Back Together

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After the oneshot, In Health and Sickness. Aether gets better :D Then he gets bullied and Xiao beats them up afterwards :D

The blond was in the hospital bed staring outside his window. He looked at his friends and lover fighting over some fruit. The only one who was calm was Kazhua who only sighed. The blond giggled at them. They were always like this and yet they all were in honors classes with him. He hoped that they actually brought the schoolwork for him to finish this time, so he doesnt fall behind. He missed almost 4 months of school due to recovery.


"Shhh! Too...loud!"-Aether

"Oh sorry!"-Venti

"Heres all the work from Mr Kreideprinz, but why do you need it? You can just give him the note the nurse gave you and he'll excuse you."-Xiao

"It's so I don't get confused when I actually get to class. You don't need to worry! I got this in the bag."-Aether

Xiao could only smile at his lover's newfound energy. He was recovering much better than before. Before, he could barely move and talk.

"We'll leave you lovebirds alone for now, me and Kazhua need to go meet the rest of the band group."-Venti

"The band...Please tell them I'm okay! Please tell them that I'll be discharged tomorrow."-Aether

They all gasped. It was supposed to be a surprise for them, but he couldn't hold it in any longer. They hugged him as tight as they could.

"Just dont tell Lumine! It's a surprise!"-Aether

"Got it. I will keep my mouth zipped."-Kazhua

Venti and Kazhua said their goodbyes and left the room. Xiao looked at his lover and smiled. He gave him a peck on the cheek while the blond cupped his face.

"So you're coming to school tomorrow? Just be sure to call out my name if anyone bothers you."-Xiao

"Of course Xiao. But sometimes we have to let the school handle it okay?"-Aether

For some reason, he always tries to dismiss this topic as fast as possible. What the raven didn't know is that Aether's whole class is against him. They think he's above them because he's in honors. So they take their anger out on him.

He walked into his class the next day, returning all the work to the teacher that he missed. The blond sat down, getting a paper ball thrown at his head as the class jeered at him. Aether slumped down in the chair. Things were never gonna change.

After that, he was pushed into his locker. That was sure to leave a mark. And it hurt.

"Are you sure he's in honors? He's so weak and small."-fortnight player

"He has the tie, of course he is. And so cute! He looks like a life sized plushie! One that would break after a hour of being thrown around."-bitchy

Aether hated school. It was the worse place to be. He wished he took the offer to have the rest of the week off. But the band needed its fearless leader. He was the main singer after all. The girl pushed him again into the locker as Venti and Xiao approached them.

"What's going on? I'm sure you're not picking on my friend?"-Venti

Xiao gave them a cold stare as they ran to their next class. The blond looked shamelessly at the floor as he stood up. He played with his anxiety ring that his sister got him for a birthday gift.

"You should tell someone Aeth. How long has this been happening?"-Xiao

"The start of high school..."-Aether

Venti hugged his best friend. Xiao walked away and went to go find those kids. They deserved a beat down. And not even the student council will stop him.



The shorter one tugged on her friend's shirt desperately. It was glad he was dragged there, because Xiao was fighting the kids who bullied him earlier. His nose was bleeding, his tie was messed up, and his hands had blood on them. The kids looked more scuffed up than he did.

The blond backed up a bit. He was the cause of all of this. He felt really bad. He ran to the band room out of fear. Everyone was still there.

"Aether, you okay? If not, I can whip up something to help you."-Sucrose

"Xiao's fighting someone...and I'm the cause."-Aether

Even Sayu gasped, and she is usually asleep. Xiao's the type of person to not hold grudges against people who hurt the blond. He usually just threatens them in private or pull a prank on them with Venti. This was totally out of Xiao's personality.

"Let's just ask Ms Jean for help." After Heizou said that, Xiao walked in with his bass on his back.

"And where were you?"-Venti

"None of your damn business."-Xiao

"Don't say. We know everything."-Sayu

The group looked nervously at Aether, him starting to play with his ring.

"You were there?" Aether nodded.

Xiao hugged his lover as he felt his heart beat going faster. The raven sighed before he explained everything.

"I went to go talk to them, but they kept saying how weak you were by getting in the hospital. It made me so pissed off that I just punched one of them. And they just fought back. It hurts me for people to make fun of you when they don't know what you went through. I hate it."-Xiao

Soon enough, everyone joined in on the hug. Was this going to be a daily thing now? Well he didn't mind, it was quite nice after all.

"That's it. We are all getting therapy after this."-Heizou

"SHIKANOIN!"-All of them

Heizou was so dead.

So I read that one shots are not supposed to have multiple parts. Oops. I thought it was the words.

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