The pond

302 10 6

Millies pov

I wake up, jumping up and not being able to breathe.

Every single night this happens. I can't remember a time where it hasn't. It sucks.

I try to calm myself down, taking deep breaths. I look over at the clock, saying it's 2pm. What the hell??

I look around and Maddie isn't here. I look at my bed, my sheets unmade and Finns hoodie on the pillow next to mine. It's Saturday.

I get up and get ready, putting on just a tshirt and some joggers. I put Nike socks on and grabbed a hoodie, grabbing my schoolwork and heading to Starbucks to work. We're all hanging out tonight, but I think that's later on.

I look around the Starbucks to see some familiar faces. Maddie and Jack are both sitting in a booth across from each other, drinking coffee and talking. There's also some schoolwork on the table. I smiled.

Jack is Finns roommate. I never knew that was the guy she was talking to. I sit down at a table, putting in headphones and trying to work.

"You seriously can't come?" I asked, groaning at Maddie.

"No, I'm hanging out with Jack tonight." She said, winking at me. I laughed a bit.

"Fine." I reply, laying down on my bed. I check my phone and see my Instagram notifications, as well as Snapchat and iMessage. I have a lot on iMessage.

Dunkin death 🤠

Caleb: hey we coming to my place or no?

Noah: yeah bitch.

Sadie: yes

Finn: sure

Gaten: no :)

Caleb: shut up Gaten

Sadie: Millie you coming??????

Yes, I'm coming
Noah: lit

Caleb: bring snacks and stuff

I get up and keep the same outfit I had on, and head over.

"Okay, so what are we doing tonight?" Sadie asked, and they shrugged.

"You guys are literally so lame." She said, sitting down on the couch next to me.

"We can get high but you bitches won't let us." Gaten said, and we shrugged.

"How about we sneak out somewhere, do something cool." Finn said, getting everyone intrigued.

"Bitch like where?" Noah asked.

"There's this cool place in the woods," he said, and Sadie jumped up.

"Let's go then!!" She said, grabbing my hand as we all ran out of the room.

It was around 8, so the sun set two hours ago. Nobody is out right now, which is very very odd.

We eventually made it to the woods where Finn was talking about, and he was right. It was cool.

There were trails upon trails, woods all around us, you can hear the crickets chirping. There was a pond a little far away in the distance.

"We should swim in there." Noah said, and Sadie gagged.

"Bruh it's cold, and there's probably leaches in there." She said, making me laugh.

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