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It's been a minute and a half, but here's a book I was working on that I've never published. I hope everyone is doing good!! Read at the end for another note if you follow my Instagram.

Millies POV

I'm nervous. My hands won't stop shaking with nerves.

"So what other hobbies outside of college do you have?" The manager asked, as I was there for an interview.

I just got to college a week or two ago, and I need a job. I'm broke. So here I am, trying to get hired at the Dunkin on campus.

"I used to participate in volleyball and softball, and now I'm thinking of joining a sorority." I say, not knowing what else to say. I mean, I just got here.

"Great. We will just need your social security and ID, and then we'll give you a call within the next day or two." The man said. He said his name was Nick. I nodded, handing him my social and my ID. He walked away to make a copy, and I looked around. I was seated at a booth, and some workers were making small talk.

It took my by surprise when I saw an iced coffee slide down the table, as a worker sat across from me. By surprise, I mean I almost jumped out of the seat.

"Nerves?" The boy asks. I get a better look at him, as I see freckles splattered across his pale face. His brown eyes, like mine, are a little lighter than his hair color. His hair is a darker brown, full of curls. His nose is a little big, but it matches his face.

"Um, yeah kinda." I reply, as I see him taking in the details of my face as well.

"It's okay, Nick is chill. I brought you this, I hope you like Carmel in your iced coffee." The boy said, gently pushing it towards me. I look down at the coffee, then back up to him.

"Thank you. How much?" I ask, reaching for my wallet.

"It's on me, no worries." He says, a small smile. I smile back and nod. I look down to the uniform I could potentially be wearing, and see a black shirt with Dunkin written in orange bubble letters. I see his name tag on the lower part of his shirt, and look back up to him.

"Thank you, Finn." I said, as he smiled and nodded. He turned around to see Nick walking back, and he turned towards me.

"I gotta go before I get caught not working, but I hope you get the job! See you around campus maybe." He said, getting up and walking back into the back of the store. I saw a group of other guys watch him walk back, and pat him on the back, hyping him up. I laughed in confusion, then see Nick sit back down.

"Here's your social and ID. We will call you soon!" He said, escorting me out of the store.

I start walking back to my dorm, the wind whipping my hair all over the place.

I'm really glad I decided to move out of my comfort zone and go to a college in Canada. It's really cool here. I also have an amazing roommate which I actually met a year ago. We've been super close ever since. Her name is Maddie.

I finally get back to my dorm, and walk inside to see Maddie on her phone, not doing anything. She looks at me, and smiled.

"How was the interview?" She asked, sitting up. I sighed and set my iced coffee onto the table.

"Stressful. But I think I might get the job." I said, and she cheered for me.

"Maybe I'll apply too." She said, and I nodded.

"You should, maybe I'll know someone then." I joked, and we both laughed. It would make me feel a lot better knowing someone there.

"Wanna watch greys or something? Or we can have Lilia over." Maddie suggested. Lilia is in Maddie's math class, and I guess they bonded. Lilia is the sweetest girl you'll ever meet.

"Yeah let's have her over." I reply, and Maddie then texts her. I sit down in my bed and sigh.

Although I love Canada, I do miss my high school friends and my family. It's not like I can drive over to see them, they're in England.

I also had to break up with my boyfriend because of it. Which is hard, but I'm learning to deal with it. I don't need a man to live my best life.

I really did love him. He loved me too, I think. It was hard to tell. Our relationship was so two-faced. We would have good days, then we would have bad days. I don't want to talk about the bad days.

My older sister Paige is out of college now, and pursuing her dream job of a wildlife rescue worker and living in Australia right now. My older brother Charlie is in a filming program right now, learning how to become a film director.

Ava is the littlest, 13 now. She wants to be a doctor, but that will change probably. I'm in school trying to major in psychology. If that doesn't work out, I've always wanted to become an actor or a journalist. I think Maddie is here to become a doctor. She has to spend a lot of time studying and so forth.

As for my life? It's kind of messy. I've always had anxiety, and I actually used to take antidepressants because of my depression. It's gotten a lot better since junior year. I've been clean for a year. My dad passed away when I was a sophomore, which I'm still trying to cope with. My mom and my siblings are my biggest support system, as I am theirs.

"Hey lil! We're about to watch greys, I'm gonna go make us popcorn." Maddie says, opening the door for Lilia and then heads to the kitchen. Lilia sits down on the couch.

"Hey Millie, how are you?" She asks with a smile.

"I'm good actually, how are you?" I replied back, hearing the popcorn start popping in the microwave. I grab the remote and flip through Netflix, getting to greys. We're on season 2 right now. Well, we are rewatching the whole show so we've seen it before.

"I'm great!" She replies, as Maddie comes back with the popcorn and turns off the lights. We all get under a blanket and watch greys for the rest of the night, which I'm happy about. I never really hung out with my friends in highschool, so it's nice to have people to hang out with here.


End of the first chapter. I hope y'all like this, lol.

Starting date: November 2, 2020

<Wow that was a while ago lol. If any of you has followed my Instagram, I have temporary disabled it. I just didn't use it as much, but I hope everyone in the groups chats I was in is doing great!! Im glad I can bring you guys together. :)

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