Busy Holiday

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Xiao comes back from work for Christmas. Featuring Apollo scared of the snow and Aria. Well, Aria.

Modern AU

"Do you like the snow?"-Aether


"Why not?" Apollo sniffled. His mother moved him closer to the snow so he could touch it.

"Can you say snow?"-Aether


Aether laughed a bit. It was rather cold and Apollo didn't like the snow because it was wet and weird looking to him. Aria was making snow angels and smiling. She had no school for the week, and she did all her homework.

The little blond perked up when she heard her little brother cry. Her mother tried to rock him to sleep. The crying soon subsided and he instead chirped like a small bird. It was a habit of his when he saw a bird. Aether caressed his cheek.

"Little bird. We'll get food soon. Aria, what do you want for dinner?"-Aether


"Okay. Let's put Apollo in a stroller and walk to McDonald's. I'll even let you play in the indoor playground."-Aether

Aria squealed. Aether carried her brother inside to get him into warmer clothes and some food. He changed his diaper and gave him a new puffy jacket.

Soon they were in the car and driving to McDonald's. Aria jamming to the Christmas music while Apollo slept the whole ride and woke up for food. Once they arrived, Aria went straight to the playground and left her father to tend to her brother. They soon ate and went home.


Once Aria went to sleep, Aether brought Apollo to his room and lit a candle. He stayed there and caressed his cheeks until he went to sleep as well. At least Apollo could've fell asleep not nibbling on his finger.

Aether closed the door gently and started to walking down the stairs. He sat down on the couch with his phone. He looked glumly at the unread messages from his husband.

Xiao 🟩🪀👹

When are you coming home?

Are you going to be home for Christmas?

Please come home.

I miss you a lot.
Delivered 2:29 pm

Today 7 :01 am

I'm sorry, I'm working Christmas Day and Eve. Tell the kids I said merry Christmas. I promise I'll make it up.

Yeah right. He'll just sleep on the couch again and worry. Just like he always does. Nothing new.

Aether laid down. He thought of only bad things and bad dreams came along. But he held in his tears. The blond went to sleep in tears. Why was he crying? This should've been a normal thing by now.

He woke up with a blanket around him. The tree was decorated, there was shrieking upstairs, and there were gifts underneath the tree. Was it Christmas already? It could've sworn he went to bed at December 18th, 7pm.

He decided to go upstairs and see what all the noise was about. As he walked up the stairs, he heard Aria scream Daddy. No. Xiao wasn't supposed to be here. He told him so.


Aether couldnt believe it. It really was Xiao. He could tell, Xiao always embraced people rather tiredly. But his hugs were warm. And there was nothing about it. His own kids even knew it. Aria looked up at her father while he started to tear up.

"Aether...Sorry to lie to you. I wanted to surprise you."-Xiao

The blond was soon in his arms and sobbing. His earring jingled with his movements and everyone stayed quiet. They listened to his sobs unintentionally.

Xiao rested his head on Aether's shoulders. He kissed his lover on the nose.

"Don't cry. Your face will be stained."-Xiao

Aether smiled and laughed. He still was crying. Aria gave her father a big hug. Apollo joined the hug, once again nibbling on his fingers.

"Merry Christmas Aeth."-Xiao

"Merry Christmas Xi."-Aether

Bye, I'm gonna make Christmas smut or something else.

659 words

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