In Same Body?! (Chapter 23)

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Sagiso POV

That voice it sounds just like–

"Sahoka?" I whispered as I stood up and backed away.

"Oh? You actually recognize me?! That's a surprise, I never took you for someone who's perceptive, boyfriend." The girl got out of the shadows and gave a low giggle. "But I never actually knew you were a girl... Are you two homosexuals? As far as I remember this country doesn't really approve of that..."

"How many times do we have to tell you we're not dating!" I exclaimed, a bead of sweat fell to the side of my cheek while she only giggled. She swatted the thought away, and then glared over at Kaneko with a smile.

"Wait, who the fuck is she? What do you mean Sahoka??" Kaneko glared back at Sahoka, but flipped her head at me.

"Mi-miss?! You don't recognize me?" Sahoka gasped. "Oh, I suppose it's because of these thick glasses! That little girl has no sense of fashion, doesn't she?"

She chuckled and hung her thumb on her glasses. She lowered it to a desk, then took out a bright red ribbon on the pocket inside her blazer. She slicked back her messy bangs and tied it up to a ponytail. With a bounce of her hair and a clear smirk on her face... Her aura was completely different.

Kimiaki and Sahoka...? They do have the same features, but what is even going on anymore...? Why is she talking like she's a different person? Little girl...? Really??

"THAT ANNOYING WAITRESS?!" Kaneko exclaimed, pointed over at Sahoka with a yell.

"Do you not even remember her name?! Are you not concerned about this VERY weird thing?!"

The two of them don't feel like the same person.

Kimiaki hates confrontation, Sahoka teases often. Kimiaki is usually hunched back to seem more non threatening, while Sahoka has a confident grin on her face always.

"Listen, I don't remember the names of people I don't care about."

"Geez a little harsh, girlfriend..." Sahoka made a light sigh and shook her head, but the grin was kept on her face.

"C-can you explain what is happening? I don't get it, are you just acting or..."

"Acting? Of course not! Do you think that little girl would work as someone who talks to different people all day? Poor girl, she doesn't like it at all." Sahoka shook her head and giggled in amusement.

"Why the hell are you speaking like that?! I mean, Jie is right, you've really become bonkers!" Kaneko stomped forward, gritted her teeth. What event triggered this situation? She cried and panicked, I don't know for what reason but... Was it because of her sobs or was it the reason she acted that way?

"Don't be rude, just because I said weird, that doesn't mean she's acting crazy! I'm just confused!" She's putting words in my mouth again!

I shook my head while Sahoka scoffed at us again. "Come on lover birds, fighting even here? I thought you two would know better."

She sat on a chair and straightened her back, then she gestured for us to sit down.

"I'll tell you both, but I would like it if you two would calm down." Those words cut both of our thoughts, Kaneko opened her mouth to speak but I sat down before she could. The words were shoved back inside her mouth, and she followed suit with a groan.

"Now can you fucking explain already?"

"Hmm, so to put it simply, there are many personalities inside this body." Sahoka blurted out.

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