Soaring Fails

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Aether's flying 🤩 but then he gets shot down with a pyro arrow 😞

Aether wanted to teach Aria and Apollo how to fly. Or at least hold them while he's flying. Xiao can't really fly as high as his lover could, but he could at least watch over them. They each picked a small area to fly over.

"Ready Aria? You picked your spot?"-Aether

Aria nodded, her holding tight onto her mother's torso. Aether gave her a small kiss and smiled as he started getting ready for takeoff. He soared to the skies, Aria being amazed and scared at the same time.

"Pretty. Pretty Mommy!"-Aria

"I'm glad you like it. Let's get down and let your brother have a turn."-Aether

As soon they reached the ground, Aria ran into Xiao's arms. She looked scared for her life. Aether gave her a small hug before telling Apollo that it's his turn.

"Don't worry Apollo! It's not that bad!"-Aria

Apollo cried. He has never been that high before. It was easy going down, but up? It felt scary.

"Oh fine. I will wait until you're older and ready. Which is in two years, but still. I'll do one more survey of the land and then we'll head home."-Aether

The blond took the skies, surveying the small area to see if anyone saw him fly. He supposed no one was around. Strange. It felt someone was watching him fly.

Suddenly, a bunch of pyro infused arrows came to him all at once. He dodged all but two. One struck his right wing while the other struck his chest. He couldn't stay up anymore. The blond fell to the ground bleeding and whimpering. His family saw it all.

"We have to find Mama!"-Aria

"Carry Apollo with you at all times. Don't ever loose him. I'm going to the woods to find Mama. If I don't come back, then I just want you both to know I love you." Xiao gave them each a kiss on the forehead before running off into the woods with a spear in his hand.


Despite shouting his name, Aether was still unresponsive. The raven couldn't let him die now. They still had so much time left together. He was still important in his life. He's leaving two young kids behind.

Aether was found. Unconsciously laying on a tree log. His arms were covering the arrow wound. His wings now dull and covered in red. Xiao whipped out the radio Lumine told him to bring just in case.

"Lumine 5-4, Lumine 5-4. Please send someone to take both Aether and the kids back up please!"-Xiao

No response. He's going to have to move him on his own. But how? He's deep in the woods. There's no way they'll make it in time.


"Aether! Please don't move! We'll find a way to get you help!"-Xiao

"Did you know that these are shot from a pyro vision?"-Aether

Soon enough, his wings were starting to burn away. And then he screamed out in pain. Xiao wasted no time to take the arrows out of his chest and wing. Now he was bleeding out quicker.

"Don't cry. I won't die. I promise."-Aether

Xiao picked him up. He ran towards the nearest ray of sunlight he saw. He saw Aria's eyes crying while her aunt was holding her and her brother huddled in the corner.


"Get him help! He's severely injured and barely conscious!"-Xiao

Lumine and a couple of medics ran towards the dying Prince and took him into a stretcher. The blonde took Aria and Apollo with her so they could see their mother first.

"They'll be safe with me. I promise. Just focus on yourself for a bit. We'll get Aether to safety."-Lumine

Xiao couldn't help. He felt useless again. Just like his old master told him. And this was all because he suggested this idea since Aria got curious if she'd get wings or not. He couldn't help but make her dreams come true.


Xiao slept in another room. He was worried greatly about his husband. He hasn't woken up in three days. Aria and her brother usually slept with him due to having nightmares. They visited him before bedtime.

"Papa. Was it my fault?"-Aria

"No. It was mine. You shouldn't even have thought that."-Xiao

"But. I wanted to learn how to fly."-Aria

Aria sobbed into her father's arms. It broke the raven's heart knowing she blamed herself for his mistake.

"It wasn't your fault. Mommy just wanted to give you a feeling of what flying was like. It was mine. I wasn't even looking at Mommy while he was flying."-Xiao

Xiao reassured his daughter that it wasn't her fault at all. Once again saying that "This is my burden to bare alone."

At that same moment, Aether woke up. He immediately was greeted with pain. He sucked it up and limped towards his room. Every movement he made hurt, it felt like he was on fire. The blond soon reached his room. The light was still on. Aether opened the door and held on to the frame for support.



Aether eventually fell down, letting out a 'oof' sound. Apollo still ran towards his mother to give his head a hug. He laughed a bit.

"Mama is otay!"-Apollo

"Yes I'm okay. I'm okay. I can't feel my legs."-Aether

Xiao pulled him up onto the bed to lay down. He examined the burns on his skin while he heard him whimper. He still was in pain.

"You're okay now. Just rest."-Xiao

"Mama! Mama sleep!"-Apollo

Aether smiled and made room for his lover to sleep. All four of them slept together. Cuddling until daybreak.

I desperately want to make a oneshot with Aether being a Latino mother freaking out, idfk why.

976 words

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