Chapter 14

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Jay's head was throbbing insanely. You know when you stub your toe, and it just throbs and throbs? Imagine that but in your head and 10x worse. That was what was happening. The vision or dream Jay had just kept coming again and again, every time worse than the previous. He knew that if this continued, he wouldn't survive. 

What the voice had asked of him was impossible. It was the ninja or Nya; he couldn't betray the ninja they were his family. And at the same time, Nya was his crush! He couldn't risk her getting hurt. 

Jay slowly sat up and rubbed his forehead as the wet towel fell onto his lap. "Oh god, why is this happening?" He muttered to himself. Then his door creaked open, and he saw Nya poke her head in. When she saw him, her eyes widened, and she walked in while quietly shutting the door behind her. 

"Hey Jay, how are you feeling?" Nya asked as she edged toward him.

"Hey Nya, what are you doing here?" Jay asked, he coughed in his arm which made his head spin. He moaned as he leaned back, trying to get his head back in order. Everyone thought it was a sickness, but he knew it was the voice that was doing this to him. He just had to find a cure, but he couldn't do that in his condition.

"I heard you were sick, so I thought I'd come and pay a visit." Nya answered with a smile as she sat on the edge of Jay's bed. 

"That's nice of you." Jay stated with small laugh. Then he looked away and sighed. "How are you doing? Last I heard I missed out on some stuff." Jay asked Nya as he turned back to face her.

Nya sighed, "Well turns out Kai, from school, is my biological brother." Nya replied as she looked down. "I don't really know what to feel. He was so nice when we were kids, and then I find out that he was adopted by an alcoholic for money, and I bet that's why he's so withdrawn." Nya added. "And on top of that, I don't know how I'm supposed to tell him." Nya stated as she put her face in her hands. 

Jay didn't really know what to do. He stayed silent as the information tried to sink in. Kai was a nice guy; he just didn't show it. Yes, he was mean, but he wasn't cruel. And now Jay knew why. 

"I honestly don't know what to say, I've never been in this situation before. I do know that this situation is delicate and should be taken slowly and with care. One wrong move and it's over. However, I believe you'll figure it out. You're smarter than you think, and you have me and the others to support you. You're not alone in this k?" Jay stated. 

Nya smiled and leaned over to plant a light kiss on Jay's cheek, "Thanks Jay, I needed that." She answered. 

Jay blushed and looked away. Jay's mind swam with questions, awe, and excitement. 

Nya frowned as she put a hand on Jay's forehead. Then she stood up excitedly, "Jay! You're fever broke!" Nya exclaimed. 

Jay looked at her in confusion and then whooped in excitement, then his head throbbed again, and he groaned, "Maybe my fever broke, but I'm still sick." Jay muttered.

"Well at least now you'll start recovering." Nya stated with a smile. Then she pulled out her phone and checked the time. "I better get going Jay, I'll see you soon?" Nya asked as she put her phone back in her pocket.

Jay nodded, "See you later Nya." Jay answered with a grin. 

The door shut after Nya and Jay leaned back with a smile on his face. Then he remembered the voice...

Jay slowly got out of bed and grabbed his mic. "Mayday Mayday, everyone online. This is code red." Jay stated into the mic. He waited for everyone to get online. 

"Sup?" Fire asked into the mic.

Jay noticed that Fire's voice was heavy as if he had been sleeping or something. "Hey Fireboy, this is important I need everyone online...Now." Jay stated.

Fire fell silent and Jay could tell he was curious.

"Alright." Fire replied.

"Hey Lightning, what's going on?" Earth asked into the mic.

"I'll explain in a minute, we need to wait for the others." Jay answered.

"I'm on." Energy stated.

"Same." Ice added.

After a few minutes Water was online. "Here, sorry for the wait I had some stuff going on." Water apologized. 

"It's fine Water." Jay answered her.

"What's going on Lightening? Why did you send a code red?" Energy asked curiously.

Jay took a deep breath, "I believe we have a new enemy." Jay declared. Then Jay told them his dream, though he left out Nya's name.

"Lightening it was a dream. It doesn't necessarily mean anything." Ice stated.

"It wasn't just a dream!" Jay shouted.

Everyone fell silent.

"Seriously? Nobody believes me?" Jay asked.

There was more silence. 

"Listen Lightening. It's not that we don't believe you, it's seems kind of ridiculous don't you think?" Water answered after a moment.

"I'm not exaggerating guys." Jay said.

Then Fire talked. "I believe you Lightening." Fire stated.

Jay perked up, "Really?" Jay asked.

"Not you too Fire." Ice muttered.

"No, you listen Ice. The same goes for all you dickheads. Do you guys really think that Lightening would make this up?" Fire declared.

Energy started saying something, but Fire cut him off. "And what about the crime rates. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed that there has been no criminal activity for the past two or three days. That's got to mean something." Fire added. "Listen I'm not saying that we blindly believe this, but I think we should take it into, I've been hearing the voice too." Fire stated.

Everyone fell silent for a moment to take the information in.

"I say we listen to them. If Fire has been hearing it too than it for sure means something. And I agree that the decrease of criminal activity means bad news." Earth said after a moment.

Jay relaxed, "Thanks Earth, you too Fire. I appreciate it." Jay answered.

"Alright. How about we talk about this on Sunday? We can meet up at the cemetery." Energy suggested.

Everyone stated their agreement, and they all went offline.

Jay sighed and turned to walk back to his bed when he saw his mom and dad staring at him in wonder and amazement.

"Mom! Dad! What are you doing in here?" Jay asked nervously. He realized that they had overheard that whole conversation. 

"Jay? You're the lightening ninja?" Edna asked. 

Jay sighed and looked down. "Y-yes I am." Jay replied. Then Jay looked up at his parents. "Mom. Dad, you can't tell anyone about this. It's top secret." Jay stated.

Eda and Edna pulled him into a hug, "Don't worry dear. we'll keep your little secret." Edna stated with a wink. 

"Be careful Jay. Being a ninja isn't something to be taken lightly. It's dangerous work. Ed said with a frown.

"I'll be fine dad. I've been training for years. Plus, we don't deal with that big of crime." Jay replied with a grin. Jay pulled away and lied down on his bed. "Now I'm going to take a nap, because I'm tired." Jay stated with a yawn. 

Edna kissed his forehead. "Sweet dreams Jay." Edna whispered. She pulled away and followed Ed out of the room. Jay smiled and closed his eyes. comment...

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