In Health and Sickness

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I forgot a request ☹️

Aether was in the hospital for a hard blow to his head with a glass bottle. Side effects from that were a killer headache and a stuffy nose. Everything felt hot and sweaty, and most certainly painful. He still had school work to be finished since he still was in school. But now it was lazing away on his desk at home.

"Breathe Aeth. You're gonna be okay. I promise."-Xiao

" So...h-hot. I can't."-Aether

"You're getting weaker than I thought. Aether, please tell me you're alright."-Xiao

"I-Im fine. Oh!"-Aether

"Your forehead says otherwise. You're burning up."-Xiao

"It's my fault you are in here anyways. If I haven't let you go to that party..."-Xiao

"It w-was m-my fault for g-getting in the way."-Aether

Xiao was just chilling in his room when his lover bursted into his room to show him a flyer for a party. Hosted by the student council members. This seemed sketchy, but the raven said yes as long as he goes with him. They arrived at the party, already a bunch of drunk seniors hoarding the main event.

They went outside for some time alone. They laughed and drank soda. That was until Lumine screamed out in pain. Aether ran to the scene and saw a drunk student council member throwing bottles. That guy hurt 7 students, Aether being one of them. Because they were beneath him as he was their leader, he said. He was expelled from the school district the next Monday. The blond tried to protect the students, and got hurt really badly. Everyone there was capable of self defense, but they were scared that they would get expelled for hurting their upperclassmen.

"I-I don't like t-that guy. I-I'm sorry I-I was afraid."-Aether

"Stop apologizing. That guy was expelled. The school is safe. And save your breath, that's why you have a oxygen mask."-Xiao

Aether put his hand on Xiao's cheek and smiled. The blond was glad he was here for a while with such a caring boyfriend. He wished that he could marry him now.


One of his best friends, Venti, rushed in to apologize for that guy. He was in the student council and was at the party with him drinking Dandelion Wine.

"I-It's alright. I'm f-fine."-Aether

"No you're not. Your breathing is shaky. I can see your hand trembling. How badly did you get hurt?"-Venti

"I-It was on my head. F-Front and B-Back. H-How's Lumine? And Dainsleif?"-Aether

"They're doing fine. They are taking care of the company as well."-Venti

"Mmm. Tired."-Aether

"Oh don't sleep now. You still need to take your medication. I know you are still too weak to sit up, but I'll just leave it here for now so someone later could help. Or will you young men would help?"-Nurse

"We'll help. Actually, that's the emo's job to assist his man."-Venti

"Your damn right. Because you dig your fingernails in his skin."-Xiao

Aether chuckled weakly as he knew they were going to start arguing. Things never change.

My sanity is draining my ability to play roblos.

551 words

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