Favorite Color

551 19 7

Mmmmm Some fluff before school

"Xiao, what's your favorite color?"-Aether

"Light Green. Why?"-Xiao

"Then you live in a green submarine!"-Aether

Aether smiled like a little kid. He gave a big proud grin to his lover for a random question and answer. The raven could only snort at the fact he was fooled by yet another dumb question by Aether.

"You listened to The Beetles again?"-Xiao

"Mhm! Wanna listen with me?"-Aether

Xiao nodded, Aether giving Xiao his left headphone piece as he scooted closer with his homework folder. They finished their homework and rested on each other's shoulder. They stayed until dawn rose up and greeted them a good day.

116 words

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