A Day to Remember

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I'm supposed to finish a story chapter, but it's over 709 words and I feel guilty that's the longest one-

Anyways, Demon Slayer AU. The beginning, but a little different. I think.

Aether walked all the down the mountain as he said goodbye to the last person that commissioned him for today. The man just scoffed and went back in his house. He was excited to tell his sister and husband that he earned enough money for them to eat today. All three of them! Lumine's been worried for her brother's health since he hasn't eaten in a week. Xiao also too, he always tried to share with his husband, but he always refused. Whatever they made all together was all that they could survive with for the day. Most people would come and take most of the money while they went to work. That money was saved for food and better beds. People are selfish, and only care for their own sadistic and greedy needs.

A strong smell of blood and fire was near his home. As soon as the smell reached his nose, Aether started to run faster then he ever could. He was hoping that it wasn't his home, or anyone that he loved was hurt. The blond cared for all people, even if they hated him so badly that they wanted him dead. He didn't care, they were people. They were human beings.

"XIAO! LUMINE!"-Aether

Xiao and Lumine were on the snowy grass in front of their house, their skin already starting to freeze up from the recent snowstorm. Xiao looked like his death was more recent, and Lumine's looked like she was dead for a long while. Xiao seemed to be protecting Lumine as he was slowly killed with some type of poison. His tattooed arm was almost halfway purple and seemed to be slowly disappearing.

"If only I stayed home today. I made enough money for all of us to eat tonight. Why? Why did you of all people have to die? WHY NOT ME?!"-Aether

Aether checked Xiao's pulse, he was still breathing. The blond picked up him up and ran. He wanted to find help as quick as possible. The nearest town is far, but he thinks he can make it. He didn't want anyone he loved to die. Lumine already is dead. The rest of his family was dead. Xiao was his only hope. He didn't want to be alone.

A strong force jerked the two back onto the snow, resulted in falling down from a great height. The blond thought he would die if it weren't snowing so hard.

"Xiao? Xiao! Where you'd go?"-Aether

Aether yelled out for his lover, he was hurt badly after all. A menacing person with teal green hair fade into black on the top walked slowly to Aether. He was limping, and veins were popping out of his skin. It was revealed to be Xiao, who then pounced on the blond. The blond quickly reacted by pulling out his sword and using it to block his lover from eating him. He got stronger by the minute.

"Xiao please! Please don't become a demon! I can't lose you yet! You're all I have! PLEASE XIAO, YOURE HURTING ME! RESIST THE THOUGHTS IN YOUR HEAD! IF YOU KILL SOMEONE, ILL DIE! ILL KILL MYSELF!"-Aether

The raven almost bit through the sword as he said those words. Hot tears were on Aether's face. They came from Xiao, he realized who he was about to harm. He trembled at the pained look on his lover's face. He cried and whimpered. He was scared of himself. He heard someone running towards them. The raven was ready to attack, but Aether stopped him. The blond got the ends of his long hair chopped off with a katana as he threw both of them to a tree.

"You dare spare that demon's fate? He's gonna harm people!"-???

"What? Xiao wouldn't do that! He knows who I am! He didn't kill anyone! He tried protecting my sister until she died! Xiao wouldn't harm someone unless my life was upon it! Even so the least he would do is try to defend himself with his fists. I saw it with my own eyes many times! I will find a way! I will cure him!"-Aether

Xiao was trying to get out of the woman's hands, which felt like stone. He wanted to protect Aether from this lady's sword. Aether still had his, but it could break at any slash. The woman put her sword against Xiao's neck, making the blond yell out his lover's name in fear.

"PLEASE! DONT KILL HIM!" Aether bowed his head on the ground. "Don't take anyone else away from me. Don't kill my husband. I'm begging you. Please." The blond cried and sniffled as Xiao went silent. He was expecting to be killed.

"IF I EVEN CARED FOR THAT STORY, I WOULDN'T BE HERE! I WOULD EVEN KILL MYSELF IF I WAS YOU IF I'D CARE SO MUCH FOR THIS DEMON!" The lady screamed at the blond. He started to cry. The woman stabbed Xiao in the chest as he screamed to escape her arms.

"NO, STOP!" Aether threw a rock and a bunch of snow at the woman. She flicked it off her sword as he ran for his. It was beat up, but it could work. He suddenly ran towards the woman as she hit the back of Aether's body with the bottom of her sword. As she did, a light green knife almost killed her as it went for her head. Xiao took this opportunity and kicked the woman so he could be free. He ran to his lover's side to shield him from the sight. The raven charged at the woman at a incredible speed, but she dodged him again. She didn't want to harm him. The raven protected a human, even though he was a demon. They shared a bond together, protecting each other at any cost. The woman hit Xiao's pressure point, knocking him out instantly.

"Go to Kamisato Ayato at the Kamisato Estate in Inazuma. If a man with a horned headband and red clothes greets you and asks for your name, tell him Kamisato Ayaka sent you."-Kamisato

Xiao had a bamboo mouthpiece in his mouth, and he was asleep. Aether looked up at the woman as she said that and told her he needed to do something first. Aether buried his sister and prayed for his sister's health. He hopes that her health would be better than this life. 

"Shall we go my darling?" Xiao nodded, and off they went to go seek 'Kamisato Ayato'.

I could've just left it off at Xiao and Lumine dying, but that would be boring

1136 words

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