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It's been about 3 days since the party, and it was Monday.

"Finn, you have to go to class." Jack said, staring at Finn's lifeless body on his bed. He sighed, and sat down on his bed.

Finn was under the blankets, laying on his side staring into the blank wall in front of him. He hasn't spoken much since the party. He hasn't done anything since the party. He was supposed to work, and didn't even call off-just didn't show up. The guys covered for him, however.

The group honestly isn't sure what happened. There are two sides to the story, and they don't know what order it's in or how it actually went.

Finn kissed Iris, Millie kissed Allen.

How and why?

Finn was supposed to ask Millie to be his girlfriend on Saturday. However, life had different plans for him.

"Please, Finn. Your friends can't cover for you much longer." Jack said, Finn's body still unmoving.

Finn hasn't gotten out of bed since the party, except to shower. And when he showers, he is in there for over an hour. Then he is straight back in bed.

"Alright Finn, I'll see you later." Jack said, leaving the room. He walked over to Maddies door, grabbing her to walk her to her class. She opened it with a smile, and they walked out.

"So how's Finn?" Maddie said, nervous for an answer.

She doesn't know who's side to be on, but she knows Finn is hurting, and so is Millie. She doesn't know exactly what happened, Millie won't talk to her about it much.

"He hasn't moved or spoken since Friday night," Jack said, Maddie raising her eyebrows.

"Is he dead?" She asked, jokingly.

"Basically." Jack said, shaking his head.

Millie sat in class, staring at her notes. She stopped listening fifteen minutes ago; all she can think about is Finn kissing that girl at the party.

Why would he do that to me? And why was he upset at me for doing the same thing he did?

Finn and Millie were supposed to be working together the past couple of days, but he hasn't came in. He hasn't even called in, he just isn't showing up.

Why is he acting like this? He doesn't deserve to. If anything, I should be.

Class was dismissed earlier than usual, so Millie got up and started walking out.

She didn't get very far when Noah came walking up to her.

"You trying to leave me or something?" He joked, as Millie just stared at the pavement in front of her.

"Okay I get that you can be mad at Finn, but you're not allowed to be mad at the rest of us." He said, stopping her from walking, grabbing her shoulder to face her towards him. She sighed, looking down.

"I know, sorry." She said, Noah giving a light smile.

"How about you come and hang out for a bit? I'll cheer you up." Noah said, and Millie agreed.

They soon made it to his dorm, where Wyatt was sitting on his phone in his bed.

"Hey Millie." Wyatt said, Millie greeting him as well. She looked around to see Noah turning on the wii.

"We are playing the wii?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Come on, you know you'll dominate me in Mario kart." Noah said, making Millie laugh. They sat down and played wii for a while, forgetting about her worries.

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