Fighting For You

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They are at a fighting school, where they are supposed to enhance their powers and abilities.


"I am literally your roommate and dating you, and you still don't know my name? It's fucking Xiao! XI-AO! GOT IT!"-Xiao


"I will throw you to the ground."-Xiao

"And I'll will cut you open with my wings and tie you to a tree."-Aether

Okay so Aether is on a friendly fire mood today. Interesting. And he is being cocky, how wonderful.

"Aether, your back. They still limit your powers?"-Xiao

His back had his scars and a bright red jewel on his back. The dried blood was still there and visible.

"Don't touch it. It hurts like shit even when we are fighting."-Aether

They put that jewel on him because he was tracking something with his magic. Apparently, it was disturbing the school environment that in the middle of the night, he was taking a break from holding in his wings. It was disturbing that wings were out in the middle of the night.

"How do you shower with that thing? It's pierced through your skin."-Xiao

"Like a normal shower, it just stings. The headmistress is a shitty person."-Aether

Aether unbraided his hair and sighed. He can't leave the campus with this thing on, it's a tracker. They track everything through this painful, piercing, stupid jewel. Even when and what he eats. The blond just thinks it's a family thing.

"Go to bed. We have training tomorrow. And get food before you sleep."-Xiao

The blond laughed. "Sure, I'll eat out your dick for supper then."

Aether cuddled with his lover in bed, despite having his own. Xiao tried his best to rub the blond's back without touching the jewel. It always made Aether sleep soundly.


Aether threw the first blow. The opponent reached for his arms before he hit the stomach and brought him to his knees.

"And yet Mr Viator remains victorious. He could be your leader one day Kunikuzushi. Remember that."-Headmistress

"I told you multiple times, call me Kuni or Scaramouche! Please don't use the name given to me by my mother!"-Wanderer✨

"I will be using your assigned name at birth and nothing else."-Headmistress

"Ah Aether. Have you learned your lesson? Just let me know and I'll take off the jewel as soon as I see progress or a report from one of your siblings."-Headmistress

"I have. Can I take my duty period off today? I need a break, you haven't let me eat since Monday."-Aether

"You could wait until supper. Then I'll have your parents come and discuss your behavior with them."-Headmistress

"Whatever's fine, I just need to eat."-Aether

Aether nodded and tiredly walked to the next training mat. Everyone stared at him while the headmistress yelled at everyone to get back to training.

Xiao suddenly felt lucky to those in general studies classes right now. They don't have to deal with the principle on them 24/7.


Aether walked back to his room in shame. His parents sided with the headmistress, because rules are rules. Xiao was waiting for him with some food. Some noodles with bread and tofu in it. It was nice and warm.

"Did she take it off?"-Xiao

"Still there. My parents sided with her and they said she had full permission to block my powers if I broke anymore rules. They also said that by blocking my wings, it puts me at a equal advantage with other students."-Aether

"Then what's the point of coming here? And eat the noodles. It's Thursday and you need energy or something."-Xiao

Aether happily ate the noodles. He wished Xiao had another bowl. Then his skin sent unbearable shocks throughout his body.

He covered his mouth, dropping the bowl, and screamed. "Shit, shit! FUCK!"

"Want me to get Lumine?! Or your brother?! Somebody?!"-Xiao

"No,no. It's fine, it's totally fine." Aether was biting on his tongue to stop screaming.

"Aether! You have explaining to do! And tell me before Dain gets here."-Lumine

"He just got shocked through a detention jewel! And now you want to ask him questions?! Use your eyes Lumine!"-Xiao

"Im Fine! Just eaten what I shouldn't have. She restricted me on all food, actually. I already ate this week."-Aether

"Take it off."-Lumine

"What?!"-Aether & Xiao

"Take. It. Off."-Lumine

Lumine proceeded to try and roughly take out the gem on Aether's back. It looked like it was merging with his skin or something. Whatever it was, it reached deep into his skin. Xiao was trying to protest against it and move Aether away. He knew personally how painful it was to take it out unsupervised.

"Lumine, what the devil are you doing?! And Aether, are you okay?!"-Dainsleif

"No. Lumi is trying to take off the detention jewel off my back since the Headmistress only lets me eat once a week because of this. It's gonna hurtttt."-Aether

"You. You're here to train as a Adeptus right? Take some of Aether's pain while we do this, we are going to take it out. Lumine, get some bandages and hot water mixed with medical alcohol. "-Dainsleif

Xiao held Aether's hand and started to focus on Aether and Aether only. Meanwhile, the blond was scared of the possibilities that could happen. What if the headmistress comes for him and does something worse? What if she moves Aether to another school? What if she chopped off his wings?

Lumine brought the water and bandages, Dainsleif brought the alcohol, and Xiao was heavily focused. Aether frowned. This was going to hurt.


The tighter he squeezed the blond's hand, the more pain was going away. He even got rid of the stinging pain the water and blood made. But then Xiao was overstimulated.

When Aether was patched up, both Lumine and Dainsleif left. Dainsleif dragged her out after all, she wanted to know exactly who Xiao was. Like everything.

Aether pulled down his shirt. Xiao was sleeping sitting up, still holding his hand. It seems he couldn't stop whatever he was doing. It was a nice feeling. That's why he's still in training. And he has a great grip.

He was resting with his hand still intertwined with Aether's. Aether smiled. He hoped that Xiao wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night. Or change forms.

"Love you so much. Thank you. You must seen too much. Sweet dreams."-Aether

Winx Saga is long but entertaining. Wtf Netflix.

1086 words.

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