A Dying Wish

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The second part for thisSo

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The second part for this
So...heartbreak syndrome

Aether was released from the hospital. He told Xiao he was spending the night with Lumine and her girlfriend. Xiao nodded and hanged up.

Once again, he was lonely in his own house. What was the point of marrying him if he was going to leave every time? But, Aethrr has this smile and personality that would make his heart shatter every time he was sad. And his siblings keep telling him that ranting about Aether isn't going to solve anything. Why does he stay with him? What are his motives?

His chest hurt so badly. It's been like that ever since Aether was hospitalized. Is it normal? The doctor said it was just small heart attacks and he shouldn't worry too much.

Whatever, it was time to himself. To see wonder if he was the problem or if Aether was. He believes he himself is the problem in their relationship. They never do something because the raven never asks. He's gotta make a move someday.

The time is now. He picked up the phone with courage and dialed Aether's number.

"Aether. Want to do something with me this Friday? We can do whatever it is you would like."-Xiao

"Can't. Lumi and her girlfriend are taking me somewhere. Maybe ask Indarias if she would like to?"-Aether

"Ah okay. Love you." Xiao hung up before Aether could say anything. It was stupid to think he would say yes.

His chest hurt again. Maybe it's time to go see a doctor again. The raven called his older sister to pick him up. He could hear his other sister saying she wanted to join as well.

"A doctor again? Xiao, maybe you need to ask them is something wrong with you. Maybe it's depression again?"-Indarias

"No. Because depression didn't make me feel like my whole chest was going to break my body."-Xiao

"Did you ask Aether if you wanted to do something this week?"-Bonaus

"He said no. His sister and her girlfriend were taking her out."-Xiao

Indarias frowned. Aether always made time for everyone else but Xiao. And they were married for almost four years.

Xiao started coughing. His heart started beating rapidly. What was going on? He dropped his phone.

"Xiao? Alatus? Are you there? I'm on my way with Bonanus. Alatus, Should I call 911 for you?" Indarias heard a thud. "ALATUS?"

"I can't breathe. Help."-Xiao

Indarias sent him a text and hung up. It said she called 911 and they told her to stay on the line. Help should be here any minute.

Is this how he dies?


"Why is there...Xiao!"-Aether

Aether was panicking. Xiao wasn't here and there was a mess. He knew he couldn't ask his sisters where he was.

He got a text message from Xiao. "Can we Talk?"

"Not yet. I have to clean up something."

"When can we talk?"

"Maybe tomorrow. I'm quite mad at you."

"Okay. I love you 💚 "

Aether scoffed. But Aether only had himself to blame. He pushed Xiao away. Maybe he shouldn't have lied. Maybe it's time to actually hang out with him.

"I'll actually take that offer for Friday. But only if we do something you like too"

Xiao's heart skipped a beat. Friday was just two days away, but he still typed okay.

Xiao was in the hospital. Apparently he had a heart attack. He almost died. But he survived.

"What's got you worked up? Aether finally said yes?"-Bonanus

"Mhm! He said yes! And he couldn't talk because he had to clean up a mess."-Xiao

"You are so hopelessly in love with him, it's insane."-Indarias

Xiao shook his head. He began to rant once again about Aether in high school. His sisters could only listen to him rant about the same thing again. Xiao was so in love with Aether that he eats whatever Aether eats, even if he's allergic to something in there. That's why he keeps about ten Epipens in his bag or pocket.

Unfortunately, he died due to something else. Heartbreak syndrome. His pent up emotions about Aether were never let out and caused stress. He thought he lost Aether for good when he killed himself.

When Aether heard this, he cried. He spent his days in Xiao's room crying. What for, it was his fault he had it in the first place. 

The blond texted Xiao like he still was here. Aether texted him his regrets and basically vented to him. He isolated everyone just so he could spend time with Xiao's spirit. Why didn't he do this before.

Why the fuck do the best people get mistreated the worse? Aether left a huge bundle of flowers for Xiao. All of his favorite ones.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't notice it earlier. I could've prevented this. I'm sorry Xiao. I'm sorry we didn't spend a single time together since our marriage started. Why am I saying sorry, what's the point?! You're probably mad at me."-Aether

At this point, he just laid there near his grave. The blond was really guilty. He slept there until morning. Just like old times.

If he didn't off himself, what would've happen? That's a question he would like to know the answer to. If so, then Xiao wouldn't be dead.

It was all his fault.

900 words and crying. 

I started this at 2am and it's 4am and I have a state test. IM GONNA MISS ART 😫

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