Why Do You Always Insist? (Chapter 17)

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Kaneko POV

"I..." I paused.

"I don't know, I want to know more about you. Since you're the hero and all, even if the world sees us as a group of friends that defeated the demon lord... There was always this wall between you and us, you were kind, but you never said anything about yourself. You knew us, but we never knew you. Yurie agreed with me too." I glanced down at the ground, fiddled with the grass below me.

"Because I want to remind you, this is just a contract. Nothing more than a job, okay? I do something for you, I get something in return. That's how summonings work."

"See! That's what I'm talking about!" I ripped the blade of the plant, the roots and some chunks of earth came along with it. Sagiso blinked at the hole on the ground and pressed her lips together.

"You get so serious about this all of a sudden when earlier you were just talking normally! I don't get it! It hurts, okay?! It hurts! I feel like you're someone close to me, then you just switch up when I ask more about you!" I screamed, threw the grass at her. My voice cracked from my raised voice, I choked on my anguish and panted.

And once again, this mind that I have goes down and down until I further cannot escape from its flames.

I should have kept it inside, but I know I'm a ticking time bomb. There is no use for gentleness in this world, I have to express the bare truth. I don't understand how long I've kept this in my heart, I always just slapped everyone with honesty.

Don't make me feel bad.

Don't make me feel guilty.

Don't look at me like that.

The soil splattered just a few inches away from her legs, and the hero just froze up. A spicy fizz melted my eyes, spilled down to the ground. I sobbed as my vision blurred, tears of frustration splashed out in all directions. I surrendered my heart to the Hero that just stood there while I glared down at the ground.


"I'm done! Okay?! I'm fucking done! I don't care about love, I don't care about men anymore! Even though that's what I want to do! I want to love, I want to kiss a boy, I want to get my happy ending!" All of the air inside of my lungs pushed out along with sobs. My lips quivered, hands grabbed the ground once again.

"I don't know what you did to me... But I just don't want to do those things anymore. I want to be with you, I want to know you more, it's so annoying! I hate it! Ever since we defeated the demon lord it was always like this! I wanted to distract myself by making friends with Yurie, but it didn't work! I tried to date someone, but it didn't work! I was finally at my edge and just summoned someone to help me with this constant ache in my heart!

But then you fucking showed up!"

Sagiso POV

"Ah..." No words could come out of my mouth, it was a full confession on how she hates me so much. Kaneko held this for so long, why didn't she just say it to me? That is what she has always done, after all. Why keep it in for so long?

Maybe she got embarrassed, but this is clearly frustration and rage... No, she isn't frustrated over me, she's irked over these feelings. But why doesn't she understand why she feels that way?

"Is it hatred...?"

"I know what hatred is. I thought it was at the start, but now I know this isn't hatred."

I reached out towards her and opened my mouth to get anything out of it, but in the end nothing had escaped it. I have an idea on what it really is, but I have to sweep those thoughts under the bed. After all, there was no way a supposed straight girl would feel that way towards me out of all people.

ShokanTeiru: Why me for her bittersweet summoning? (GL Yuri Isekai Story)Where stories live. Discover now