Bloody Tension

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Sucrose was crying. Her face was stained with bruises and she was alone. Aether felt enraged. Who would hurt such a kind person as her? Her name tag literally says "Harmless Sweetie".

"Who did this to you? And where are the others?"-Aether

"Sniff. You're a hour early. Some guys from the Advanced Snezhnayan course made fun of me since I was in the beginner's course. They said I was stupid for learning Snezhnayan so I could speak with my dad. Is it a bad thing?"-Sucrose

"No. No it's not. What was their name on the name tag?"-Aether

"One was named Tartaglia or something. And the other...sniff. The other guys I didn't see. They took my alchemy book."-Sucrose

The blond was now boiling with anger. He told his friend to hang tight as he was going to get her book back.

Sucrose loved alchemy. Mainly bio/alchemy. That book they took contained everything she knows about her passion and all the plans. That book is her pride possession.

Once he stepped out to the hallway, the only thing on his mind was Tartaglia. What he did was wrong and he wanted to punch him so badly that he had to go to the hospital. While walking, he took off his earring and tied his hair up. He rolled up his sleeves. Tartaglia was right in front of him laughing.



Everyone was treating Sucrose's bruises and preparing for rehearsal. Soon, Ms Jean and Aether came back. Aether had bruises on his face and arms and was holding a spiral notebook.

"Aether. Tell everyone why you were late for band practice."-Jean

"I got into a fight with a couple of Snezhnayan Advanced Students because they stole Sucrose's book and I was upset. I "apparently" harassed them and was stalking them-"-Aether


"Okay Fine. I basically broke one of the guy's arms and got in trouble and they called it harassment and stalking. But, I got your book back Sucrose! See?!"-Aether

Her eyes sparkled. She hugged her friend tightly. Xiao gave Aether a death stare. He could've got hurt. Those students are the reason this school is here. They are international students and they give the school a reputation. They own the school.

"Xiao, tend to Aether's wounds, I know you both are close."-Jean

Xiao dragged the blond to the instrument room. He closed the door and grabbed the first aid kit. Aether smiled.

"Why are you smiling at a time like this? You're bruised up and almost got expelled. This is not a time to smile."-Xiao

"Because Im sorry and you are really cute and hot."-Aether

The raven frowned. He wrapped the bandages tightly and started applying medical alcohol to his face. Aether still smiled and kept apologizing.

"I said you were forgiven. Now let me put ice on your face."-Xiao

"But, you seem angry. I haven't apologized enough to you."-Aether

"It's more than enough for me to know you aren't in the hospital again."-Xiao

Not long ago, he was in the hospital fighting for his life. A accident with a very drunk student council member while protecting a classmate. The member threw three bottles to his head and the glass went in his skull. Aether remembers it very well.

"Don't make me remember."-Aether

"All done. Im still a little bit mad."-Xiao

"Then go to band practice."-Aether

"Then we won't have any alone time. It's a pain to not kiss you in front of everyone, you know."-Xiao

Aether lifted the raven and smiled. They shared a small kiss before hugging. Xiao's head slumped down near the blond's neck. The memories came back into mind. How much pain he was in, how he could barely speak his own name, how his body was stuck in one place.

"Listen. Just because you are out of that hospital, doesn't mean your body is invincible. It's still recovering. I don't want you hurt."-Xiao

"I know. I'm sorry."-Aether

"I said you were forgiven. Don't say any more."-Xiao

They sat there in silence til it was time to actually practice. Everyone already warmed up. Aether basically had to sit and watch.

Still, he couldn't  just admire the fact Xiao cared deeply and didn't wasn't to show it.  He decided to just let Xiao have his moment for now.

756 words

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