Why her?! (Chapter 1)

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Sagiso POV

Once again, here I am, saving the world. With a sick twist of fate, I thrive in the pleasure of saving people, no matter how much it rots me on the inside.

I flicked my hand, smashed that horned woman's body to the ground with my sword. The world shook with a blast of hot air erupted from her bleeding chest and I took a step back while I pulled on my hood, the wing ear flaps drifted behind me. When the sultry wind halted, shadows covered my red irises, laid softly on the fading demon queen.


"WE DID IT!!" My party members cheered, whooped as they ran towards me and embraced me tightly. I flitched, laughed while the foreign gang towered over me, continued with their hoots and hurrahs.

"Riiight..." I mumbled, peered my eyes past them and at the swirling portal. I held my breath and closed my eyes when I shivered at our skins touching. I have to get home now, I saved the world, this is enough! But I can't get away from them, it ruins the mood...

"That was so quick, wasn't it? It only took a month to defeat the demon queen! I thought it would take years..." Our mage placed her hand on her chest while she backed away from the group hug, and smiled gently. Book in one of her hands, a light smile next to her beauty mark. I chuckled awkwardly out of their grasp, still flushed by the mistake I made that prompted me to be this fast. I speed runned this session, on average it would take about 3 months to complete it but... That day at the bar... Ack. I needed to get out of here as soon as possible...

Just thinking about it made me cringe, so I puffed out my frustrations. I stared at my handy work, pillars knocked down, blood splatter on the ground, demons with ice pierced them and pinned into the wall. The ground had been filled with fissures and barely held the floor together. I focused back into the portal in front of the human skull shaped throne of what used to be the demon lord's seat. The swirl of the blue light with feather symbols was like a wisp in the wind, it could disappear at any moment.

"Okay! So I, Uh, being a summoned hero still have a lot of things to do and... Yeah! Goodbye everyone!" I turned on my heel towards the throne before a loud, "WAIT A SECOND, MY DEAREST HEROINE!" What kind of cliche...-

I flipped my head in his direction, the healer of our party stood there and puffed his chest out. A white robe draped around him, staff with a green crystal wrapped around gold.

"Hah? The fuck are you gonna tell her? HHMMMMMMMMMM?" The princess, and ironically the berserker in our party asked him. Her skirt that fell all the way to the floor with wavy flames, at front had been cut to a reverse u shape along with her shorts with shimmers that blinded my eyes.

"I-I want to confess something to you..."

"I'm in love with you! Feathers of Salvere, Miss Hero!" He made a deep bow, stared at the marble below as he reached out his hand in front of me. When I heard such a confession, I covered my mouth, but a "Pft..." couldn't be held back.

"HAH?! Are you kidding me?! Aren't you my boyfriend?!" Kaneko, the princess, argued. She pulled on his collar, lifted him up and made him face her, her sharp teeth crashed and hissed. Brass knuckles on her hand, blade from her fingers and pointed directly at our healer. He turned purple, before he opened his mouth,

"Shut up! I was just using you for the money!" He screamed back, and she pounded him on the ground, then lifted her chin. The boy crashed into the floor and a crater outlined his body. Bruises formed on his arms before he lifted up his staff and healed himself. She scoffed, "Whatever! You're just another one of my boytoys anyway! Don't be a cocky asshole!"

ShokanTeiru: Why me for her bittersweet summoning? (GL Yuri Isekai Story)Where stories live. Discover now