Chapter 37

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"Lloyd!" Kai yelled as he helplessly watched Lloyd be dragged out of the room. The door slammed behind him, cutting of Kai's words. 

Kai looked around and to his dismay realized he was locked in. 

A large shadow blocked out the light above Kai, he looked up and glared at the figure that loomed over him.

"What do you want from me?" Kai asked.

The shadow grinned, if that was even possible. "I don't want anything from you. I want you." The figure replied.

Kai stared at it for a minute. Soon it lunged at him, but Kai rolled off the bed and fell to the ground before it could grab him. Stars danced in Kai's eyes as his vision blurred. He felt his stomach and realized that the drop had undid all the work his body had put in to heal his wound. Kai felt like falling asleep, but he resisted and pushed himself off the ground. 

Kai stood up shakily and held his stomach as he watched the shadow slowly approach him.

Kai grabbed what was closest to him, which turned out to be a vase with flowers in it. Kai pulled out a flower and then chucked the vase at the shadow. The shadow looked down as the vase went right through him and he continued his approach.

Kai face-palmed himself. "I'm so stupid." Kai thought. Kai looked down at the flower he was holding and smiled. "To grab me this guy has to make himself solid. So, that means while he's reaching out to grab me, I can make a move." Kai thought. It wasn't the best plan, but it was all he had.

"Common and grab me already. You're so slow." Kai taunted.

The shadow growled and came closer. 

Twelve feet...eight feet...five feet... 

"Not yet." Kai thought. Kai's body was tense and was aching to run, but he forced himself to keep still.

The shadow lunged out to grab him and at the last second Kai dove out of the way...but Kai forgot one important detail...

"What the-?" Kai asked as Kai felt something or someone latch onto his back and drag him towards the wall. 

"Let me go!" Kai shouted.

The first shadow opened the window and jumped out while the second did the same with Kai still in his arms.

"Sleeeep." The first shadow said as he held something up to Kai's nose.

Kai's eyes grew heavy when he started breathing in air. It wasn't normal was thick and smelled strange.

The last thing Kai remembered before he drifted into unconsciousness was being dragged towards an alleyway nearby.

*End of flashback*

Kai glared at Alptraum who was standing above him. Kai was locked on a strange metal bed. Kai forgot what they were called. 

Kai had woken up to a bright, painful light shining directly above him. By now that light was really killing Kai's eyes. 

"Could you like maybe turn down the brightness of the light please?" Kai asked politely. 

Alptraum growled but turned it down.

Kai wasn't dumb. Alptraum was only being nice, so he could get something in return. Kai just didn't know what.

"So... why do you want me here?" Kai asked.

Alptraum sighed, "I want you to join me." Alptraum answered.

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