Unwanted Lethal

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So um. Ya know those acts we have in history that tried to force remove a certain kind of people?

Thats whats happening here, except its not as aggressive. Those Lethal injections.  It's still cruel in my opinion, but it's fake.

Don't do this irl.

And they have a child in here for extra angst.

Tw: injections

"Aether? We need to talk."-Xiao

"Of course Xiao."-Aether

Aether turned off the TV so that he can hear his lover. Their baby, River, was trying to climb up on the couch to rest. The blond scooped up the little blondie and sat him next to his mother.

"Aether, five out of seven archons voted to remove Adepti from Tevayt. By force. They already got Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper. I fear for Ganyu and Cloud Retainer. And Shenhe, though she isnt an adeptus. They might kill an innocent person."-Xiao

"You're next. And River, he has adeptal powers. No, this cant happen! What will happen to him? He's only a month old! I cant lose you Xiao!"-Aether

"Its out of my control Aether. Morax and Barbatos said no, so the only safe place is the City of Freedom. They are searching Liyue for us. We have to go. Leave them nothing to find."-Xiao

"I can't. I cant have anymore losses. We will move to the teapot. Ill put River their now so we dont leave him."-Aether

Grabbing River, the blond teleported into his teapot and sat the little blond on the bed. The blond kissed the baby on his forehead, wishing him safe.

"Stay put my little seashell. I will be back. Please call out Papa's name if anything happens. I love you so much."-Aether

The baby giggled at his mother in agreement. After a month, the only word he could say was Xiao after many times that he heard his mother say it.


"Aether, they are here. Right downstairs. We have to leave."-Xiao

"I cant leave without something. Found it, lets go!"-Aether

He was looking for his travel backpack. It had his memories from home inside it, so he couldnt leave without it. Good thing they did, The Millelith came in soon after. One little delay and they wouldve died.



"Xiao, do you think we will be safe here?"-Aether

"This is our last hope. Mondstadt is too far away for us to make it in time. I dont know Mondstadt that well, so I cannot teleport us there."-Xiao

River started crying, making his parents worry. They ran into their room and see familar faces. Ganyu and Shenhe trying to calm the little one down.

" Traveler and Adeptus Xiao! So great to see you!"-Ganyu

" We come as bearer of bad news. They got Cloud Retainer. They imjected in her a poison to only kill people of Adeptus blood. At least we got to talk to her one last time."-Shenhe

"No. This cant be! You are joking!"-Aether

The blond cried on the floor with the baby in his arms, making the baby crying cause his mother was crying. Just yesterday was Cloud Retainer alive and conversing with Aether about how much Liyue was thirving. Now everyone he had gotten close to is going to die because archons love being more powerful than others. And his son, he's only a month old and bears Adeptal blood and powers. What will happen to him?

"Why? *hic* Why must the people I always get so close with die?"-Aether

"Get down!"-Ganyu

"They are here. We have to get to Mondstadt."-Shenhe

"I have to stay. I have to protect River."-Xiao

"Are you crazy?! I can't lose you either Xiao!"-Aether

"I must. I'm sorry my love."Xiao gave Aether one last kiss. He gave a kiss on the forehead to River. "Be strong you two. Please be safe."-Xiao

Xiao summoned his weapon, and nodded at Aether. They all bolted to the waypoint at the back of the house. Instead, Aether gave his son to Ganyu and bolted back inside.

"My job is to protect the land of Liyue. Now it's to protect those that need it."-Xiao

"XIAO! NO!"-Aether

In seconds Xiao was on the floor, restrained from moving. Someone was trying to inject him with some blue liquid. Once it was done, the men ran off to leave the teapot.

"Xiao! Why? You didn't have to."- Aether

"They wanted me. They got want they wanted. I'm sorry. Perhaps it's my time to rest."-Xiao

"We will get you to Mondstadt. We will find someone to cure you. Just hang tight okay?"-Aether


The group soon reached the big tree at Windrise. A bard was they, thinking about which bar would be good to hide in.


"Oh Traveler! How you been? Why are the Adepti here? Are they not checking here?"-Venti

"They're not, and it's about Xiao."-Aether

"Oh! Get him under the tree!"-Venti

The raven chuckled, then closed his eyes. Xiao was dead. He was poisoned. No pulse, no reaction, just a smile on his face. Like he was proud.

"It wasn't his time!  He left me alone in this world."- Aether

He cried. So much. Anything he do wouldn't bring back Xiao.  Aether cried rivers.

900 words

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