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1 of my personal favorite chapters

It was a quiet breakfast.

Lilia, Sadie and Maddie thought it would be a good idea to get breakfast with the group before all of their mid terms started. Millie was hesitant, but agreed.

When everyone was sat, it was very quiet. There was tension thick in the air, but nobody could seem to find the reason why.

The only reason to have was everything that went down with Millie and Finn, but lately they had acted fine enough they can hang out and have a good time with the group.

Caleb was the first one to break the silence.

"So how was work after I left?" He asked, which Millie replied to by choking on her water. Finn looked up to her, then over to Caleb.

"Uh, it was fine. The power went out though for a little while." He said, and Caleb nodded.

"Well at least you got paid extra to do literally nothing," Caleb joked, Finn nodding and staring at the table, holding back a grin.

Yeah, nothing. Let's say that.

Last night, Finn and Millie hooked up in the break room. Nothing was resolved, though. When Millie is around Finn, it's like she's too weak to think about anything. Finn knows this, and maybe slightly uses it to his advantage.

So here they are today, obvious tension between the two. They were screaming at each other last night.

He didn't mean to yell, but he was so angry with the way she was trying to make it seem like it was his fault when in reality it was hers. He has every right to be upset with her.

"Well how are studying for mid terms for everyone?" Sadie asked, bringing Finn out of his thoughts.

"Literal hell." Maddie said, some of the guys chuckling and agreeing.

"I just need them to be done with so I can go back to my life of doing nothing," Noah said, Gaten nodding.

"I have a 20 page paper due in two days for one of my mid terms if that makes you feel better," Millie said, the girls widening their eyes.

"Oh my god I would literally die," Lilia said, the girls agreeing.

"Trust me I feel like I am," Millie said, leaning her head into her hands, avoiding eye contact with the boy across from her.

Why did he get placed across from me? We need to be on opposite sides of the table.

She is so heartbroken over this boy but once she's around him it's like she's weak and forgets about all of it. He makes her nervous.

And he can tell.

Especially from what happened last night, Millie can't look him in the eyes right now. Thank god nobody was there, because her moans were practically echoing through the building.

"Millie?" Caleb snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked up, quickly glancing at Finn who's eyes were on her before turning to Caleb.

"Yeah?" She asked, the group laughing at her since it's now the third time Caleb has said her name.

"What's the paper about?" He asked, Millie took a deep sigh.

"It's basically about how the news and news articles can make something seem completely different than it is. The amount of false information we read on the internet is insane, and literally nobody cares and they just believe it because that's what articles and stories tell us. Also about how the news doesn't really tell us what's actually happening in the world, and how they hide information from us by either reporting the same old same old, or making something else a huge deal so our eyes are drawn away from real issues in the world," Millie said, as she looked over to Noah fake snoring. She rolled her eyes.

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