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3rd person pov

As the sun was shining through Finns blinds, it caught Millies eye which made her wake up. She squinted and groaned, opening her eyes. She looked around at a place not familiar to her. Her heart pounded, immediately thinking she was at Jacobs.

Millie turned to her right and saw Finn, sleeping peacefully. Her eyes widened, and she screamed. Her scream made Finn jump awake, his eyes widening and looking around. He put a hand through his hair, and let out a sigh.

"Shit, you fucking scared me." Finn said, looking around. He met eyes with Millie, and both of their eyes widened.

"Oh shit." They both said. Millie looked down past Finns face to see him shirtless, and she gasped. She looked down to what she was wearing, which wasn't her outfit from last night. It was a black shirt with a band on it, huge on her. It's length could go down to her mid thigh, but it was ridden up from her sleeping. She didn't have any pants on.

"What the fuck happened?" Finn asked, throwing the blanket off of him, making sure he was wearing clothes. He was in fact wearing shorts. No shirt. Finn looked over to Millie, and saw her in his shirt.

"Do you remember? Anything at all?" Millie asked Finn, as he began to think. Nothing. Wait.

"I remember us playing pool." He said, and she groaned.

"Did we..?" She asked, questioning something Finn knew she was going to ask.

"I don't know." He said, honestly. Millie stood up, making his eyes widen at her appearance with no pants on. The shirt went down to her mid thigh though, covering her underwear.

"Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck." She said, putting her hands against her head. Finn tried to think harder, trying to remember something. He remembered a feeling. He remembers feeling excited. Why? After a minute, his eyes widen.

"I remember you kissed me in the hallway. Then you said to take us to my dorm." Finn said with honesty. Millie furrowed her eyebrows.

"I wouldn't do that." She said, and Finn rolled his eyes.

"You were drunk. You're flirty when you're drunk." He said, making Millie look him in the eye.

"How would you know that?" She said, Finn trying to think of an excuse so she doesn't know he watched her at the party a couple weeks ago.

"I've just seen it happen." Finn said, surprisingly Millie taking that as a good enough excuse.

"Well what do we do now? How do we remember?" Millie asked, pacing around. Finn just fell back down into the comfortable pillow.

"Finn!" Millie said, sitting on the bed and shaking him.

"What?" Finn tiredly asks, keeping his eyes shut.

"Do you not care? Oh that's right, you wouldn't care cause you aren't the one capable of getting pregnant!" Finn drowned out her words until the word 'pregnant' was used. His eyes widened and he looked at her.

"Pregnant? No." Finn said, and Millie shook her head.

"I don't know. If we actually did then I'm fucking screwed." Millie said, starting to cry. Finn felt uncomfortable, not knowing what to do. He wrapped her arms around her hesitantly, but she immediately collapsed into his arms, laying down with him. Millie cried into his neck, and Finn stroked the top of her head, trying to calm her down.

"Millie, it will be okay. Nothing probably even happened, we probably just came back and fell asleep." Finn whispered to Millie,  not wanting to watch her cry anymore.

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