Cheated Death

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I'm sorry, insta is feeding me

"He needs medical attention! Now!"-???

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"He needs medical attention! Now!"-???

A tall blond guy came in with the famous traveler in his arms. He looked like he was from Inazuma. The Alchor must've took him here. But the traveler looked much different. He was twitching and missing a huge amount of his hair. The doctor could see purple on his skin.

Xiao walked in on the scene to see if it was really the traveler he adored. The blond's eyes were closed shut, so he couldn't tell. His hair was so short that his neck was exposed fully. His hair. That beautiful blond braid was gone.

Aether twitched every few minutes in bed. Everyone visiting had to stay outside of the room and could only look from a window. He looked like he was in pain.

Two journalists came by and asked the taller blond boy some questions. This all happened in Inazuma, so they couldn't do anything.

Apparently, only he, Thoma, was supposed to be beheaded after his vision was taken. The traveler gotten involved by leaping in to save him. Then he got transported somewhere else and suddenly he was on the floor. Some guards held him up so the archon could cut his hair. Thoma finally got free and threw a nearby sword so he could have a chance to get the traveler. Once he gotten ahold of him, he ran from the scene. The Alchor was nice enough to take them in, despite being a fugitive.

Finally, visitors were allowed in the room. The traveler had woken up just recently. He was breathing heavily and was being told to calm down. Like that would help.

"Thoma! Oh my god, I thought you were dead! What happened?!"-Aether

"Kazhua heard of my actions and lead me to the dock. Hold on, I'm going to get you food!" Thoma ran out the room.

Aether waved goodbye. "You can come out now Xiao. I see you idiot."

Xiao teleported in front of Aether's bed. He thought he hid himself quite well. Aether patted his head.

"What happened to your hair?"-Xiao

"Inazuma beheading customs?"-Aether

"Beheading shouldn't even have a custom. What the hell?"-Xiao

"It's a locked down country. But I still don't know why. Ow."-Aether

In replace of his back, it was scarred with lightning. It was shaded with purple.

"Can you place this ointment on my back? Just until it starts to fade."-Aether

Xiao touched his back. He could feel all the pain he went through. It stings like burning rubber. It felt painful.

"Your back. It made a permanent scar. It's etched into your skin."-Xiao

"It is? Sigh, I'll have to cover it up. It's fine. At least I'm not dead."-Aether

"You could've died Aether."-Xiao

Aether looked down and cried. The beeping noises got louder and he covered his ears. He kept whispering 'make it stop'. The sounds of lightning crackling with loud beeping noises hurt his brain. They were like loud whispers in his head.

"I'm here. You're not in Inazuma anymore. It's not raining. No one is here to hurt you. I promise you."-Xiao

"Make it stop Xiao! Please."-Aether

Xiao laid him down in his lap as he cried and pled. His head was burning up. Fever dream or something? He didn't even get treated yet.

Something changed this traveler forever. And he did not like it at all.

chrismas 4nemo time bark

580 words

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