Twin Siblings? (Chapter 24)

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Third Person POV

A girl had the sides of her head tied up to a bun on the back with some strands of green, letting her curly brown hair flow down to her waist. Underneath the waves of mocha hair had been dyed a light green that hung to her chest. In the middle of her bun was a pink begonia flower along with smaller white flowers sprinkled around it.

"Are you sure you already put water and the towels inside?! I need to se–" She leaned over the back of the carriage while she tugged her light green skirt upwards so she could take a closer look, but before she could move forward a hand grabbed the back of her dress and pulled her away.

"It's fine, Mihasu. I double checked it for you, stop being such a worrywart." With a stoic glare, a brown haired girl halted the movement of Mihasu. Spiky bangs fell down to her blue eyes, white and red on each opposite side of cheek on her bouncy layered hair. She held her fish braids to her chest and played with the random red strands of her hair with a small sigh.

"Riane! Mihasu! Ready to go to Khryrius?! I sure am! I wonder what The Fiance would be like~" The twin sibling of Riane had the same blue eyes and spiky bangs. However, the white and red were slicked back to the side of their head, and formed a half tied ponytail. The hair that had been cut just below their nape, the shortness of it paired up with their prince-like clothing gave them a fairly masculine look compared to their sister.

"Clearly she's a brat! I know you've heard the rumors about her!" Mihasu exclaimed while she stood next to the other princess, a pout on her lips.

"I don't think Seba cares. They just want someone strong." Riane glanced up at the slightly taller Mihasu and rolled her eyes. "Either way, best be careful. She's still a Hero, remember? I know you want to fight her, just tell her not to break your bones."

"I don't want to heal either of you again." Mihasu grumbled.

"You say that like you didn't beg to come with us." Riane snapped back with the same monotonous cold tone.

"Th-that was because I wanted to see the wonderful dresses that they have! Different cultures mean different dresses! I need to help Mama and Mother with their work! Being in Afosíosi Magic Academy is costly enough!" Mihasu argued back, snarled at Riane.

"You do know we can just pay you, right? Like I know you're a commoner and all, but since you're our maid means we can help you!~ Besides, you always save us whenever we get in trouble~" Seba elbowed Mihasu lightly, and she snapped her head towards the shorter royal with another glare.

"I have pride, you know! And I'm not a maid, I'm just your caretaker no matter what contract we have! We're just a fallen noble family! I'm still an Amatarini even if my last name is Hayami..." She lowered her gaze, gritted her teeth.

"That will change to Gakerumi, no worries." Riane immediately replied with the same robotic stare at Mihasu, before she opened the door to the carriage and went inside.

"Wh-wha?! Do you really want to be with me that badly?!" Mihasu turned red, before she gestured to Seba to get inside.

"You two aren't even engaged yet!~ How cute~" The teasing twin only giggled at the sight of their two childhood best friends that bickered with each other, and sat on the red cushion.

"Haven't we promised each other when we were kids? Don't tell me you forgot." Riane scoffed as Mihasu crawled in, gritted her teeth and shook her head. "As if I can forget it when you remind me EVERY SINGLE DAY! The nobles won't accept a maid marrying a royal!"

"It wouldn't matter if I convince Mother and Mom, I'll put an earring on your ears as a sign of our love, as my parents have traditionally. I promise you."

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