Back to your room

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3rd person pov

"I honestly think you're good without me," Finn said to the girl that was taking orders herself and making coffees. She looked at him with a little bit of fear in her eyes.

"Not yet." Millie told him, and he smiled.

It's been about two weeks since Millie got the job now. Millie and Maddie have been studying their butts off for tests, Finn also doing his work but keeping up with his friends. Finn has noticed the way Jacob looks at Millie, which Finn does not like even though he doesn't even know the guy.

Millie is happy without a boyfriend. Well, she is happy without Jacob up her ass. She likes spending time at work with her coworkers and hanging out with the girls. As for Wyatt; Millie told Wyatt she didn't like him in that way and apologized over and over, and Wyatt laughed it off and didn't take it too harshly.

"It's like your 5th day. Are you scared you're gonna mess up or something?" He asks, stocking up something up in the front as Millie follows him.

"Kind of." She said, sadly. Finn was not expecting her to give that kind of answer. He expected her to be more confident for some reason. He looked over to her, looking into her eyes. He loved looking into Millies eyes, they remind him of a warm fall afternoon, where you can just sit in a field of grass and stare up at the clouds in the sky with the autumn leaves falling off the trees.

"It'll be okay. How about I leave you alone for an hour and you try it by yourself. It's not that busy tonight so you'll be okay." Finn said, reassuring her. She nodded, and Finn walked back to the kitchen where all the boys are talking about some stupid shit.

"Finn where've you been?" Noah asked him, as Finn grabbed a rag and started cleaning up the back. He's an essential closer for the store.

"Training, remember." Finn replied back, the boys giving each other smirks behind his back.

"Oh we remember." Gaten said, which made Finn turn around and furrow his eyebrows. Finn didn't understand until Noah winked.

"Oh my god, shut up." He said, as the guys kept going on and on about him being a simp.

On the other hand, Millie was up front talking to Sadie and taking orders, making drinks. She enjoyed it there.

"Okay, so I know you got super drunk at the last party we went to, but there's another one tonight if you wanna come." Sadie said, making me laugh.

"Where?" I asked, putting the lid on the caramel iced coffee and handing it to her so she can hand it out the window. The woman thanked her and drove off.

"This one is actually on the main floor of Boder Hall. All the RA people are gonna be gone tonight so we're gonna throw a party down there. Interested?" She asked me, and I shrugged.

"Sure, but I better be home when I wake up and not in some dudes bed." Millie said, making Sadie laugh.

"Oh Millie, the boys just adore you." She said, making Millie chuckle. Sadie is partially right. Every boy she talks to always has a weird interest in her, and she doesn't know why. Sometimes she just wishes it was normal, like her and Finn.

Speaking of.

"Millie I have to go start closing stuff in the back so you'll be alone on the headset now," he said, taking off his headset and hanging it up on the hooks supplied for them.

"Okay." Millie responded, as Finn did a slight smile and walked back to the back where the boys were. Sadie smiled at her, and Millie took notice.

"What?" Millie asked dumbfounded. Sadie notices the way Finn looks at Millie, but she wants Millie and Finn to figure that out themselves.

"Nothing." She said, and went back to stocking.

"I'm serious, if you don't wear that I'm going to cry." Maddie said to Millie, as she stands there in baggy jeans with rips in them, and a black tank top with a zip up jacket. She lets out a sigh. It's just a party, it doesn't matter too much.

"I don't know, I don't like how I look." Millie then said, eyeing herself in the mirror. Maddie gets up and stands in front of her, Millies gaze going away from the mirror and onto her.

"Girl, the more you look in the mirror the more you'll hate your body. Trust me." She said, turning her around. Millie then sat down on the bed and watched Maddie pick out an outfit. Off the shoulder shirt with jeans and a jacket. She has a unique sense of style Millie has always admired. Millie feels too self conscious to wear some items, even though you can see her ribs poking through her skin.

"Sadie and Lilia are waiting for us down there. Let's go." Maddie said, taking Millies hand and leading her down to the party. Millies heartbeat quickens, looking at how many people were in there. More people than there were at the last party, and this is only one room out of the entire floor.

"Let's go get a drink." Lilia said to Millie, as they then walked up to the counter where some dude was handing out drinks. Millie was beyond anxious about being here, so she thought she should loosen up and have a few.


"I told you, I'm better at this than you are." Millie explained, trying to steady her words as Finn watched her with amusement. They were playing pool. Finn was drunk, but Millie was a bit drunker.

"You knocked the 8-ball in, dumb." Finn said, which made Millie begin to laugh a lot. Millies laugh made Finn laugh, and they were both in a fit of laughter.

"Well I won." Millie said, going to find Sadie. Finn watched her walk away in admiration. Finn likes how cool and down to Earth Millie is. Girls aren't like that with him. He loved her outfit too, she wasn't trying to impress every person in the world. It was trendy.

Finn decided that he would walk around to try and find Gaten and Caleb. He assumed they were smoking, which Finn did earlier. He was drunk and a little bit high.

He continued walking through the crowd, getting to a door that reached an empty hallway, then outside where his friends were.

"Hey bro what are you doing?" Caleb asked, eyes going to Finn. Finn shrugged, taking in the fresh air.

"It's loud as fuck in there." He said, his head pounding from the music blasting into his ears 30 seconds ago.

"I think your girl is looking for you." Caleb said, making Finn turn around to find Millie walking around.

"Shut up, she's not my girl." Finn replied back with annoyance, then walking away to see what Millie was up to.

"Millie, what are you doing?" Finn asked her, walking up to her. She looked at him and shrugged. Finn decided to take her hand in his and lead her back into the hallway.

"It's cold out there, you'll freeze. Your dorm is here, right? I'll take you back." Finn said politely, trying to act sober which he definitely was not at the moment. Millie looked at him and smirked gently pushing him back against the wall in the hallway. Finn stared at Millies face, thoughtless.

"We can go back to yours." She said, making Finn slightly grin. He felt something with those words, it made his knees slightly weak. Millie drunk is not a good idea. And Finn knows that.

But Finn drunk is not a good idea either.

Millie pressed her lips up to Finns, taking him aback for a second but quickly matching Millies pace. Finn felt Millies hands snake around his neck, as his went around her waist, pulling her closer to him, against his own body.

Finn never felt like this. It might just be because he is high and drunk all at once, but he felt like he was on top of the world when he was kissing Millie. She smiled against his lips, then parted them from his. Millie whispered into Finns ear, which made Finn excited.

"Take me to your room."


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