Shark Attack!

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blame my mom for this idea. She's obessed with shows like Shark Week.

It may look like angst, but it's not.  Actually trust me.

Aether finally got better and wanted to go to the beach. It was his birthday tommorrow, so they all complied and said yes. Lumine took the adopted kids Aria and Apollo into the car with headphones on. Xiao was driving to the hotel they booked for the rest of the week. Aria stayed with her aunt, while Apollo stayed with his parents. Since Aria was six and Apollo was two, Apollo needed more supervision. How wonderful it was for him. The blond got to do something he hadnt gotten to do in a while: have fun.

The blond's main goal was to teach everyone how to surf. It was something he picked up from his father, who was repected in his family. After eating, Aether decied to do one last ride before going home. Xiao, Aria, and Apollo stayed to watch. Lumine went back to her room to shower.

Apollo wanted to go closer. He got close enough to ride a wave out into's Aether's arms.

"Never do that again, You could get hurt. Or flipped over."-Aether

Apollo nodded and made little noises. Aether pushed his floatie to Xiao, making Aria laugh. It looked so much fun.

"Me next Mama!"-Aria

"I can try. But it would be more fun to do this." Aether picked her up and threw her back into the water. He made sure it was deep enough for her to walk in and not crash herself.

Xiao got splashed and just shook his head. The water got all over them. They all laughed before Xiao said they had to go shower.

"Tommorrow we can come back. And then we eat pancakes."-Aether


They were started to head back when Aether felt something tug at his braid. He told Xiao to wait a moment before checking it out. A shark attacked Aether under the water, dragging him underwater. Xiao covered Apollo's eyes while Aria lead them back to shore. Everyone was screaming when the water turned red. Aether was floating ontop of the red water. Half of his braid was chopped off. He looked dead.


A bunch of life guards went to get Aether. Xiao just took them back to the hotel room. He couldn't bear to see Aether inside a ambulance. Aria was sobbing. It was quite scary seeing your own adoptive mother being dragged down by a shark.

Lumine didnt know what was going on. Xiao just dropped off his kids and left for his room. He needed time alone, Aria said.

Aria explained everything. Lumine gave her and her brother a big hug. Apollo was confused. All he heard was screaming.

"Wait. It's his birthday tomorrow. What if Mommy doesn't wake up tomorrow? We can't sing happy birthday?"-Aria

"We'll get him a gift in the lobby. Take a shower you both. I'll wash Apollo in a minute."-Lumine


Aether looked different. It's probably because of his hair, but he's missing a arm. His left arm was gone, his face was flushed, but he looked alive.

Xiao looked after him. After a couple of movement, he woke up. On his birthday. He  was startled by the missing arm, but accepted what needed to be done.

"At least it wasn't my dominant arm. And now, I can smack you. Peacefully."-Aether

"What do you mean peacefully?"-Xiao

Aether patted his lover's head with his arm. It felt kinda nice. Then he slammed his arm on his head.

"See, peacefully."-Aether

"You're lucky I love you."-Xiao


Apollo covered his ears. Aether nodded and smiled. He tried to wave with his missing arm. Aria was amazed, she never knew something like that could happen. Apollo waddled towards the bed and patted the bed to get up. He then gave Aether a gift. A light blue envelope.

"Awee thank you guys. But please open it for me. Since I'll probably smash it while holding it down. "-Aether

"Can I keep it? I wanna go to McDonald's and get a happy meal!"-Aria

"That gift is for Mommy. Maybe he could take you to McDonald's."-Xiao

"Why do you want to go so bad? Is it for the fries and nuggets?"-Aether

"Mhm! Because, um. I don't know but it's still yummy!"-Aria

"It's like you're my child. The fries are just, MMPH 😤🤌."-Aether

"Enough of this, or I won't get you McDonald's."-Xiao

"Okay, okay fine." Aether opened his envelope with the help of Apollo wanting food. Inside was a small gift card for McDonald's and some money. At least 40$. Aria propped it up for him to read.

"Thank you for taking care of us. Me and Apollo hope you get better Mommy. Love, Aria, Apollo, and Xiao. P.S, Lumine paid for the card. It has 100$."-Aether

Aether started tearing up. On his birthday, with everything that happened, they still went out their way for all of this. It was so simple, yet this gift brought tears to his eyes. Maybe he's just being over emotional today.

"Why is Mommy crying? Did we do something wrong?"-Aria

"No, he's just really happy. With everything that happened, he's just really happy and grateful."-Lumine

Xiao smiled. He gave him a hug and gave him a piece of cake.

"I feel're mocking me. It's okay, I eat with my face now."-Aether

Xiao laughed and assured him he wasn't. Aether then went along with it and enjoyed his birthday.


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