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Millie woke up to an empty bed. She sighed and looked over to the time.

9:30 am.

She smiled, getting up and making her way over to the spare room. She quietly opened the door to see Finn still sound asleep. She closed the door again, and walked over to his bed.

She laid down next to him, and brushed the hair out of his face. He seemed to wake up from this, and slightly opened his eyes to see Millie.

He smiled, and Millie smiled back.

"Morning sleepy head." She said, moving and laying on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her.

"Morning." He said, looking at the beautiful girl on top of him.

"Wanna go out today? I can show you the great England," she said, giggling.

"Yes, I'd love to." He said, kissing her cheek.

"I talked to your mom last night after you went to bed," he said, Millie's smile dropping and anxiousness spreads across her face.

"What? Why? What happened?" She asked. Finn put a hand on the side of her face, tracing her cheek.

"She likes me now. We had a talk." He said, Millie furrowing her eyebrows.

"What did you tell her?" She asked, and Finn shrugged.

"I guess it's a secret." He replied with a smile. She smiled back, shaking her head.

"Tell me please," she said, and Finn laughed.

"Let's go out."

"And I'll have a vanilla iced latte please." Millie said, handing them her card. She looked over to Finn who was looking out the window at the view of downtown.

She finished paying and sat down at a table next to a window, and had Finn grab their drinks and breakfast. He came and sat back down, and he was smiling at her.

"Everything here is so fancy. Like, even the cup this coffee came in." He said, making Millie laugh.

"That's the UK for you." She said, taking a sip of her coffee. Finn picked up one of their scones they ordered, inspecting it.

"I've never had one." He said, Millie's eyes widening.

"What? They're my favorite. Especially the chocolate ones." She replied. Finn took a bite of it, and raised his eyebrows.

"This is pretty good. How have I never had one of these?" He asked.

"Well there are scones literally everywhere. You probably never look hard enough." She joked, laughing. He shrugged and continued to eat it.

"Okay, so there's a lot of things to do but is there anything in specific you would like to do?" She asked Finn. He shook his head.

"Okay well they just opened an alpaca farm right outside of downtown, so we should go to that. They are probably so cute and I've never seen one in person," she rambled, Finn nodding and staring at her.

He could help but think about how beautiful she is. And just how amazing she is.

"Finn?" She said, taking him out of his trance.

"Oh, yeah, yeah we should go." He said nodding. She smiled, and they continued to talk and eat.

"Finn oh my god look at this one!" Millie said, approaching the light brown alpaca. They had given the two food to feed them. Millie took some and placed it in her hand, and the alpaca came over and started eating it out of her hand. Finn smiled at the sight, and took out his phone and took a picture.

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