Kidnapped Blues, Founded

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It's a lie. That's all imma tell you.

Anyone here ever watched "The Unlisted"?

"I'll never tell!"-Aether

"You won't? Awee that's too bad. I wanted this the easy way, but you're a difficult one I see."-???

Aether was tied to a bed with bruises all over his face. He was kept here because he was "missing". He was to be experimented and tracked. He was a traded item, he refused to be mind controlled. The blond had a family. Two kids, one husband. One was only 14 months old , the other was two. His husband was always there for him, and yet he left him alone. The blond was taken a day after he gave birth to his youngest.

"Take off your necklace. I can see it is important and we'll hold it for you."-???

"No. This is mine! This is the only reminder I have of my family. We all have something similar to this. I wanna keep it!"-Aether

"Fine then. We'll kill your family."-???

"NO! NO PLEASE!"-Aether

"Hand it over then!"-???

"I would if my hands weren't TIED to the bed."-Aether

The strange man untied his hands and let the blond took off his necklace. The man took it and went outside the room. A window opened, revealing his husband and kids outside. They couldn't see him.

"You said you had leads to where my husband is?"-Xiao

"XIAO! TAKE THE KIDS SOMEWHERE ELSE, ITS A TRAP! ITS A TRAP!" Aether banged on the window to get his attention. It failed, he didn't listen.

"We found this yesterday in the woods near his workplace."-???

"His necklace. No. No, No, No."-Xiao

"Hey, it's okay little bro. They'll find him. They have to, or I'll burn them alive."-Indarias

Xiao started to cry, he didn't want this to happen. Both kids started crying. He didn't want him dead. He wanted him back, alive in one piece.

"ITS NOT FAIR!" Xiao smashed the window that was hidden as a wall. Aether took cover beside the door. He smirked knowing that he'll be found by Xiao or Indarias any moment now.

"What. The Fuck. Is this? And is that Aether's braid? I see the hair tie."-Xiao

"That's our Blondie, for sure. Why did you lie? Oh don't run, I'm burning this place to the ground."-Indarias

"Don't. Father's name will be harmed. Let's just get Aether and leave."-Xiao

"You're not authorized to go in there. HEY!"-???

Xiao ran through the hallway to find the door. He kicked it down and found a blond male huddled in the corner. He looked rather calm for the situation at hand.

"Aether? Is it really you?"-Xiao


Aether ran towards Xiao, despite knowing he was coming to save him. Aether cried in his lover's shoulder while Xiao held him tight.

"Never do that again. Xing grew a couple of inches, and Yumi is even more fussy without you. They missed you so much. I missed you the most."-Xiao

"Xiao...Please. Don't leave me. I missed you these past months. It's been over a year."-Aether

"We'll get you home. Lumine always said Home is wherever we are together."-Xiao

"She died here. I saw her. She was in some tube and she suddenly screamed. She bled to death."-Aether

"Come on. Indarias and the kids are distracting the people. Hurry before she burns the place to the ground."-Xiao

Xiao teleported behind the man, dropped Aether so he can grab the kids, and ran. The alarms blared all over the facility as it started to crumble from the noise. With such a secret, it dies easily.


Xiao and Aether ran as fast as they could. The door seemed to be glowing as they ran closer. They escaped successfully, but Xiao was worried for his older sister. Was it worth her sacrifice?

"Xiao. We're free. Do you think the police will believe us? And Indarias. Do you think she'll escape?"-Aether

"Her burning fury will never go out unless she escapes or dies. I believe she will escape. If she doesn't and they keep her hostage, I will take them on with both of my hands."-Xiao

"Let's just get home. The events of today will haunt my mind forever."-Aether


730 words

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