snapped. The withered state of earth was not Demeter's fault. If I would have never taken her from the earth, her mother would have never caused this turmoil. But instead of admitting my fault, I challenged her.

"I must remind you to not raise your voice at me" I suggested; she had clearly forgotten her place.

"You keep pushing me away Aides and there is only so much my ego can take!" She pouted, poking a finger into my chest. I grabbed her chin and force her to stay in her place. "Remember who you speak too dear wife" I snap.

"I am speaking to Aides, king of the underworld. As your queen, my rightful place is with you. I want to stay with you Aides!" she commanded. "I will not be the savior for my mother's tragic tale" she promised. "You cannot make me go back, no matter how much you push me away. " she threatened, smiling at her pride.

"I can do whatever I want. I am the king"

"And I? Your queen" she retorts, challenging my authority.

"You dare challenge me?" I asked her beneath a lifted brow.

"It is time someone did" she fumed, turning to stand in my face. I couldn't believe what had transpired but respected her authority to challenge me. She rested a gentle palm against my neck and kissed it gently.

"You would rather let the mortals on earth suffer? You rather turn a blind eye on humanity than using your power to save them?" I asked. She shrugged and made her way down the steps that led to our realm.

She held up a finger to observe them in the fire, unmoved by my pleas. I knew this was not the Kore I grew to love. A change in her had been apparent.

"If my crime is loving you too much, so much that I refuse to leave your side, then punish me" she frowned, resting her lips against my neck. I grabbed her jaw and forced her to face my gaze. "Kore-"

"I am not going to earth and the only way you will make me is if you tie me up and drag me against my will. And I know you will not do that...well not to me." she kisses my cheek and paces to return to the boat.

I clutched my fist and punched the barrier beside me. She had consumed the potion I had given her so at least that part was done. Her loaded threat vibrated against my headspace as I looked at her figure in the distance.

"I am not going to earth and the only way you will make me is if you tie me up and drag me against my will."

If the time came and it was dire...I would do exactly that.

Author Note:
Sorry if this chapter didn't flow and was weird to read. But the next chapter! Yeee im excited to release!

someone 👀👀 an old friend makes an appearance! Can anyone guess whoooooooo? 🐍

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