Worriedly Blues

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Soo uhh this is more angst. Because yes.

TW: Sewer Slide Attempt (I'm sorry)

The blond woke up to a white room with nothing but a few chairs, dressers on the wall, and a large window. Why was he here again? For what? This time, much more machines were attached to his arm. He noticed a sleeping raven next to him. Even after what he did, he still sticks around. He doesn't deserve him at all.

His name...why couldn't he remember his own name? Was something that he was supposed to remember?


Aether. That was his name. What a unlucky name it was.

"Xiao. Why are you here? You should be home with Venti or Alatus playing video games or something. Why waste your time on me?"-Aether

"Because...I missed you. I missed your warm hugs every day after work. I miss your cooking and how happy it always made others. I missed our late night talks about life and how we would ramble on for hours. *sniff* Why am I crying now?" Xiao let the tears flow freely.

Aether couldn't believe himself. How was he dating such a caring man? He cared more for Aether and his company then himself. He was just like the blond himself. Nonetheless, he hugged the crying boy.

"I'm sorry for making you worry. But I'm alright now. How long have I been asleep?"-Aether

"Two years."-Xiao

Two years of life missed. Huh. It didn't set right with him but he didn't know why. This felt like a dream. No one liked him, and no one ever will. He always had his own world, being the only one allowed is Lumine. Now she's gone. There's no point existing without her.

"I...oh forget it. There's no point anymore asking."-Aether

"Your eyes...what happened to those sweet creamy colored eyes? They look like a endless ocean of sadness covered in bland cream." Xiao held up Aether's chin. He looked dead. Like Childe's eyes. The endless sea runs through his eyes too. Like he seen everything life had to offer him.

"You missed Lumine. Don't you?"-Xiao

Aether cracked. He was angry and sad at the same time. No one mentions her name anymore. He cried, but no sobs came out. It was like a fountain was pouring out of his eyes. He did miss his sister. That's why he tried to kill himself.

"Aether! Come on, you have to cut my hair! Mom said so."-Lumine

"Do you think I can win a prize? No?! Why? Is it because of my arm? AND DEEZ NUTS IS NOT A GOOD EXCUSE."-Lumine

"Aether...why? Why did you do that? Please don't do it anymore."-Xiao

The raven was upset. Aether felt bad. He didn't want to make him upset. So he took more pills and shoved them in his mouth. When that didn't kill him, he cut himself to free bleed.


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not knowing sooner. I'll stay with you forever. I'll get less hours so we can stay in each other's company. But I promise to be there for you now."-Xiao

"I killed myself for Lumine. I just missed her that much. And I was being a burden. I'm sorry."-Aether

"Lumine? Aether, Lumine was found just a month ago with no injuries. It's fine if you want to see her. Here, I'll call her now" Xiao typed Lumine's number into his phone. It rang three times and a voice beeped from the phone.


Aether wanted to cry. But it would've been useless. So he just responded to her and answered all her questions. Xiao felt lonely. Like if Aether was in his own world again. This feeling hurt. He just told Aether he could keep the phone and left.

That feeling hurt like nothing else. He wanted to strangle himself. The blond never sounded that happy to him. Was he a extra comfort? The one to comfort him when Lumine isn't available? No, the blond loves him truly. But why has he never said once that he loves him?

Was this all a lie?

702 words

I am at the low point of my life rn. I am so scared for school this year and I hate it.

Hell why am I telling y'all this?

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