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Heyyy how's everyone doing

"Don't wake them up. They were probably with the group that was stuck in the library, they got back late." Maddie whispered to Jack, Jack nodding.

He looked over to the pair sleeping and how comfortable they looked. Finn's arm was now wrapped around Millie's waist, and had pulled her completely against him. Millie was holding his other hand to her chest, the two dead asleep and breathing heavily.

Maddie smiled at the two, and got out her phone.

"What are you doing?" Jack whispered, Maddie holding her phone up to the two sleeping.

"Taking a picture of them, duh. It's adorable," Maddie whispered back, taking a couple of pictures of them.

Jack looked outside, and the sky was very gloomy. It was still dark due to the sun being hidden even though it was already 10 in the morning. Maddie went and hopped into the shower, and Jack laid in her bed.

A few minutes passed until Finn started to stir awake. Before he even opened his eyes, he felt a body pressed completely against him. He slightly opened his eyes, realizing it's Millie. He took a deep breath, and let go of his grip on Millie's waist to trace his fingers around her stomach.

He can't get enough of Millie, but he needs to stop. She broke his heart. And they weren't even together. She doesn't get to do that then he still acts like this.

But Millie needed him. And he will be there no matter what. It's a new feeling for him, because he's never had or felt something like this.

He sighed and moved out of his position, Millie laying on her back now as he lays next to her. He rests his hand against the bed, lifting him up a bit. He pulls the covers up for her, and moves the hair from her face behind her ears. He stares at her for a little while longer till he's interrupted.

"Stare at her any longer and I might think you want to kill her," Jack commented, Finn jumping out of shock to hear another voice in the room. He moved the bed when he jumped, but Millie didn't wake up. He shoots his eyes over to Maddie's bed, Jack laying there watching Finn with an amused face.

"What-why are you here?" Finn asked in a whisper, sitting up completely and not disturbing Millie.

"Maddie stayed over, she came back for clothes and a shower." Jack said, eyeing Finn then Millie. Then Finn, then Millie. Then Finn.

Finn rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Don't say a word." He replied, Jack shrugging his shoulders.

"I have absolutely no idea what's going on between you and Millie. Just don't do anything stupid. She's Maddie's friend," he replied, Finn turning back to look at Millie.

"I'm not doing anything stupid. But I'm serious. You don't say a word." Finn said, staring at Jack. Jack did a thumbs up and Finn sighed, grabbing his phone off the table.

He's supposed to work today, but he think's they closed because of the weather and damage that happened yesterday. Which wouldn't be surprising.

Professors ended up moving all of their midterms a day or two back because of it, so today is a free day for everyone.

He sees a notification pop up, immediately clicking on it.

The boys

Noah: what's the move? I'm trying to get high soon

Caleb: I'm down

Gaten: I'm down too

Noah: Finn wya

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