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Millies pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, and I groaned. I have a class at 12 today and another at 4. I look over to see Maddie still sleeping, which I don't blame her for. She has no classes today, so she can just relax.

I get up and put on some ripped mom jeans and a hoodie over my tshirt. I don't really care about my appearance, it's college. I work today, my first day off of training. I'm kind of nervous but I know everyone there and I'll ask for help if I need it.

I quietly grab my things and leave our dorm so I don't wake Maddie. As I get down to the first floor and walk out, I hear my name being called.

"What's up?" I ask, turning to Noah and Wyatt. They were heading towards me with school stuff.

"Walk with us, we pass your class anyway." Noah says to me. I agree, and we make small talk and walk to my class.

"So, where'd you and Finn end up going the other night?" Noah asked, making Wyatt perk up from the question. Oh gosh, there better not be anything spreading around. And Wyatt is the last person I want to be knowing anything about what happened.

"I crashed at his place, that's all." I say, making Noah smirk.

"That's all?" He asks teasingly. I push him, and he laughs.

"It's not like that." I say, as we reach my class. I turn to them and give them a smile.

"See you both later." I said as they also say bye. I walk in and find a seat somewhere in the middle, realizing Jacob is in this class too. Can I ever catch a break?


I walk out of class, but once I reach outside I feel someone's arm turn me around towards them and I jump.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Finn said, keeping pace as he walked with me.

"Sorry, I just thought that you were-

"Well well. Hey Finn, hey Millie." I heard Jacob say. Finn looked to Jacob, and furrowed his eyebrows. He looked at me, then at Jacob.

"Sorry, do I know you?" Finn asked Jacob, my heart beating so fast I thought I was going to faint.

"I'm Millies old boyfriend." He says, not getting a response from me. Finn decided to speak up.

"So what's up? Did you need something?" Finn asked, as people keep walking past us.

"No, didn't need anything, just telling you to have fun." He said, winking at Finn. I saw Finn roll his eyes understanding what he meant, and gently put his arm on my lower back, leading me away from Jacob as we continue walking.

"She's a screamer," Jacob adds, speaking loudly so we can hear him. My eyes widen, my heart beating at 100 miles an hour. I felt everyone who was walking stare, and start whistling at me.

I froze, but Finns eyes widened, letting go of the small of my back and turning around to face Jacob.

"And what gives you the right to say that? No right. So you better shut your god damn mouth before you regret opening it in the first place." Finn says, my eyebrows raising. Well, okay then.

"I have the right to say that because I got her to scream. You probably didn't get her to the other night, considering how shocked you are that I said that." Jacob said, making Finn even more pissed off. I see that a little group has formed, watching them argue.

Finn immediately starts to run up to him, but out of nowhere Caleb and Gaten grab his arms and pull him back.

"You motherfucker!" Finn said, still trying to get out of his friends grasps.

"Sorry I'm just better in bed than you are with her." Jacob said, my eyes widening even more. Tears start to form.

There's no way this is happening right now. There's no way.

"I never slept with Millie, so stop acting like a dumbass and grow some dick before you speak to me or speak about her." Finn said to him, Jacob getting embarrassed. He scoffed, and walked away, along with the little group that formed to watch what just went down. I saw Finn slightly push his friends off of him to get out of their grasps, then look towards me. He eyed me, and sighed.

"I'm sorry Millie." Finn said, and I just put my head down avoiding eye contact.

"No, I'm sorry. Don't apologize. It's my fault." I said, but he put his hand on my shoulder, making me look up to him.

"Look it's not your fault, okay? He had no right to say that about you, true or untrue." He said, and I nodded.

"I-I have to go to my next class." I said, and he took his hand off of me and nodded.

"Want me to walk you?" He asked, and I shook my head no.

"I don't want people thinking any more stuff. So I'll see you at work. Thank you though. Really." I said, and Finn looked at me and nodded. He almost looked disappointed.

"Yeah anytime. I'll see you later." He said, walking away, same as me.

Why would Jacob say that? Finn probably thinks I'm different now. Why do I even care about what Finn thinks. Why would Jacob come here to start more drama? I'm over this whole college thing.

"I can't believe that shit," Maddie said, pissed off about what happened earlier today.

"I know. That was so out of place for him to say. Literally Finn had to yell at him." I said, and I saw Maddie smirk.

"What are you smirking about over there?" I asked. She was at her desk doing work, while I was in my bed, just finishing typing an essay.

"Finn is a real hero. Your own personal hero." She said, winking. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up Maddie. He's just a friend." I explained, laying down to take a nap.

"That's what they always say," she says, chuckling then going back to schoolwork.

Today was too much. I'm just hoping tomorrow is better.


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