A Run In The Rain (Chapter 38)

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Kaneko POV

"Why the ever loving fuck would I ever just stand in the rain?" Jie wouldn't act this stupid, did she eat something strange?

As the liquid made her hair glossy, her chuckle made some of the water on the tips had dropped to her uniform.

"The coldness gets rid of all the messy things in my head, maybe it can work with you too." Sagiso ran up to me again and grabbed my wrist.

"Wait my Uniform!–" I opened my mouth to stop her, but I tripped forward from her pull and soft taps fell on my head. She continued to drag me forward, and since I needed my balance, I had no choice but to chase after her. The splash of my shoes splattered on my socks, the mud stained the corners of my skirt.

The grime and the stickiness sloshed against my skin, "Seriously what the hell?!"

Despite the wish to glare at her, my eyes softened at the sight of her large grin. Her skin sparkled with the lace of water, even the heavens parted the sky to shine a light on that girl.

"Aren't you the one who taught me to just enjoy things?" She pulled me further, a red gaze completely set on me. Despite all of the whispers and gossip of the students that surrounded us in the rain, she didn't bat an eye at them.

"Since fucking when?!"

"Your style and behaviors!" She exclaimed, pulled me and gripped my hands in her tiny palms.

"What the hell are you even talking about?! And you hate attention, why are you doing this all of a sudden?!"

"Where's the Kaneko who doesn't care what other people think?" She countered, and I narrowed my eyes down at her but she only gave a smile back.

"Shut it! I'm just worried about you! You're suddenly spouting all of this shit! Why are you overjoyed over me failing?!" I screamed, but then as soon as another raindrop fell on my skin, my voice had softened. "Aren't you disappointed?"

"We all knew this was coming, Kaneko. It's not really your fault." Sagiso rolled her eyes and glanced up at the rain, droplets on her expression.

"What do you mean it wasn't my fault?! I was being careless again! I hurt someone and-"

As she whipped her head to face me again, the water dropped down her face towards her chin.

She let go of my hands and pointed over at it, "Look! We're matching."

"What? That's stupid." I scoffed. Had she talked about my tears? That's just a weird way, Jie suddenly became brain dead...

"Are you trying to cheer me up? You're doing a pathetic job."

"You're not crying or grumpy anymore, so, yeah, right. A pathetic job." Sagiso rolled her eyes and gave a pout. Her sarcastic tone was clear, and I blinked down for a moment.

"I..." I widened my eyes and lips parted.

Jie wasn't wrong.

The stick on my socks, the melted ice that dripped on my head that made me shiver, and the odd behavior that the Hero had done made me completely disregard what I had felt earlier.


"You're really easy to predict and understand, Kaneko." She took a step forward and lifted both of her hands towards my cheeks. She pressed against it, squished my face as I narrowed my eyes down at him.

"So, if he truly did know you, if he really did want to be your lover, he would understand how you act. If he wasn't blinded by something called infatuation, someone who is as logical as a noble could tell that you weren't going to last for so long." Sagiso scoffed at me, the gentle smile on her face wasn't removed for how long.

ShokanTeiru: Why me for her bittersweet summoning? (GL Yuri Isekai Story)Where stories live. Discover now