amusement park - unordinary oneshot

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Credit goes to @ImprudentSheet for this idea!

Also this is extremely spicy, so buyer beware ehehehe

The door swung open harshly, revealing two people who had never been thought to be seen together calmly: John and Arlo.

"Eh--!" Elaine shouted, taken aback. "What's John doing here?!"

Oh right, John thought. Nobody told her that I came. Oops.

"Elaine..." Arlo said, "please keep this quiet."

"O-okay," she mumbled, tripping over her words. John could clearly tell that she had a massive crush on Arlo just by the way she was blushing and fidgeting with her hands. One button on her sweater had been popped, suggesting either that she hastily dressed (which was unlikely, because Elaine always woke up at the asscrack of dawn) or that she was trying to impress someone. Namely, Arlo.

"Could you leave us for a minute? We need to speak with Seraphina," Arlo continued. The way he lowered his tone gave the impression that he didn't want to be too rough with her, proving that he--at least a little bit--had reciprocated her feelings for him.

John didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Uhh, sure," Elaine murmured, watching the two guys meet up with Seraphina. She briefly felt a pang of jealousy, but was assured by John's presence that nothing romantic would happen. She suspected that either John or Sera had a crush on the other, and it was, she thought, quite obvious.

She realized that having the three (and only) god-tiers in one room meant that she, barely an elite-tier, would not be able to handle the situation if they started to smash things up. So she decked out of there, deciding to run to the store to buy some oranges which she had forgotten to bring on the trip. Along with mac n cheese powder, which she called her secret ingredient.

"John! What are you still doing here?" Sera questioned. Her tone had a slight edge to it; Spectre could find out that he was here and...silence him.

Her lip quivered as she thought about the ways they would hurt him, and she clenched and unclenched his fist.

"Arlo told me everything," John simply stated. He bit the inside of his lip in slight frustration; how could he have to rely on Arlo, of all people, to tell him what was going on with his best friend!?

Anger heightened her senses as frustration stormed through her. Arlo had completely disregarded her wishes! "Arlo, why?! I told you we weren't involving anyone else," she seethed, "and you brought in the last person I wanted involved!"

The last person I wanted involved.

The last person I wanted involved.

The last person I wanted involved.

The last person I wanted involved.


The words screamed through John's head as he forced himself to relive everything he had done to Seraphina during the time he lost himself. His eyes started to blur with tears as he shoved them down into his eyes and he found himself rubbing his thumb over the scars on his knuckles from all the times he had painfully shoved them into the walls. Every emotion in his head pulsated horribly; he wanted to laugh and scream and cry and get drunk and throw up and drive a car into a pole--

It was all because he was a monster.

That's why she hadn't told him.

Because she couldn't trust him to be okay, she didn't know if he would attack her and hurt her like when he had raised a fist to her.

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