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Millies POV

I wake up around 10 today, which is good. My only class is at 2 today. I get up and check outside the front door, and see my uniform is there. I smiled, and brought it inside.

I'm excited, I've never had a job like this before. I used to work in a bookstore, so this is very different.

I had some cereal for breakfast, then took a shower. Maddie wasn't home, I think she had a class earlier, and she probably went to Starbucks to study or something. That girl is always studying and working.

I decide to wear just a random tshirt and leggings, considering I only have one class today. I check my social media, nothing new. I get bored easily when I'm alone, so I went on TikTok the majority of the morning.


After my US class, I rushed home to change. I got out at 4:30, and work starts at 5. Got home and changed into black skinny jeans, then out on the brown and orange work shirt. I clipped my name tag to the belt loop of my jeans, and threw on the hat they supplied me with as well. I put some mascara on, then head out.

I get there at 4:59, just my luck. I see nick immediately greet me with a smile, and grabs the iPad.

"We are going to have you put your fingerprint in the system so you can clock in and out." He says as I nod, then putting my fingerprint into the iPad. I see most of the workers stare at me, which makes me uncomfortable.

"Alright, we are going to train you up front with the headset and people. It looks like......Finn is going to train you. Finn is the one-

"I'm the one right here," he says, walking up behind me. He handed me a headset, and smiled at me.

"Alright Finn, just please actually train her." Nick says, sounding kind of over Finns shit. But in a nice way. Finn smiled.

"Sure can do, Nicky," he says, and nick walks away into the manager office. I laugh a bit, then turn to Finn.

"Nice to see you again." He said, looking down at me with a smile. I smiled back.

"You too." I said, and he looked at all the other workers. He noticed how uneasy I was, and how they stared at me.

"Don't worry about them, the looks will go away soon after you're not as new." Finn stated, and I nodded.

"I never got your name." He said, as he lead me up to the front.

"Millie." I said, and he smiled.

"I like the British accent," he said, trying to mimick the English accent I have. I chuckled.

"It's an English accent you dumbass," I heard a redhead yell to him. I looked toward her, and saw her hair was fire red, freckles across her face with a smile. Blue eyes too.

"Shut the fuck up Sadie," he says in an English accent, making me laugh.

"Sorry Millie, he's annoying. I'm Sadie!" She says, and I greet her back.

"Okay, Sadies interrupting us. Sadie, I'm actually busy training someone right now so if you could fuck off it'd be greatly appreciated," he said casually, and Sadie laughed.

"Alright, I'll be on money." She said, walking away. I turned to Finn, and he smiled.

"Okay, headset time. So when the lane beeps once, that means the car is in the first lane. The two beeps means they are in the second lane. Uh-volume you can press these buttons to lower it and raise it, then this middle button you can hold down and talk to anyone who is also wearing a headset." He said, as I nodded. I turned up the volume, so I can hear better. I hear it beep twice, meaning it's our lane. My eyes widen, and Finn smiles at me.

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